after taking the mission Takeo and the group decided to stay within the adventurers inn and discuss their plan on tracking the midnight snakes.
Bami : we don't have any lead on where we should find this group. other adventurers does not know where they are either.
Jack : i asked the information desk about it but they also said that no information about the midnight snakes was left here. all the adventurers that manage to gather information about them disappeared shortly after going after them.
Akemi : isn't this mission worth more than the money they are giving? apparently no adventurer has returned after tracking them.
Takeo : we cant do anything about it. lets start investigating tomorrow, for now lets get some rest.
The next day........
Takeo : Bami, Jack, Akemi lets go. we got a long day ahead of us
as soon us the group went down the lobby....
: OYY AYOME! that happened to you?
Ayome : TH- THE M-m-mm-midnight snakesss!!! Help me and Master Mourdoq please! they are after me! but soon they will take master mourdoqs' life!!!
suddenly an explosion of black smoke envelopes the injured adventurer.
Takeo ran towards the smoke to try and save the injured adventurer but as soon as he reached the black smoke. he found the adventurers body covered with hole, similar to a snake bite.
Takeo asked the other adventurers to help him with the dead adventurer. when the body was taken care of takeo and the others ran outside.
Takeo : Jack where is bami?
Jack : he is in pursuit of the killer.
Takeo : Akemi.
Akemi : yes master.
within seconds Akemi transformed from his humanoid form to his wolven form.
Akemi : master. Bami is near and i dont smell other people with him. but i think bami stopped moving.
Takeo : alright if we come close enough we could use telepathic communication.
not long after they successfully communicated with Bami.
Jack : Oyy Bami, What is your Status?
Bami : Jack? i think i found the killer. and i think we also found the snakes den. is Takeo and Akemi with you?
Take : we are here Bami, goodjob in following the culprit.
Bami : it is my job after all.
Jack : did they know that we are following them?
Bami : i guess not. other wise they would not come straight back to their base.
Takeo : okay this is good. we'll split up. jack will come with you while akemi and i will go inside.
Bami : alright copy that tak. but you better hurry i think this snakes are moving out.
Takeo : Copy that, let's go. be safe guys.
after separating with jack and bami, takeo and akemi went inside of the building.
the snakes hide out is located in an abandoned building. jack and bami are currently watching the entrance of the building while Takeo and Akemi went inside the building. upon entering the building Takeo and Akemi saw two guys guarding a room.
Takeo : lets climb the ceiling and not get spotted.
Akemi : yes master.
after studying the layout of the building and scouting the building. Takeo and Akemi only found six other enemies guarding the building.
Akemi : master there eight total guards inside the building.
Takeo : where are the others? i dont think this group would only consist of this small members.
tug! tug! tug!
guard 1 : who is it?
? : Vesisvi, Eiko open the damn door!
Vesisvi : im sorry, Neko-san
Nekoma : We cought adventurer spies camping out infront
Dug! Dug!
Nekoma : oy nekudo stop throwing their bodies around.
Nakudo : why would i not do it? hahahahaha its fun, this guys are weak anyway.
Takeo and Akemi saw jack and bami knocked out cold and captured by the enemies.
their bodies getting thrown around by the enemy.
Akemi : Master Takeo please hold yourself. if we act hastily we might not just endanger jack and bami but we might also endanger our own lives,
Frustrations and Anger is evident in Takeos' face, but suddenly Bami talked to Takeo telepathically.
Takeo : is that so? i was about to slaughter each and everyone of them HAHA
Jack : stop it tak! focus on our mission. lets find their master.
Takeo : Alright, good job you two.
after confirming more of bami and jack status takeo and akemi continued with their mission.
Takeo and Akemi finally found a way inside the room. and when they did they heard the two guys who captured Bami and Jack talking.
Nekoma : Kudo, did you already ask for master ghost to interrogate this adventurers?
Nekudo : i did. but they are still preparing to raid that filthy royal Mourdoq.
Nekoma : yeah i forgot. we will be moving before midnight right?
Nekudo : yes. Ena and Botan is already there so no need to worry with that trash to escape.
Takeo : Akemi, find that mourdoq guy and protect him. i think he is also part of our mission, ill handle this here. bami and jack will be with me so dont worry. do whatever it takes to protect that guy!
Akemi : as you wish master.
as soon as Akemi left another guy went inside the room where jack and bami is captured and that Nekoma and Nekudo guy is waiting.
I asked akemi to protect the royal which is the target of this group.
and as soon as akemi left a guy entered the room.
He does not look like a human. just like this two guys here.
nekoma and nekudo both looked lika a cat but can speak the human language but this other guy does not look like a cat. i think they are anthropomors. they are animals that have human characteristics. this other looks like a weasel.
Nekudo : Oy rafael where have you been?
Rafael : i thought Ostiv was followed here by an adventurer so i checked but turns out you already captured them.
Nekudo : so what took you long? we haven't even see you backthere.
Rafael : i knew that you caught these two. but i feel like there is still a presence here. it was two of them earlier but one of them suddenly disappeared.
crap i think he felt my aura earlier when i saw bami and jack got captured and also sensed Akemi when he stopped my outburst. shit this might be bad.
I saw that rafael guy glance at my direction. and tried to throw his knife towards me. but suddenly the door behind them opened and two person came out form the back room.
One is tall guy wearing white butler uniform with a gold mask and red gloves. the other person is covered with all black clothes, black robe, black mask and also straps of knife throughout his torso.
this might be the head of this group.
since those three kneeled before them.
Nekoma : Master Ghost Master Smoke. we found this guys camping infront.
Ghost : Is that so? lucky for them we are somewhat busy.
Smoke : we don't have time for them right now.
Ghost : Lock them up inside the torture room
I communicated with Bami and Jack to move and capture the boses.
Takeo : ill go take the guy in black you guys handle the butler. lets move fast and not give them chance to react.
Bami & Jack : Copy that.
Takeo : Lets go!
As soon as i jumped bami and jack also freed themselves from the ropes that tied them. attacking the guy in white suit.
but as if they know what we are going to do. that nekoma and nekudo jumped infront of bami and jack and swung their blades against the two.
and while i was jumping towards the guy in black rafael threw 3 knifes towards me. those knifes where enhanced with poison.
i luckily evaded those knifes but on of those knifes scratched my shirt and within seconds my clothes began to melt.
Takeo : So those liquid within your knifes are not just poisons huh?
Rafael : whatever it is it will always kill you. so does it matter? *smirk*
Bami : Tak! i think they poses different types of poison.
Jack : no shit. they injected us paralyzing poison earlier. good thing our body was immune to this shit since we trained in the Poison bee fields.
Takeo : i guess it wont be easy going for the boss huh? OYY guy in white why do you kill these many people?
Ghost : guy in white? are you referring to me? hahaha we don't kill guys who does not oppose us.
Takeo : of course someone will oppose you, you guys are doing bad things to this city.
Smoke : is that so? what about them? have they not made any bad things?
Takeo could not answer as to he doubt that those guys are also clean.
i was caught off guard when that guy in black said those words. i could not move my body and my mind was full of thoughts.
A huge shadow appeared behind me and swung his sword towards me. i was lucky enough to escape the situation thanks to bami who rushed towards me and dragged me away from there.
Bami : tak! are you alright?
Takeo : yeah. sorry about that.
Jack : oy tak, you better keep yourself together this is not training anymore we are in the real world now.
Takeo : yeah im sorry. im okay now.
Nekoma : Monterio good timing where are the other?
Monterio : they are infront waiting for other.
Ghost : send the rest to the mansion. we'll follow you as soon as we clean this up,
Monterio : yes master.
the big guy that swung at me left. i was wondering why the other guys did not enter the room when the commotion began, i guess they trust their leaders and men enough.
Takeo : are you sure you guys are enough for us?
Nekudo : that's suppose to be our line. stupid! HAHAHAHA
Bami : look we can end this peacefully and come with us or we could end this in a blood bath.
Ghost : we talked enough lets just end this we still have matters to tend to.
Smoke : let's see who walks out of here.
Nekoma and nekudo ran towards bami while rafael dashed into jack
while the two leaders stared me right into my eyes.
i got my Kusanagi katana out and those two does not have a weapon in hand.
as i was studying their battle stance the guy in black threw his knife directed at my leg
i dodged by jumping but the guy in white appeared infront of me and threw a strong punch at me.
i blocked it but the force from that punch threw me few feet back.
Takeo : you make hella good team.
i did not get an answer from them but instead knives where thrown at me. after dodging the knives the guy in white would appear infront of me sometimes behind me and throw punches or kicks, elbows and knees. by studying the attack pattern and strikes of my opponents i can certainly say that the guy in white is a brawler and the guy in black robe is a knife expert
Takeo : *breathing heavily* you lot are strong. but now that i figured you out. please do know that im only doing my job.
Takeo dashed towards the enemies and swung his sword. but ghost and smoke dodged it
but that's what they thought as soon as they landed takeo was behind them kicked the guy in black to the head. which was blocked by the guy in white.
Black smoke appeared where smoke and ghost was standing and when the smoke cleared both of them are gone.
i glanced at bami and jack their enemies are already down.
Takeo : bami , jack are you done with them?
Bami : yeah just as you said we did not kill them. what should we do about them?
Jack : they might escape in the kingdoms jail.
Takeo : lets bring them to the adventurers building. ill Cast them binding spell so that they could not move.
Jack : where are the leaders?
Takeo : they escaped. but i think i know where they are heading. you bring this guys to the Adventurers building ill go to akemi. i think more of the enemies are there than here, he needs help.
Bami & jack : copy that.
Jack : we'll follow you there as soon as ppossible.
Takeo : alright. let's move!
i rushed over to Akemis' location and tried communicating with him.
Takeo : Akemi! could you hear me?
Akemi : yes master! the enemies are trying to infiltrate the mansion, Sir Mourdoq is currently with me but his royal guards are fighting with the enemies.
Takeo : could you tell the count of enemies outside?
Akemi : there are eleven individuals right now. and all of them are in the first floor of the mansion. we are currently at masters bedroom.
Takeo : okay hold on im near your location akemi.
Akemi : Master! two more of them have arrived and i think the Sir mourdoqs' royal guards have been defeated.
Takeo : don't worry im entering the residence.
Akemi : master they have arrived. ill fend them off as much as i can,
Takeo : alright!
the sound of Akemis' Supreme wolfman howl resonated the mourdoq residence. what followed was the sound of the midnight snake members shouting in horror.