Embracing the Voyage: Uncharted Hearts on Ancient Waters (Chapter 29)

(There will be lemons. Please be kind as it's my first time writing this. I've come across many stories that have the same as what I've written, so it might not be for everyone.)

As I stepped onto the bowels of the ship, it was darker than I had expected, and it took my eyes a few seconds to adjust. Arnovia was ahead of me and grabbed my hand, pulling me along, not that I minded as I entwine my fingers with hers as she led me away from the ladder. Meanwhile, Alawion shouted at us that our room was towards the back of the ship and that we would be sharing it.

Thankfully, lanterns were placed well enough that a warm glow made it easier to take in our surroundings as we walked for a bit. Still, the ship's planks felt uneven beneath my feet, and the distant sounds of the crew's activities echoed through the passages a mixture of male and female voices.

Alawion climbed down after and turned to look at us. Giving me and Arnovia a glance with a small knowing smile. "Alright, you two come along. I'll show you to your room, It's going to be smaller than what the inn room was, so you two are going to have to share the bed." She said as we followed her.

"I've talked to the captain and told me of a room we can set our stuff down, It's past the storage area. Do you think you can make it?" she asked, turning her head to look at me. I nodded, and while heavy, I could make it there, no problem.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem." Gods, I couldn't wait to drop all this stuff and get naked to rest. Evb if I was in a new world, I still had my nudist tendencys. Still, the notion of sharing a bed with Arnovia sent a thrill through me.

I'll make my move tonight, I'm not that dence as to not notice the way she acts around me. Plus, her blushing face made it even clearer to me.

Walking past some of the sailors who were busy moving crates, some greeted us with a smile while others rushed past. I could see a few of them pushing some type of wheel with a chain. it seemed to be raising something from outside of the ship.

"It's just around here," Alawion motioned as we reached a small room. As she pulled open the door, a small and I mean really small storage area was what I saw. Looking around, there were still people around us moving about.

"Could you two block me from view?" I whispered to them while looking around. It wasn't long before they stood behind me, their asses pressing into mine as they did their best to hide me.

Taking a breath, I imagined the crates in my inventory filling the tiny room. they barely fit side by side in there. All in all, I managed to fix all four crates in there. But the rest of our stuff I'd have to keep with me, like our clothes, and some furs.

There were even a few books in there. But for now, the weight was gone, and I could move around like normal again.

"By Y'ffre, that feels so much better," I said while letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, rubbing my neck with one of my hands as I stretched.

"I see you've come to enjoy my stories," She mused with a small smile. " Though I'm no spinner Im glad you have come to see Y'ffre as one of your gods" I couldn't help but chuckle, if only she know what I was, maybe ill tell her someday.

"Nevertheless, thank you cub, you've done enough for today. Let me take you both to your room," Alawion commented as she placed her hand on my back. Nodding my head as I closed the door and turned to face them.

"Right, if you need a change of clothes, just come find me," I told them with a grin. With a shake of her head, she began to lead us back to the second level of the ship. It was starting to sway, which made it difficult for me and Arnovia to walk. Almost falling onto each other more than once.

Arnovia and I exchanged a glance as Alawion didn't seem to struggle like we did to walk. Some of the sailors we laughing at us. Which made me feel embarrassed. Quicking our steps and making sure we didn't trip which we still did. We finally reached the room.

"Alright, you two this is it. I'll be sure to bring you both something to eat later" She said as she rubbed both of our heads and head back down the hall. As usual, my eyes wandered, but for now, it was time for me to lie down for a bit.

Arnovia and I exchanged a glance as Alawion's footsteps faded down the passageway. And as she opened the door we both made our way in. The room was dimly lit, with a lantern hanging on the wall while light poured in from the small porthole.

The ship gently swayed beneath us curious we made our way close to the porthole and could see the city port was a ways away now.

"Finally we're leaving that place" I breathed out as I spoke.

"Well, this works for me as I was already planning on leaving," Arnovia said as she looked with me through the porthole.

Looking at her a bit confused she continued " I am looking for my older sister. We got separated at sea, where the slavers found me. We were on our way to Cyrodiil, and we were supposed to be able to make lots of septums there in the arena. I know she's still alive, you remember those people I was talking with at the inn?"

"You do know we had to talk to a bunch of people" I shrugged as I spoke.

"Right I should have been more specific, the group of hooded people. well, they were friends for Gergs. I've been using my pay to get information on my sister. last I heard she was in jail, nothing that would get her killed but id like to get there soon to make sure she's alright." She said as she leaned on me.


"I'm sure she's fine," I said as I placed a kiss on her head and turned to get a good look at the room. there was a narrow bed on the other side of the room. we would have to get close to fit, licking my lips at the thought of it.

The boat's gentle rocking created a soothing rhythm, a comforting backdrop, as I turned to see her bright red face looking at me. I grinned as I slowly began to lift my leather troll chest plate over my head and stored it in my inventory then moved to remove my shirt.

The way her mouth opened a bit as she inhaled made it so much better. well, it didn't help that my pale nipples inverted. Damn, were they a bit longer than what I had in the past but it was nice. Removing my shoes and pants and storing them as well.

"ahh that feels so good to have those off," I said in a teasing manner while keeping eye contact with Arnovia, whose eyes kept looking me over. Moving my hand to brush my white pubic hair's down. I had used a razer to keep it tamed but I loved the feel on my hand when I brushed my hand over it. Her eyes focused on my lower half. She was a bit like Rose and ill be damned if I miss a chance again. "Why don't you join me"

"wh-what?!?" she stammered while blushing brightly red, it finally reaching the tips of her ears. "I-i.. don't know " her voice studdered, She's so cute. Moving closer to her I smiled at her as she looked at me nervously before closing her eyes and leaning a bit forward. Gods was she being so stiff but id take care of that.

Gently I placed my lips over hers, her body slowly stopped being so rigid as her shoulders dropped and she let out a cute sound. "It's the only chance we might have, so do you prefer not to?" I asked in between kisses.

Her groans were cute as she stepped back and rushed to get undressed. stumbling forward as she had her shirt halfway over her head. I couldn't help but laugh as I moved to help her, grabbing the half that was stuck and helping her remove it. Her pretty breast was just perfect to fit in the palm of my hand.

Leaning down and licking one of them while gently pinching and pulling the other.

"mmm...mmm E-Ellahish that feels good" Her moaning voice was driving me wild, but I had to take it slow.

"Is this your first time?" I asked while moving my head back to look at her, her nipple glistening from the drool.

"F-first time?" she looked confused

"Ah right, have you slept with anyone?"

"N-no i-is it bad.. that were both g-girls..?" Her body was trembling a bit. raising my head to look at her in the eyes I kissed her a few more times as I guided us to the bed.

"No Arnovia it's not wrong at all, It's just a bit rare is all," I said as I kissed her neck. Later I would give her one of my books that had stories of same-sex couples but for now, I helped her to lie on the bed. Her breathing was quick and shallow, while my hands moved down and as I got back up I pulled her pants off. Her cute forest was damped, licking my lips I lifted one of her legs over mine as I climbed back on the bed and began to grin my clit on hers.

Slowly our moans began to fill the room as the sweet smell of our sex filled the room. I could help but shift a bit as I dragged my teeth against her skin. She sharply inhaled as I kissed her more, as she started to play with my breast. Tugging on my nipples until they came out of hiding.

"Sh-shit your good at that," I said while moaning the sound of our pussies rubbing like music to my ears. Crap, it's been too long and this body is way too sensitive. I was close to cumming as I began to press and rub my pussy harder on hers.

"Fuck" I groan as I felt Arnovies body tremble under mine. Licking her neck with my tongue, gods was I glad it was long.

"Somethings coming" She repeated five times as she began to squirt from her pussy, growling as I followed right behind her. My eyes shone a bright Blue as my body trembled and our moans were loud enough that anyone nearby could hear.


"I told you, you were worried for nothing," Alawion said as she was watching the bowl of water that was showing what was happening in the room.

Frerelie Bright's red face seemed to steam as she watch but her eyes focused on Ellehishs face. "Her eyes are glowing Blue, But last time they were red" She seemed more confused than before.

"She somehow managed to control the ooze" Alawion guessed while looking a bit proud. "Maybe being a mixed breed has allowed her to?"

"That wouldn't make sense as your son Gergs can't do that!" Frerelie

"Can't do what?" Gerg's voice asked as he stepped into the room. Quickly they stopped the spell and tried to act like nothing was wrong.

"So did you figure out how long it will take us to reach" Frerelie asked changing the conversation.

"yeah? it should take us around a month to reach cyrodiil if the seas are ruff less if they're calm," he said while giving them a weird look.

Beyond the realm of Tamriel

The wet sound of someone sucking dick rang out, as a mortal woman bobbed her head up and down a red shaft. " Our Lord Sanguine" they purred as men and women alike licked and played with his cock and balls. He leaned in he's Throne as he watched the Elf Named Ellehish, She reeked of lust and not the normal kind most mortals were known for. I had been sending ever small doses of my lustful power at her, and her body seemed to take to it like air. It was something to heighten her lust while most mortals would have gone mad and raped or let anyone fuck them, she seemed more stable to it even resistant.

But the smell of someone that lived a sinful lifestyle still came from her. This Elf Interested me, Maybe she would fuck a wild beast if he sent enough energy toward her. He chuckled At the thought, yes give yourself into debauchery Pure-blooded Ancient Falmer. He said as he forced the head of the person sucking him off down the base of his cock.


In a realm of Pure beauty where flowers bloomed in many shades of colors and crystals danced in the sky. A woman unlike no other her Blond hair fallen past her shoulder like strains of silky strings of gold.

She was watching two young lovers, love blooms like a flower. One who has come from the past while the other whose fate danced in madness. Such beauty pleased her and she would watch this love as she used her power to help remove the poison lust that seemed to appear in the winter rose.