The Imperial City Beckons

The next two weeks were spent reading with Arnovia about couples and even learning about interracial couples. Which was cool to learn about. But one thing that did suck was the argument I had with my other half, she was livid I had sex with someone. Thankful it was a girl so I managed to call her down. But oh boy was she mad. Ignoring those thoughts I went to the top deck as I heard we were close.

The wind whipped through my long white hair as Arnovia and I stood at the bow of the ship, our eyes fixed on the slowly approaching city of Cyrodiil. The Imperial City loomed in the distance like a titan, its majestic spires piercing the sky. Alawion, Gergs's beautiful mother, watched us from behind, rubbing our heads in a tender, motherly way that sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but think about how soft her hands felt, and how much I wanted to feel them elsewhere. But at that moment the magical necklaces I had glowed and punished thoughts.

"Can you believe it?" Arnovia exclaimed, her excitement palpable. "We're actually here."

"Looks even better than the stories," I replied, my gaze never leaving the city. It was indeed a sight to behold, the white walls glinting in the sunlight, It was the same size as Kingslanding from Game of Thrones. But there was an undercurrent of unease that permeated the air, casting a shadow over the city's splendor.

"Indeed," Alawion agreed, her voice smooth as silk. "It only took us a month to get her by ship from skyrim. But it's odd there is a tension hanging in this atmosphere. Something's not right."

"Of course," I muttered under my breath. "We need to gather information."

Arnovia nodded, determination written on her face. "My sister is out there somewhere, and we'll find her. We'll do whatever it takes."

As the ship finally docked and we stepped onto the solid ground of Cyrodiil, it was nice to see more of this world beyond Skyrim.

"Alright, let's get moving," I said, my voice filled with excitement. "We've got a city to explore."

"Agreed," Arnovia chimed in, her eyes scanning the crowd of people at the docks.

"Keep in sight until we find a place to stay," Alawion affirmed, her warm gaze meeting mine. and I nodded, it would be better to stay as a group for now. And besides I was carrying all of our stuff in my storage again so I was a bit slow right now.

As we disembarked from the ship, the underlying tension in the air was almost suffocating. Crew members of other ships were whispered urgently to each other, their eyes darting about nervously as they spoke of daedric invasions and Oblivion Gates opening across the land. 

"Have you heard the rumors?" one sailor asked another, his voice barely audible above the creaking of the dock.

"Of course," the other replied, shivering slightly. "The City of Kvatch was entirely destroyed, Thankfully that hero was there and closed that oblivion gate."

"Damn it all," I muttered under my breath, my heart pounding in my chest. I guess this was really happening all over the world right now. Maybe I could use it to my advantage? But how?

"Stay focused, Ellehish," Alawion said softly, sensing my growing anxiety. "We'll face these challenges together, just like always."

"Right," I agreed, nodding resolutely.

Amidst the nervous chatter of the crew, a hooded figure approached Frerelie. Their voice was soft but filled with urgency as they spoke cryptically about the strange occurrences plaguing the city. There was a simple of an eye on his cloak.

"Frerelie, I have important news for you," the figure whispered, glancing around furtively. "The situation in Cyrodiil is more dire than we thought. Dark forces are at work, and we must act quickly to stop them."

"Who are you?" Frerelie demanded, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"An envoy of the mages guild," the figure replied enigmatically. "The Head Mages have sent for all mages of note to be gathered."

With that, the hooded figure turned to leave, Frerelie turned to me handing me a letter. "You, Ellehish," she said, while looking into my eyes. "I have been watching you, and I believe you possess a talent for magic. Take this letter, it is a letter of recommendation to join the Mages Guild in the Imperial City."

"Wha–" I started, but Frerelie had left into the crowd of people at the port, leaving me behind confused.

"What was that about?" Arnovia asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"I had tried to convince Frerelie to teach you more magic Ellehish as it would be beneficial to have.," Alawion admitted, looking thoughtful. "She refused claiming she wasn't one to teach, I guess this is her way of helping you. I recommend checking the mages guild out at some point"

"Agreed," I said, clutching the letter tightly in my hand. Guess she wasn't just a sexy asshole but a decent person too maybe.

As Gergs and Alawion led the way into the city. The tension in the air was unsettling, and we needed to gather information. My eyes couldn't help but stray toward Alawion's shapely rear as she walked ahead of me, and I noticed Arnovia stealing a glance as well. I smirked, appreciating our shared taste in women. Looks like I was corrupting her hehehehe.

"Alawion knows her way around here," Gergs said conversationally, breaking my train of thought. 

"Good," I replied, clenching the letter hand. "Guess this will be the end of our training in spearmenship." He nodded as he taught me all he could.

Just as we turned a corner into a bustling marketplace, we unexpectedly encountered a man with a mischievous glint in his eye. He seemed to appear out of nowhere as if he had melted out of the shadows themselves.

"Armand Christophe," Gergs greeted him warmly. "Long time no see, friend."

"Ah, Gergs!" Armand smiled back, clasping Gergs' hand firmly. "And who are these lovely young ladies?" He bowed his head to Alwion.

"Allow me to introduce Ellehish and Arnovia," Gergs said, gesturing towards us. "We're in need of your expertise, Armand."

"Is that so?" Armand raised an eyebrow, turning to appraise us. "Well, anything for a friend of Gergs." He winked at me playfully. It seemed like Armand appreciated beauty just as much as I did. He was rogueish Dunmer. and was nice to look at but I was no maiden he could make fall for him.

"Thank you," I said sounding confident. "Are oblivion gates opening around here as well? and we could use some help locating Arnovia's sister."

"Yes, there have been plenty of reports of gates across the land," Armand said, his face becoming serious. "And Arnovia's sister?"

"Yes my sister, she should have arrived here months ago," Arnovia explained, her voice steady but tense.

"Ah, yes," Armand sighed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I remember getting letters from the branch guild in skyrim."

"Will you help us?" I asked.

"Of course," Armand replied, his voice firm. "The Thieves Guild has eyes and ears all over the city. We'll gather information and help you find her sister and any information on the oblivion gates."

"Thank you," Arnovia said, relief evident in her eyes. "We're grateful for your assistance." He gave her a charming smile.

"Let's get you all settled in a safe house," Armand declared, gesturing for us to follow him. 

As we followed Armand through the labyrinthine streets of the Imperial City, I couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for Arnovia. She had been quiet for a while now and it worried me.

"Arnovia," I said, interlocking my fingers with hers as we walked. "We will find her, I promise."

She looked at me with gratitude in her eyes. "Thanks, Ellehish. I know she can take care of herself better than I can but I can't help but worry.," she explained, her voice cracking with emotion.

Alawion, who had been listening intently, reached out to squeeze Arnovia's hand reassuringly. "We'll help you find her," she promised, her voice gentle but firm. "We're all in this together, remember?"

"Thank you," Arnovia whispered, tears brimming in her eyes. "That means more to me than you can possibly know."

Before we could continue our conversation, Armand led us into a nondescript building and down a hidden staircase to a safe house. The room was dimly lit and filled with an assortment of mismatched furniture.

As we settled in, Armand shared disturbing news. "The Emperor is dead, assassinated by the mythic dawn around a month and a half ago," he revealed his tone grave. "And there are reports of Oblivion Gates appearing across the land. There are reports that the mythic dawn has taken credit for it."

"Could these events be connected?" I wondered aloud, my mind racing with possibilities.

"Perhaps," Armand replied thoughtfully. "But what's most concerning is the behavior of the Blades. They've been acting strangely, almost… on Gaurd."

"On Gaurd?" Alawion raised an eyebrow. "What do you think they're hiding?"

"I don't know," Armand admitted. "But I have a feeling that uncovering their secrets may be the key to stopping the mythic Dawn and their forces."

Shit, I didn't play Oblivion when I was alive so I was really lost. Clearly, the world didn't end but that was because of the player so I wasn't going to take a chance and hope the hero of that game appeared and took care of it. I'd have to make my own moves.

"Alright then," I said, my voice filled with resolve. "Together, we'll find Arnovia's sister and put an end to this crisis before it consumes us all."

"Agreed," Arnovia nodded, her eyes shining with renewed hope.

"Let's do this," Alawion added, her gaze fierce and unyielding.

"I'll contact my Friends in the fighters guild," Gergs said while thinking as she looked over the scrolls and books on the table with information about what had been happening.

 With Armand's guidance, we started by scouring the city for any information that could help us understand what was happening. As we walked through the crowded streets, I couldn't help but notice the arena and how the people were still enjoying it even while there was a crisis. Before we headed back to the safe house.

"Look at this," Arnovia said, her voice barely above a whisper as she showed us a tattered piece of parchment. It contained a report about a mysterious woman who had been seen aiding the Blades in their secretive endeavors. Reading the description, I saw Arnovia's eyes widen with relief.

"Could it be…?" Alawion asked cautiously, her hand resting gently on Arnovia's shoulder.

"Her hair… her eyes… it has to be her," Arnovia choked out, tears welling up in her eyes. "She's alive."

"Then we'll find her," I declared, my determination steeling itself within me. "No matter what it takes."

"Thank you," Arnovia whispered, her gratitude evident in her gaze. I couldn't help but smile back at her, feeling a surge of warmth at the thought of reuniting her with her sister.

But first things first we needed more training so we wouldn't get killed. With that in mind, we made our way to the Mage's Guild, its imposing stone walls and arcane symbols hinting at the vast knowledge contained within.

"Welcome," a robed figure greeted us as we entered, his voice calm and measured. "What brings you to the Mage's Guild?"

"I'm here to join," I replied confidently, feeling a thrill of excitement at the prospect of enhancing my magical abilities. As I handed him my letter of recommendation.

"Very well," the mage nodded, leading us deeper into the guild's halls. "We require all new members to demonstrate their magical aptitude before they can be officially inducted. Are you prepared to do so?"

"Of course," I said without hesitation. I could feel my heart racing, but I knew that this was a test I would pass.

As I performed a series of magical tasks under the watchful eye of the guild's senior mages, I used my frost spell as well as my healing spell and even summoned a forest Atronach. Arnovia and Alawion watched me as I took my tests. At last, with a final flourish, I completed the trial and was welcomed into the Mage's Guild.

"Congratulations," the senior mage said, clasping my hand firmly. "You have proven yourself worthy of joining our ranks."

"Thank you," I replied, feeling both proud and humbled by the acknowledgment. They handed me the robe of the apprentice mage, A mage Guild charter, and a key.


Robe of the apprentice mage: Increases Magic recovery by 10 percent.


Nice, I thought but it looked like ass. As I turned and joined my friends as we left the tower.

"Arnovia, you mentioned seeking assistance?" Alawion asked, turning her attention to the matter at hand.

"Indeed," Arnovia replied, her voice steady and determined. "I want to join the Fighters Guild."

"Alright we can head there tomorrow," I said as I could see the moon hanging in the sky.

"Thank you," Arnovia said, her eyes reflecting a fierce resolve.

As we left the Mage's Guild, I couldn't help but feel tired as I yawned. Tomorrow I would have to come back and do some quests at the guild so I could buy spell books.

As night enveloped the city like a thick velvet curtain, we made our way back to the safe house. My heart raced with anticipation as I realized that Arnovia, Alawion, and I would be sharing a room with a single large bed. My mind couldn't help but wander to the possibilities, but as my necklaces glowed I quickly snapped myself back to reality. man, I was grateful for this thing.

"Alright," Arnovia began, her voice steady despite the weight of the situation. "We need to figure out our next steps and decide if we're going to help with the Oblivion Crisis after what happened in Skyrim."

Alawion nodded solemnly, her long brown hair swaying gently as she sat on the edge of the bed. "I agree. We must consider all options carefully, We got lucky with the oblivion gate while in skyrim. Most of its forces were in the city."

I took a seat beside her, focusing on the matter at hand. "Well, I've already joined the Mage's Guild and tomorrow Arnovia will join the Fighters Guild. That should give us some solid support, right?"

"True," Arnovia conceded, "but we don't know how much they'll be able to help us. They have their own concerns, after all."

"Then what do you suggest?" I asked, genuinely curious about her thoughts.

"Perhaps we should focus on gathering more information first. The more we know about the crisis and get better equipped so we have a better chance." Arnovia's tone was measured, her determination shining through.

"Sounds like a plan," Alawion agreed. "We should focus on doing some quest around the city before we think about heading out. once you and Ellehish are stronger we can start by visiting some of the other cities in Cyrodiil, gathering intelligence, and offering whatever assistance we can."

"Besides," I added, "we still have to find your sister, Arnovia. We can't forget about that."

"Thank you, Ellehish," she replied, a glimmer of gratitude in her eyes. "I appreciate you."

 As we climbed into bed and cuddled together under the warm fur blankets.