346. New family.

Jamie sat in his car for so long the sky turned from blue to black. He watched the entrance and exit of so many people, seemed tonight was a busy night for them. Knowing he should not waste so much time and the commissioner was already waiting for the report that he had successfully taken power from the corrupt chief of police only made him more interested in peacefully watching the station. He had not been back to the station for so long it was like he had never left. He was not there to see the place he was arrested but instead to see what the people had done in his absence. He had to admit he was still shocked at how the station had been turned into a haven for the corrupt police. He was surprised no one had talked about it before but there was no time for that now. 

"Okay Jamie it's now or never." He said to himself pushing the door open, he turned to look at the convoy of cars that sat patiently, waiting that was until he was out of his car.