Suspicious Blushes

[I hope everyone had a happy Christmas and new year!]

The campfire crackling was an undercurrent to our tense council, its fickle flames casting flickering shadows that seemed as agitated as my thoughts. The four of us sat in a precarious circle, the night air crisp with a nice chilling touch.


"The Oblivion Gates," Lyra began, her voice sharp as flint, "spread like a plague across the land. If we don't act, this world will be taken by the Daedric prince Mehrunes Dagon. The Daedric Prince of Destruction" Her words cut through the silence, severing the last strands of any denial.


Arnovia leaned forward, her short Brown hair shrouding her face. "We need to close them." Her bow lay beside her. "But Who would even open gates like those?"


Lyra, who had been eyeing me and Alawion. "They were opened by a group who had killed the emperor, the Mythic Dawn." 


I studied her, trying to read the lines of her face, the furrows of concern etched into her brow. It was a bit odd meeting someone kind of like me who hated a race, clearly not to the same level as she wasn't being aggressive, but it was clear she didn't like us. A smirk formed on my face, what would she think if she found out I was touching her sister, made her moan my name. My fingers traced the cracks that had formed on the crystal-like stone I was wearing as a necklace. 

I had to refocus my mind as that name sounded familiar to me. Ah right, the group that the thieves guild told me and the others about when we had first arrived here.


"Lyra, we have no time for hesitation," Alawion interjected "If we can help, we must."


"Fine," Lyra conceded, a reluctant ally forged in the crucible of necessity.


"Then it's settled," I said, rising to my feet, and stretched my arms over my head, now that my body was back to the aesthetic, I loved I felt stronger. "We collaborate."


"Agreed," Arnovia nodded, her expression grim yet determined.


"Agreed," echoed Alawion, her gaze meeting mine with an intensity that belied her nurturing exterior.


"Agreed," Lyra added, standing tall, the weight of her decision settling upon her shoulders. However, I could still see the dislike in her eyes. After a brief silence.

 "Have you heard of the Blades?" she asked, her voice slicing through the silence with the precision of a well-honed dagger.


"Legendary protectors of the Emperors, aren't they?" Arnovia chimed in, her brow furrowed, perhaps recalling tales of their exploits.


I shifted my weight, feeling the leather of my armor conform to my body. the way the straps now strained against my chest felt both confining and strangely thrilling.


"The same," Lyra confirmed. "But since the fall of the last Emperor, we've been... repurposed. We're no longer just the guardians of a throne, we now hunt the Mythic Dawn."


"Repurposed to skulk in the shadows, you mean," I said, barely able to keep the smirk from my lips, even as I felt the gravity of her revelation settle over us like a shroud.


"Skulking has its advantages," Lyra retorted, a wry smile briefly cutting through her stoicism. "Especially when facing a cult that worships Mehrunes Dagon."


 "The Blades have been tracking their activities for months. We know where they strike, and how they operate. even how to reach them now" She stated while holding an oddly shaped Crystal star. 

"What is that?" Arnovia pressed, her fingers tightening around the bow resting against her knee.


"This is the star of Azura." Lyra stood, brushing off her trousers. "we plan to use this to open a portal into their so-called Paradise."


"And you planned to go in there alone?" I said, meeting her gaze. " If the blades work with the thieves guild and the other guilds we could use that to attack multiple gates. This could be a great chance to form an Alliance."


"An alliance with the Blades," mused Alawion, a note of respect threading her voice. "Our chances just improved."


"Or our likelihood of stepping on each other's toes," Lyra added with annoyance in her voice. "But' She sighed " I suppose that's a dance I'm willing to learn."


Lyra looked at me then, really looked, and I saw a spark there that wasn't entirely combative or disgusted. "Let's hope your footwork is as good on the battlefield as it is in tavern backrooms."

Much to the embarrassment of her sister whose face was as red as a tomato. So, it seemed she was aware of what had happened between us. 


"Care to test me?" The words slipped out more flirtatiously than I intended, but I couldn't help myself.

"Focus, Ellehish," Arnovia snapped, while her face was still red though now I wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment or anger, but she knew full well my tendencies.


"Apologies," I said, not entirely repentant as I turned back to Lyra. "When do we begin?"


"Immediately," Lyra responded, her tone all business once more. "We need to move fast. The Mythic Dawn won't pause their plans for our preparations. And now with the report that was sent to me about them being seen with members that follow the king of worms things are getting more dangerous."


"Then let's not keep them waiting," I said, my blood singing with anticipation. We were embarking on a path fraught with danger, and I welcomed it, every perilous step. As we moved out into the night, I cast a glance back at the fire, its glow fading behind us.

Breath misting in the chill air, I followed Lyra through the dense thicket, my boots sinking into the underbrush. The moon, a sliver of silver above, cast ghostly shadows across the forest floor as we moved with silent urgency toward our destination. We had been traveling together for about four days now. Thankfully not much had come to past beyond me reactivating my illusion magic to cover my ears.


"Keep your eyes sharp," Alawion said from behind, her voice barely audible over the rustling leaves. A small cracking sound reached my ears as I moved my fingers toward my necklaces and touched the new crack that had formed.


"Wouldn't dream of anything less," I replied, grinning despite the tension coiling in my gut.


"Cut the chatter," Arnovia hissed, her bow already nocked with an arrow, eyes darting for any sign of trouble. "We're not out for a moonlit stroll."


"Indeed," I murmured, meeting her gaze for a brief second before refocusing on the path.


Lyra slowed, holding up a hand to signal a halt. "We're close," she said, her voice low.


"Lead on, then," I said, unable to keep the eagerness from my tone. I could almost taste the thrill of the unknown, I always liked learning about new things.

She nodded and stepped forward, guiding me through the snow-covered path that wound its way up the Jerral Mountains. The crunch of snow beneath our boots echoed in the quiet surroundings. As we ascended, the air grew colder, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of pine. It almost felt like being back in Skyrim.

The anticipation built with each step, and soon, the silhouette of Cloud Ruler Temple emerged against the stark backdrop of the mountains. Its traditional, Akaviri-inspired architecture stood proudly, and the secrecy of its location high in the mountains hinted at the importance of what lay within.

The imposing gate came into view, guarded by vigilant Blades members. Lyra exchanged a nod with them, a silent acknowledgment. As we entered, the atmosphere changed—the temple's interiors revealed a world of discipline and dedication.

The main hall greeted us with banners depicting the emblem of the Blades, and the distant sounds of training exercises added a rhythm to the air. Lyra led me through living quarters, where the Blades found respite between missions, and training areas resonating with the clash of weapons.

We reached the dining hall, a place where camaraderie blossomed. The aroma of a hearty meal hung in the air, and the warmth contrasted with the cold exterior.

Lyra guided me further, and we finally stood on a balcony, the breathtaking view stretching beyond the temple walls. The vastness of the landscape emphasized the isolation chosen by the Blades.

"We're here," Lyra said, her gaze sweeping across the horizon. As I took in the sight, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for Cloud Ruler Temple


"By the gods..." Arnovia breathed, awe lacing her words.


"Welcome to our refuge," said a seasoned commander, stepping forward with a cautious but firm handshake. His gaze was piercing, searching for the mettle within each of us.


"Thank you for having us," I responded, meeting his scrutiny without flinching. "We're here to fight, to close those damned gates and send the Daedra back to Oblivion."


"who are your friends Lyra," he asked while seeming to have a conversation with her with his eyes.

" Ah Captain Steffan this is my sister' She motions to Arnovia. " and theses are her friends. They have offered to help us."

"If anything happens it will be on your head, even if the prince has a soft spot for you." The captain stated before walking away.

"Right.... I'll be heading to report to the prince. I ask you to remain on the grounds until I return." I could have sworn I could see a hint of a blush on her face, hmmm, suspicious.