I urge the group again until we reach the pelican before climbing aboard. I'm not sure what the rush was, but we needed to get these civilians out of here.

The pelican lifts off, and Lisa plops a seat next to me.

"Thank you. It means a lot. Not many soldiers will stop to pick up a rag-tag group of Marines. The war needs more people like you" she says leaning forward to rest on her knees.

I can hear her heart beating, and I know she's tired.

I don't respond, but I nod at least to say I heard her. I'm not really the kind of person to accept appreciation, or whatever it's called.

"You know, if you ever find yourself in some crazy wild situation, and need some help. You can always count on us to have your back. We might be just Marines, but we're determined to do our part" she says.

I felt that.

"That works both way" I mutter.

She's right though. We have better training, and weapons.

"If we meet again. You have my support" I spoke quietly, and clasp my hands together.

The pelican lands at the port where a civilian transport is waiting. Marines motion for them to move towards the transport. Kilo exits the pelican, and Lisa waves.

"For the record. My name is Dylan" I say before walking away. I pause long enough to watch the transport ignite it's engines, and rise up. The pelican leaves as well, but heads up to space.

"Let's go find Tango."

There are Marines walking around the place, and I search for a familiar armor.

"While we're here see if you can aquire more ammo, and anything else you need. Meet back here in thirty. I gotta figure out what we're doing next. " I said walking off.

Looking around it looks like the place is being used to treat injuries, and transport troops now that the civilians are safely away.

I don't even know who's in charge here.

Wandering around I see a mixture. Mostly Marines with the occasional ODST. This must be a base, but that means there has to be a commanding officer somewhere.

"Who is in charge here?" I stop, and question a soldier.

"Uh I can't say for sure. Pretty sure there are orders coming in from the Spirit of Fire up there, and higher up is Admiral Cole. But somebody is" he says without stopping.

Not sure who the captain is, but maybe we can get some orders. If I do something then the constant pain goes away.

Looking up for a second I can actually see a small glimpse of the ship.

"Sophie to Dylan"

I stop, and look up a little. My heart leaps.

"Here. Sitrep" I question.

"We're enroute to your location, and picked up Ian too. He contacted me. What are our next orders?"

"I don't know. I've been trying to find that out. I'm wondering if I am allowed to contact a ship? Marine told me the Spirit of Fire is here" I answer.

I wander around to search for the rest of my teammates. I wish I could find some food. I'm hungry. At least there is a water fountain that I don't mind using.

"We'll think of something when we get there. I think that if we wait around, and do nothing then ONI will come after us, and make us train again. Sergeant would be angry about that" She responded.

"I agree. Dylan out" I answer.

I follow some soldiers to the ammonution stash, and just reload my weapons. I need to occupy myself.

They are watching us. Spartans must be rare, or it's because we are tall. We very tall. Because of our augmentations.

"Commander" I turn, and Destiny walks up to me. Behind her shorty are the rest of the Spartans. I join them, and motion Tango to get their ammo.

"So from what I've been told the Spirit of Fire is her, or we can contact Admiral Cole. I'm not sure I want to talk to an Admiral. I don't think they're nice" I explain quietly.

"Well good news for you. I found out that in a couple minutes there are troops moving to a frozen region out North to scout. The Spirit Actual is leading it." Mathew says, and I nod.

"Let's go. We'll have to catch up. Hopefully we can tag along." I say, and wave to Mathew, "Lead on."

"The rest of Tango needs to double-time, and catch up. We need to go. We've wasted time" I raise my voice as we started to jog. I slow down long enough to let them catch up.

"Move" I say before we continue jogging.

I hesitate, and think for a moment.

"Fall in a formation. Kaleb you're my second. Mathew, and Sophie lead." I order. It just looks more organized, and disciplined. Mèndez told us that we needed to uphold an image.

Spartans are hope for humanity, and we don't need to be acting like fools. We have to be an example.

The first thing I spot are the pelicans, and a marine without a helmet. He's bald, and bulky for a marine. Tall too.

"Halt" I tell them.

After they stop I approach the marine.

"Must be dreaming. Never seen so many Spartans in one place. What can I do for you?" he questions.

I mod towards the pelican, and he glances at me.

"We're just doing recon, but if things get ugly we could use the backup. We don't exactly know what alien artifact we're going into" I nod, and he waves his arm back.

We join them on the pelicans, and I sit next to the cockpit. It makes me feel better to see everyone. Relief among the pain of my limbs. I haven't gotten any medication to deal with it like Halsey said. I will have to make due.

There won't be a way to stop the pain, she said my body will adapt to it. Like Soren has to.

The marine is in a different pelican, and ours takes us up. I hope we won't be in trouble. They are taking us to the Spirit, and I guess we will be given orders from a new superior.

The pelican gets close, and I can hear the pilot speaking to someone. Asking for permission to land. After the ships opens the hatch we get up, and my feet land on the ship.

Shaking my head my vision flashes back to the UNSC Hopeful, and I feel the tense pain in my limbs.

Looking around I can see people wandering around, and moving crates, or just walking. I don't know what to do until I catch the eye of a man walking towards us. He is older, wearing a cap, and walking with his hands behind his back.

"Sir" I say bowing my head. I can't remember if I'm supposed to salute, or not. I don't know who he is.

"Captain Cutter. Welcome aboard. What can I do for you?"


"We were escorting civillans, and I wasn't giving any other orders."

"Given" he corrects, "But none the less I'm sure Sergeant Forge may require assistance depending how the scouting goes. Meanwhile I have no problem letting you make yourself at home. Jerome, and the rest of Red team is housed up on S-Deck if you wish to join them."

I nod, and he stares for a second longer.

We turn to leave as the captain is watching for a second then does the same. I wasn't sure what he was doing. I hope I didn't do something wrong.

"You didn't salute boss. He's a captain. Have to salute to a superior. Maybe he didn't like that. At least now we have a new mission.