Chapter 9: Team Natsu Is In Big Trouble


"Galuna Island, huh?"

He then closed his eyes and let his mind drift off to sleep.


Ramza was sprawled on the ground, staring at the sky. Sweat poured down his face as he breathed hard. He glanced at his right hand, which still gripped his wakizashi.

"Hey, get up! We aren't done yet!" Ramza looked up to see a familiar redhead coming towards him.

"Can't we get a break, Erza?" He pleaded.

"Fine." She stabbed her sword into the ground. "But only for a little while."

Ramza sat up and held his own sword in his two hands. It was a day after Natsu suggested the mission at Galuna island. He had declined, due to him being severely outpowered. Lucy could take it on, Ramza thought, since she held a lot of Celestial Spirit Keys and she had proven her magic skill. Natsu was a no brainer, that guy could torch a town if he wanted to. If Erza or Gray had come, they would probably come out fine. But not him. The power gap between him and the others was too great.

That's the reason why he agreed to Erza teaching him requipping magic: to shorten the power gap between him and the other people in team Natsu. But so far, Erza's efforts were fruitless. After telling him the detailed parts of the magic, they attempted for Ramza to place his wakizashi inside the pocket dimension, which he would then summon back.

After trying for twenty minutes, Ramza fell down on the dirt. The amount of concentration and magic power required to cast the spell to transport the sword into the pocket dimension was surprisingly huge. How Erza did it so quickly and without effort, he had no idea. She had told him to imagine it as some sort of bag you could bring anywhere; you could place and take anything from it.

Ramza drew a circle with curved patterns into the air, and struck it. "Aqua." A ball of water descended on him and doused him from head to toe. Ramza thought that it would somehow revitalize himself, to relax his body.

Erza sighed at him. "You're just using up your magic energy."

Ramza wrote another symbol in the air: three spirals in a cone. "Aerogan." A strong breeze went past him, completely drying his clothes.

He glanced at Erza. "By the way, this magic of mine doesn't use much magic energy."

It was true: He could cast about five of his Sacred Script spells for every one wind make magic spell that he had. They are really useful in a pinch, especially when one is running out of magic energy. The downside is that the caster must not be interrupted, and the caster must stand still when writing.

"That's enough resting." Erza said, "Let's try that again."

Ramza stood, holding his sword in front of him. He closed his eyes and forced the weapon in his hands to disappear. He imagined it being placed somewhere, neatly hung on a wall. He waited a minute and opened his eyes, but his wakizashi was still in his hands.

"It's not working!" Ramza said in frustration, "I must be doing something wrong..."

"Well, how did you visualize storing it?" Erza asked.

Ramza put a hand to his chin. "I kinda felt like pushing it or something?"

"Perhaps you're forcing it too hard. Try again, but this time, try to let it flow freely." Erza suggested.

"Like some sort of breeze?"

"Since that is your affinity, yes."

"Alright, then. Again."

Ramza held the sword in front of him again. He took a deep breath and willed the sword to fade like a warm breeze into the wind. A sensation flowed through him as his closed eyes felt light for a second. He opened them, and was surprised to see the sword had disappeared.

"It's gone!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, into the other dimension." Erza confirmed. "Now, try summoning it."


He then thought of the sword materializing in his hand in the form of little tiny pieces. He felt the sensation and the light again, and the sword had reappeared into his hand.

"Haha! I've done it!" Ramza whooped.

"Excellent!" Erza smiled at him. "Now that you've got that finished, I recommend you to practice with it everyday."

"Man, this is gonna be tough." Ramza sighed, "Sacred Script, Wind magic, and now Requip magic. Not to mention my sword skills and marksmanship. It'll take some time to fully master them."

"Indeed." Erza said, "Get your bow and arrows."

Ramza did as he was instructed. He placed them at his feet.

"I want you to place them in the pocket dimension."

He then concentrated, the bow and missiles disappearing into thin air.

"Now, unsheathe your sword." Erza said.

Ramza did so, but then a thought hit him. "Are we gonna do all of them at the same time?"

Erza nodded. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."

Ramza sweatdropped. "I hope so."

"Use your magic when necessary. Focus on requipping."

"I understand."

"Let us begin."

And for the rest of the morning, the two of them trained. Erza did not relent, pressing on with her sword. Ramza ducked and dodged, bow in hand. He constantly called in arrows from the pocket dimension to notch and fire, but he needed to concentrate to summon the arrows, which was hard to do so when a lady is charging at you with a very sharp sword.

When his stock was diminished, he requipped back to his wakizashi, which was the only other weapon in his pocket dimension. He blocked the attacks that Erza sent him, but would soon be overpowered if he continued playing defense.

He stepped back, trying to cast the Sacred Script spell for fire, but there wasn't enough time as Erza was coming for him, her sword in the air. He then placed his hand in front of him, casting a magic circle.

"Wind Make: Buckler!" A small, round shield materialized on his left arm which seemed to be made of fast moving winds. Erza's sword struck down to meet it.

Suddenly, the sword jerked to the side violently, as if it were on a fast moving conveyor belt. It was flung aside, getting embedded in a nearby tree. Erza looked at Ramza, who glanced at the buckler as it quickly expanded. The shield then dissipated in a loud blast of winds, making Erza leap back in alarm.

"What was that?" Erza asked.

"Wind Buckler. Got it as an idea when Gray made his ice shield." Ramza explained, "I can't make it as large as he could, but this is what I came up with. It deflects anything that touches it, but when it can't, it explodes in a blast."

"Creative." Erza complimented, "But not enough."

She then dashed forward in a sprint, requipping a new sword in her hand. He tried to summon the shield again, but his magic energy had run out. He held his sword to deter her strike. She swiped at his side and Ramza went to block it, but it was a feint and she kicked his legs from under him, knocking him down on his butt.

"Urgh..." Ramza groaned, "I thought you said that you'll go easy on me..."

"And I did." Erza pulled him up. "I think that's enough for today."

"Yeah, I think so too." Said Ramza, while rubbing his behind.

The two of them made their way back into the guild, where the guild members were shuffling around nervously. Erza walked to the master who was sitting on the bar counter, who was deep in thought.

"Master, what's happened?" She asked.

Ramza looked around. "Yeah. The guild seems restless."

Makarov sighed. "It seems that Natsu and Lucy took an S-class quest."

"An S-class quest?" Erza was shocked.

"The one on Galuna Island, to be exact." The master confirmed.

"They actually went through with it?" Ramza said, astonished.

"What do you mean, they actually went through it?" Erza glared at him.

Ramza raised his hands in defense. "Uh, they showed me the job request paper?"

She continued glaring at him. "And?"

"They invited me to join them in it, okay?" Ramza said exasperatedly, "I declined, mostly thinking that I couldn't take on the job 'cause I'm too weak compared to them!"

Erza's face softened. "You shouldn't think of yourself like that..." Her glare returned, "But you shouldn't have let them run off!"

"I thought that they wouldn't push through with it!"

"Now, now Erza." The master said, "Don't be so harsh on the boy. I've already sent Gray to pick them up."

"Where to?" She asked.

"They went to the town of Hargeon." The master frowned, "Why do you ask?"

"Knowing Gray, he'd probably join them instead of bringing them back." Erza grumbled.

"Ah." Makarov sweatdropped, "You're right."

"How come you didn't ask anyone else?" Ramza raised an eyebrow at the old man.

"I have." Master Makarov glanced behind him at a certain blonde.

"Laxus." Erza's hands tightened.

The blonde just sent a coy smile at her, infuriating Erza.

She glowered at Laxus, but then turned to the master. "I'm going to get Natsu and the others and bring them back to Fairy Tail."

"And Ramza's coming with me." Erza looked at her comrade with a face of challenge, "You said that you're weak? This job will determine that."

Ramza looked to the side. "Uh, I'm not sure..."

Erza crossed her arms. "You still have to make up for not telling me about this."

He just sighed. "I guess so..."

"Then it is decided." Erza looked at the master, "Ramza and I will bring them back home."

The master nodded gravely. "Please do. Their fate rests in your hands."

Erza began to walk out of the guild. "Prepare the things that you need. Meet me in front of the carriage station in twenty minutes."

Ramza then made his way home, packing spare garments and supplies in his pack. He also dropped by the fletcher, purchasing a large amount of arrows. He stored them in the pocket dimension, also checking to see if his wakizashi and his bow were still in there. After making sure everything was in place, he headed toward the carriage station, where Erza was waiting for him.

The two of them paid for the ride and boarded a carriage, headed for Hargeon. The ride was slightly awkward, for it was the first time Ramza rode alone with Erza. The last time he rode on one was with both Natsu and Lucy, but that didn't really count since he had slept all the way. Conversation topics flew around his head, but Erza spoke first.

"You packed well?" She began.

Ramza nodded. "Yeah. I've brought some clothes, as well as some food and all that."

"And your weapons? I trust you restocked your arrow supply."

"I bought a lot of arrows, so I should be fine. They're stored in the pocket dimension."

"I see."

A silence passed, and it hit Ramza that he now had the responsibility of furthering the conversation. 'What the heck do I talk about?' Ramza thought, 'The weather or something?'

He decided on conversing about the job that Natsu and the others took, "So this Galuna island, what's up with it?"

"The townsfolk near that island say that it is cursed, that it is filled with fearsome monsters." Erza said.

"And these people posted about that 'Help Us' job?"

"No." Erza shook her head, "The people on that island themselves requested assistance."

"So, they asked us for help about the island being cursed?" Ramza put a hand to his chin, "For the size of the reward that they're offering, it might be a bit more than some regular curse."

"Indeed." She nodded in agreement. "We should be prepared for whatever the island has."

"Hopefully, yeah." Ramza glanced at his hand, which he had just used a while back for requipping magic.

"Are you still worried about your magic?" She asked.

"Yeah." He then summoned his wakizashi to his hand, gripping it tightly. "I just really don't know if I can handle this sort of stuff."

"You will be fine. I did train you, after all." Erza reassured.

"Yeah, I guess so." Ramza rubbed the back of his head sheepsihly, "Thanks."

"By the way, where did you learn to use the sword and bow?" Erza questioned, "I haven't asked, and you seem very well trained for your age."

"My father gave me some good instructors and I trained ever since I was little. When I realized that I couldn't use magic then, I stuck to my physical training. The sword and bow comforted me when my magic couldn't." Ramza answered.

Erza smiled. "You somehow remind me of myself when I was younger."

"Oh, really?" Ramza said, surprised. "Gray said the same thing too."

"Did he now?" Erza raised an eyebrow, "Well, maybe we're all similar."

They then felt the carriage come to a stop. Ramza peered outside the window and saw a vast town connected with the ocean.

"Here we are, folks!" The driver of the carriage announced, "Hargeon!"

The two of them alighted the carriage and bid farewell to the driver. Ramza looked at the orange setting sun descending on the horizon.

"Hey, it's soon to be dark." He said, "Let's find a place to stay the night."

"I think we should find a vessel first." Erza offered, "We can sleep on the island."

"Uh, isn't that a little uncomfortable?"

"There." Erza pointed at a moderately large ship which was docked at the harbor. "Let's board it and tell them to sail to Galuna."

"Hang on-"

Erza cut him off by running toward the ship that she had just pointed at. Sighing, Ramza ran after her. Glancing at the ship, he noticed that on top of its mast was a little flag which was emblazoned with what looked like a smiling pumpkin, alongside a knife and fork under it.

"Chefs?" Ramza wondered aloud.

"What are you doing!?" A voice shouted.

Ramza blinked. Erza had boarded the ship without any hesitation whatsoever, and a shirtless man intercepted her.

"You can't just step on the ship, lady!" The man yelled.

"I require passage to Galuna island." Erza declared, "Will you bring me and my comrade to it?"

"What's the racket up there?" Came a new voice.

A short and stout man came from belowdecks looking irritated. His attire suggested that he was the captain.

"The owner of this ship, I assume?" Erza raised an eyebrow at the man,

"You're darn right." The captain grumbled, "Now whatta ya here for?"

"I need a ship to go to Galuna island."

The captain stumbled back. "That place!?"

"Yes." Erza confirmed.

"No way in Neptune are we bringing you there!" The captain exclaimed, "They say that the place is crawling with demonic monsters!"

"You will bring us to the island and no one is saying otherwise!" Erza snapped.

"Boys!" The captain waved his hand and more men came. Some from the ship, some from the port and some from the inside of some barrels.

"How do they even fit in there?" Ramza asked incredulously.

"Take out the boy and capture the lady!" The captain ordered, "We'll have some fun tonight!"

"Aye!" The men then took out sharp blades and attacked them.

"Tsk. Annoying." Erza requipped her sword and swiped, tossing a few men overboard.

"Yargh!" A number of the men advanced towards Ramza, but he had already unslung his bow and notched a requipped arrow. He fired, pinning one of them to a wooden post.

They swung at him, but Ramza jumped back and shot another arrow. One of the men blocked it with his cutlass, but the force was too much and it sent him crashing against some barrels.

Erza was doing quick work on the boat, slashing down any of the men that came at her. The captain retreated to the higher part of the ship, yelling at his crewmen to keep fighting.

Ramza finished off the rest of the men on the port with a slash from his requipped wakizashi, sending them into the cold ocean waters. Erza then held the captain with her fist, raising him into the air.

The captain then agreed to bringing them to Galuna island, with a little help from Erza's sword pointed at his neck. They set off into the ocean and before long, the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon came out to say hello.

Ramza got an orange from the boat's stocks and sat on the deck, beside Erza. He munched on it, gazing into the distance. The captain was sailing the ship, since he was the only one conscious among his crew.

He glanced behind him at the two Fairy Tail mages. "Why'd you wanna go to Galuna island? That place is scary!"

"Just shut up and steer." Erza said sternly.

The men that both Ramza and her had knocked out had began coming around. The men groaned, still aching from their wounds.

"If you drop us off somewhere, you can have the boat! Please, I'm begging you lady!" The captain pleaded, "I've heard that the island is cursed and anyone who steps foot in it will become a demon!"

"I will take that chance." Erza simply said.

"But, why'd ya have to go there?" The captain wailed.

"When rules are broken, the guilty must be punished!" Erza said, her hair waving in the wind. "That is all I can tell you."

The crew members stood behind the captain, looking at her with hearts in their eyes.

"She's so cool!" Said one of them.

"And hot, too!" Another exclaimed.

"We don't like rule breakers either!" Squeaked a crew member.

"We'll help capture them, if you want!" One offered, lovestruck.

"Sure. Now let's hurry." Erza nodded.

"I wanna join your team too!" The captain said, "I'll brave that scary island for you! Set course for the cursed island of Galuna!"

"It's like they weren't even beat up by her..." Ramza said quietly.

He sighed, tossing the peeled orange skin overboard. This aught to be interesting.