Dark news and a plan (chapter 24)

As I left my dream world The world seemed to freeze as my screen opened.

Level up 3

Name: Ellehish

Age: 16 (19)

Mp 440/440


Spear lvl 20

Swordsmanship lvl 14

Archery lvl 10

Sneak lvl 10

unarmed lvl 7

Bonuses to Strength, speed, agility, hearing, and super nature senses from the bloodline power of a werewolf. Increased a bit more.

(Pack members total 3)

Werewolf forms: teen wolf


Illusion lvl 25

Destruction lvl 18

Green Lady magic level 15

Conjuration 10

Restoration : 4


Spells list


Vine trap/vine impale

Healing hand: heals target touched slowly

Summon Forrest familiar


None Yet



Cleaning touch: The power to convert and remove unwanted evolution traits from a willing being. One month cooldown

Taboo Collector: The ability to gain an ability that affects the soul and rarely the body, powers from different creatures, races, or monsters by collecting hearts, blood, or love juices. must be used with cleaning touch and store to be used. The number of samples varies from being to being.

Butchery passive novice - You have been taught the basics of butchery. Low-quality pelts and hides

Crafting: Novice


Elder blood power

Teleport mastery 1

Planes walking mastery 0



Frost resistance: 25 percent reduction from frost spells targeting you

Frost empowerment: 15 percent damage increase from spells.

Snow Elf: Bonus 50 Mp

Elder blood: Bonus 50 Mp

Green Lady initiates +20



Gold septims: 150 = 60

Food Tab

spell tomes tab

books and maps tab

raw resources tab Locked Requires materials

Weapons tab


Donation tab


Having spent some gold on the cheapest healing spell I could find as the others were far too expensive. I had come to learn that this store charged me 1.5x the normal price of things. And there were even some that were 5x but the good thing was that I would instantly learn the spell if I bought it on the system store.

I woke up groggily, the hazy aftermath of the battle in the dream world tugging at the edges of my consciousness. My hand instinctively found its way to my neck, tracing the outline of the scar there. a reminder of how close I came to dying. wait what about the others, I couldn't help but think as I got up from the dirty bed. noticing my discarded leather armor lying uselessly to the side, far too damaged to be of any help.

"Damn," I muttered under my breath, so I hastily donned a simple tunic and made my way out of the tavern, squinting against the first rays of sunlight that broke through the darkness.

As I stepped into the dawn, the stark reality of invasion lay before me like a gruesome tapestry. Wounded soldiers moaned in pain, their cries mingling with the anguished sobs of dying men, women, and children alike. The air was thick with the stench of blood and smoke, and every sound seemed to echo with impending doom.

"Ellehish!" A ragged voice called out, drawing my attention. It was one of the Nords, a young soldier barely out of his teens, covered in gore and clutching a makeshift bandage to his side. He was one of the regulars at the tavern that kept hitting on me. And no matter how many times I told him no in the meanest ways he would always come back.

"Help... please." His plea was weak but desperate. I hesitated, torn between my loathing for Nords and the twisted pleasure I took from seeing them suffer. But then, something inside me shifted, perhaps it was the memory of my past life on Earth.

"Fine," I said through gritted teeth, grasping the soldier's arm and helping him sit up. "I'll help you."

"Thank you..." He murmured, relief flooding his eyes. We exchanged no further words as I set to work, my fingers deftly weaving a healing spell and touching him with far more force than needed on his wound, which slowly began to close easing his pain.

"Ellehish!" Another voice shouted my name, this one stronger and more commanding. I turned to see One of the girls that worked with me in the tavern, gripping an axe in her hands. her face grim as she surveyed the carnage around us.

"Come," she said urgently, "we need you at the wall. There's something you must see."

I nodded, casting one last glance at the Nord soldier before following her. As we approached the wall, the sounds of battle grew louder, punctuated by the distant screams of the dying and tortured howls of inhuman beasts.

"Look," she said while pointing towards the horizon, where a dark mass loomed ominously. It was impossible to tell what it was, but my gut churned with dread. The hate that had originally been there had grown in size. I turned to look at her before she went to help carry the hurt away.

As I reached the gates, I could feel the oppressive tension in the air. Weary guards stood to watch, their eyes bloodshot with exhaustion and fear. Above them, archers rested on the walls, bows at the ready, scanning the battlefield for any signs of danger.

"Ellehish, over here!" Alawion called out to me, her beautiful bosmer features marred by concern. She had deer-like horns growing from her head, which only served to accentuate her otherworldly grace. Despite the situation, I couldn't help but feel a thrill at the sight of her, my perverted nature rearing its head even in times of crisis.

"Alawion, what's happening?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady as I approached the group of commanders huddled in discussion.

"An Oblivion gate has grown in size," she replied, her voice tinged with urgency. "We're trying to figure out how to close it before more Daedra pour through."

"By the gods," I muttered, casting an anxious glance toward the dark mass looming on the horizon. The commander of the guards, a grizzled veteran with a stern expression, shook his head grimly.

"We don't have much time," he said, his voice gravelly and worn. "Every moment we waste, more of those abominations claw their way into our world."

"Indeed," chimed in the head mage of the Blue Palace, Her robes billowing around her as if infused with their own life. "My magical knowledge is vast, but closing an Oblivion gate is no easy task. We must act quickly and decisively."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I demanded, clenching my fists. "Let's get this done and send those bastards back where they came from."

"Your passion is admirable," Alawion said softly, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "But we must be careful and strategic in our approach. Charging in blindly will only lead to more death."

I sighed, knowing she was right. My impulsive nature had caused me enough trouble in the past, and I couldn't afford to let it dictate my actions now.

"Very well," I agreed reluctantly. "What's the plan?"

The commander of the knights stepped forward, his armor gleaming in the rising sun. "We'll send a small team into the gate itself, a mix of warriors, mages, and scouts. Their mission will be to find the sigil stone that anchors the gate to our world and destroy it. It's the only way to close the portal permanently."

"Sounds risky," I said, unease creeping up my spine.

"Indeed, but it's our best option," Alawion affirmed, her gaze meeting mine with steely resolve.

"Alright, let's decide on who will be part of this team," Alawion said, her voice cutting through the tense air like a razor-sharp dagger. "Ellehish, you handled yourself well yesterday night so you will be one to go"

I nodded, swallowing hard as the weight of responsibility settled in my chest. As I looked around at the assembled faces, some familiar, some not, I could see that everyone was just as anxious as I was. Yet, beneath the fear, there was also determination, a shared resolve to close the gate and end this nightmare that had descended upon us.

"Arnovia, your skills with a bow are almost as good as mine, and your ability to think on your feet will be invaluable," Alawion continued. The young girl stepped forward, eyes ablaze with courage.

"Head Mage Frerelie, your expertise in magic will be crucial to our success. We'll need your offensive and defensive spells during the battles we're sure to face." Frerelie, the half-elf mage, bowed her head in acknowledgment, her dark blue eyes glittering Before landing on me.She watched me with curiosity.

"Are you sure, there both just children?" Frelelie said her eyes turning to look at Alawion.

"I know they seem young but believe me I've trained them, their skills are better than you may believe." She said calmly while looking between me and Arnovia. Frelelie looked at us with a puzzled look but didn't push the subject more.

"Commander, we'll need one of your best knights to join us," Alawion addressed the commander of the knights.

"Of course," he replied gruffly, gesturing for one of his most experienced soldiers to step forward. The man did so, his face solemn and resolute.

"Lastly," Alawion turned towards Gergs, who stood apart from the group, his eyes downcast and his voice barely audible. "Gergs, I know you feel responsible for Sorus' death, but we need you now more than ever. Your experience in battle and strategy will make all the difference."

Gergs looked up, his eyes clouded with guilt and pain. "It should've been me, not Sorus," he mumbled, fists trembling at his sides. "If only I had trained him harder, been more vigilant..."

"Enough!" Alawion snapped, her voice cold and unyielding, like the icy wind that swept across the battlefield. "We can't change the past, Gergs, but we can make sure that Sorus' sacrifice was not in vain. We need you focused on the task at hand."

"Right..." Gergs whispered, his eyes shining with unshed tears as he clenched his jaw, visibly struggling to push his grief aside.

"Once we have entered the gate and located the sigil stone, we must destroy it as quickly as possible," Alawion explained, her gaze sweeping over the group. "But we must also be prepared for the horrors that await us. This is not a mission for the faint of heart. Stay strong and stay together."

"Understood," we all chorused in grim determination, each of us knowing that our lives and the fate of this city, hung in the balance.

Gergs took a deep breath, his voice filled with determination. "I swear by the gods, I will make that horned Deadra pay for taking Sorus' life. I should have trained him harder. I should have been there to protect him." His eyes blazed with anger and the intensity of his emotions was palpable.

"Then we'll do it together," I replied, placing a reassuring hand on Gerg's shoulder. "We're going to close that gate and send these monsters back to where they belong." Once the group was decided we made our way towards the second gate entrance. The other warriors, archers, and what few mages were in the city got ready as the gate was opened.

There were no signs of the creatures being close by so we began to travel into the first layer of the city.

"Remember what Alawion said," Arnovia murmured, her eyes scanning the battlefield for any sign of danger. "Stay strong and stay together."

"Right," Gergs nodded, his jaw set in a grim line as he readied his weapon.

The stench of blood, sweat, and smoke permeated the air, making it difficult to breathe, but we pressed on, each of us steeling ourselves for the horrors that awaited us.

The acrid smell of smoke invaded my nostrils, and I felt the air thick with ash as we strode forward. The cacophony of battle tore through the atmosphere – clanging swords, guttural cries, and anguished screams punctuated by the occasional howl of a wounded Deadra.

"Watch your flank!" Alawion shouted, her arrow effortlessly piercing the throat of a Deadra that had leaped at me from the side. The creature fell to the ground, gurgling on its own blood. As I walked up and stepped on its head crushing it with force.

"Nice shot," I praised, grinning. "But you know, I could've handled it."

"Ellehish!" Arnovia hissed, her eyes wide with alarm. "Focus!"

"Right, right," I muttered, forcing my gaze away from Alawion's alluring body and back to the task at hand. My heart pounded in my chest, fueled by equal parts fear and exhilaration. "Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm not taking this seriously."

As we pressed onward, Gergs cleaved through a pack of snarling Deadra, his strength and determination evident in every swing of his weapon. "For Sorus!" he roared, each word seething with rage and guilt. I recognized where we were heading. It wasn't towards the gate but the tavern. What few creatures we battled along the way we killed quickly so as to not allow them to alert others of their kind.

Once we made it to the tavern we made our way towards the back as Alawion once again opened the hidden path down to the basement.

"Alright Ellehish in that box over there was a gift I had been preparing for you, Go put it on," she said while pointing to a crate in the corner. "Arnovia go grab the arrows we crafted, These," she said pointing to the ones she had equipped" won't cut it." and with that, I made my way towards the crate. As I opened it what greeted me inside was beautiful.

Reaching inside and pulling out a leather chest armor, but there was more the face of the troll was stretched on the front. I couldn't help but run my fingers across it as I felt every bump on its face. And as I placed it over my head to put it on I read a message that appear.

{Troll Heart Gaurd} A magical leather chest equipment, While wearing this the user will have their stamina regenerate 15 percent faster. Any damage done will repair if magic is injected through it.

Smiling from the corner of my eye inside the box I saw a pair of gauntlets. Picking them up and equipping them.

Trolls Fist: Increases unarmed strikes by 10 percent.

Not bad I thought as the sound of roots digging through the ground grabbed my attention. The root door that was in the basement had been opened. And a dark tunnel was ahead. The guard and royal knight exchanged looks while Alawion ignored their stares.

"Right come on then," she said as she lead the way through the tunnel. passing creates with obsidian tools among other things. The sound of our feet was the only sound heard for a while until we reached a ladder. As the knight climbed First I could hear him mumble something about letting the commander know about this. As the guard followed behind. I waited for everyone to climb up before I did. Honestly, it wasn't because I was afraid to be first but because I wanted to look at some ass. Thankful Frerelie had gone before me so I got a chance to peek up her dress. Damn, she had some nice legs and ass.

After I climbed out and we began to head away from the hidden entrance. I had lost track of where it was, had I not been in it I would have sworn there wasn't any entrance there. Climbing one of the nearby trees I could see the first gate of the city. There was Dadra patrolling in and around it. And the Gate further away. Most of the creatures seemed to be in the city or around the entrance with none of them guarding the oblivion gate.

"Ellehish," Frerelie called out, her voice strained as she launched a barrage of lightning magical attacks at the oncoming group of dedra. "If you have any tricks up your sleeve, now would be a good time to use them." I hadn't noticed the coming hoard but as I jumped down I shouted.

"Understood," concentrating my powers and releasing a wave of Vines from the earth that encased several Deadra in their tracks. My mind raced as I felt my magic leaving me at an alarming rate.

440=210 mp

Gritting my teeth as I prepared as one of the dedra escaped my vine trap. "No more deaths on our watch, not if we can help it."

'unless it's nords' I whispered that bit.

As we fought side by side, driven by vengeance and determination, the horrors around us only served to fuel our resolve. We would see this through to the end, no matter what it took.

"Enough!" bellowed Alawion, as she launched a particularly devastating arrow that pierced through the air, finding its way into the eye socket of the last charging Deadra. The creature stumbled and fell to the ground with a sickening thud.