Sweet Brother and Sister Love.

A tear dropped,

"How dare you talk back? Don't you forget your place, daughter of a bitch!" Eu Meh flared,

"Least I forgot to mention, daughter of a murderer."

Chan Juan's heart clenched, as the tears flowed freely.

Eu Meh scoffed and left the room, living Chan Juan shattered.

On her way down the hallway, Eu Meh bumped into Guo Qiang.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Guo Qiang asked,

Eu Meh fluttered her lashes, and replied like nothing ever occurred.

"Well, I was just..." Gladly for Eu Meh, Lan Shang saved her the stress of explaining things meaningless to her.

"I hope you didn't get so much stress finding her?" Lan Shang asked Eu Meh.

"Not at all." Eu Meh replied with a wide smile. Quo Qiang looked confused.

"Okay then, the ritual will soon begin." Lan Shang said and took her leave. Eu Meh and Guo Qiang bowed their heads slightly, as per respect.

Guo Qiang raises his head up immediately she left, and didn't hesitate before he spoke.

"Did you go to see Chan Juan?"

Eu Meh obviously didn't have time to talk about such minority case, she shrugged and pushed Guo Qiang aside.

"Yes and so?"

"I hope you didn't say anything to hurt her?" Guo Qiang knew his mother so well, she hasn't been so favourable of Chan Juan.

Eu Meh scoffed,

"Go see for yourself." Eu Meh said and left.

Guo Qiang shook his head, and walked towards Chan Juan's room, where he saw Eu Meh come out from.

There was a knock on the door, Chan Juan who had been pouring tears moments ago was calm now.

She cleaned the clean lines of tears on her cheeks and proceeded to the door.

She opened it and saw Quo Qiang, standing before her.

That moment, she couldn't help control the cry any longer.

"Brother Qiang, what took you so long?" Chan Juan broke into tears.

Guo Qiang embraced her tightly,

"Hey hey, over here..."

He walked her to the bed and made her sit at the edge. He bent before her and wiped her tears, he couldn't bare to stare at this fragile yet broken eyes.

She was still too young to experience all this or rather not learned enough.

"Look here, little sister, you have me don't you?" Chan Juan nodded reluctantly, while her snort ran freely.

"I have promised you Chan Juan, I'll never let anything happen to you. You just have to be patient, okay?"

Quo Qiang spoke trying to comfort her, Chan Juan nodded again, clearing her snort and forced a grin on her face, to at least succumb to the cheering.

"That's it girl." Guo Qiang roughened her hair.

"Brother!" Chan Juan exclaimed, smoothening her hair. Guo Qiang knew, of all things, Chan Juan hated her hair been roughened by someone.

"Hehe, I know...I know."

Chan Juan smiled, and pulled him into a tight hug.

"What would I do without you Brother?"

Guo Qiang was becoming emotional, and tightened the hug, such sweet brother and sister love.

Just then, Shao Jinhai walked in, he stood at the door entrance, transfixed.

Chan Juan opened her eyes, and met his strong gaze on her.

For no reason, Chan Juan was surprised and felt numb inside of her, when she looked into those blank and dark eyes of his. She wasn't even aware, of when she called out his name.

"Shao Jinhai?"