An Unusual Fairy Tail

Wes, Juliette, Hazel, Thea, and Leo all lie asleep in separate rooms of nothingness, the only one awake was Volrak. Volrak happened to be closest to Juliette's room, so he walked towards her and put his ear to her chest to hear a heartbeat. Juliette then opens her eyes to see Volrak laying his head on her chest. Her eyes open wide and she screams in fear. Her screams echo through the house, waking everyone in it.

"YOU PERVERT!!! GET OFF OF ME!!!" Juliette screams.

"No, it's not what it looks like." Volrak quickly moves away from Juliette.

"Who the hell are you, and where are we!?" Juliette rudely asks.

"I'm uh…" Volrak quickly thinks of a name and comes up with... "Nixson, and I don't know where we are, some house it looks like."

Leo runs into the room to see what the problem was.

"Thea is that you?!"

"Who are you!" Juliette yells.

"Hmm, my mother said Thea was a quiet girl. I don't think I have the right girl. Oh, right, I'm Leo."

Wes and Hazel run into each in front of the door, they were coming from different directions. Hazel just stood there and stared, but it's not like Wes was moving either. Thea then comes walking towards Hazel from behind. Thea didn't say anything, she just pushed Hazel out of the way and walked into Juliette's room. After Hazel was pushed by Thea, she finally moved and walked into the room, then Wes behind her.

"Thea!" Leo yelled running towards Hazel and into a tight hug.

Hazel throws her arms around Leo, and embraces him back. "Yes, I'm definitely Thea."

At the opposite side of the room, Thea clears her throat. "Unless I've been lied to my whole life, I believe I am Thea."

Leo quickly pulls away, and looks to the small girl across the room. His eyes then pull back to Hazel. She had a guilty look on her face.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm not Thea, I'm Hazel. I just thought it would be rude to not hug you back."

Leo turns away from Hazel, and over to Thea, "So, you're Thea?"

"Yes." Thea says with a bold look on her face.

"Finally, I found you. You probably don't know who I am, your mom is friends with my mom. I couldn't bear to see them cry over your disappearance, so I made it my mission to find you and protect you." Leo rapidly confesses.

Thea says nothing back.

Hazel breaks the silence, "So does anyone know how we got here?"

"I do." Thea answers.

"Really?" Wes asks.

"We've been cursed. Each of us has done something to be here."

"Are you saying my stupid step mother put me here?" Juliette complains.

Wes ignored Juliette's question, and asked one himself. "Wait, but my brother was the one that stole the Amulet from the lady who put me in here. So why am I here, and not him?"

"That, I can not answer." Thea responds.

"Do you know how we get back?" Leo asks.

"The only information I have about the curse is in this book." Thea says pulling a book out of her backpack.

Thea pulled out the book and read the part about the curse. "The Everlasting Curse: This curse could take up to about an hour or 100 years to end, it all depends on the group of people. This is by far the hardest curse to break, and no one has ever broken it before. During this curse, the group will be put through multiple scenarios in which they will have to work together to get through it. In these scenarios, if one were to die, there's no coming back."

"Wow. That's deep." Juliette worried.

"So… when do these… scenarios start?" Hazel asked.

"Apparently it starts when everyone meets each other." Thea responded.

"Is there someone else here that we're missing?" Wes exclaimed.

"Let's search the house!" Juliette demands.

Everyone runs through the house, except for Thea of course, she just walked. Wes comes to a closed door, he slowly opens it. When he enters the room is pitch dark, then he finds a light switch. He flicks the light switch and the light comes on, and he sees a bed with Hale laying on it sleeping.

"Hale, why are you still sleeping?!" Wes says with an annoyed look.

Hale slowly moves his head toward Wes, revealing his demonic glare. "GIVE ME 5 MORE FUCKING MINUTES!!" Wes runs out of the room, and back into the hallway where everyone stares at him strangely.

"What's wrong?" Hazel asks concerned.

"Uh… my brother's here. And he requested 5 more minutes to sleep." Wes quietly says.

"And your just letting him sleep?! No way! I'm getting the hell out of this curse thing, and some tired asshole is not going to get in my way." Juliette yells, pushing Wes out of the way. "Get out of my way."

Juliette moves her way past Wes and swings open the door, then she walks towards Hale. She grabs the blanket covering him, and yanks it off. "Time to get the fuck up, dumbass!"

"Who the fuck are you?!" Hale growls, throwing himself halfway up.

"Your worst nightmare, asshole."

"What? You? A little pip squeak like you would break with one touch from me." Hale smirks trying not to laugh.

Juliette pauses before saying, "If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will your teeth."

"For someone so small, you sure do have a big mouth."

"I hope someday you choke on the shit you talk."

Hale jumps out of bed, and pushes Juliette against the wall. Hale moves his face closer to Juliette's. "You might not want to act so high and mighty around me, because I'll….. always….. Win."

"I'm not scared of you." Juliette mumbles.

"Oh, is that right. Well, maybe I'll have to get a little closer—"

Hale gets cut off when the door swings open and Thea yells, "Would you guys stop fucking around and get out here!"

"What a bitch, she ruined my moment." Hale says in a deep voice, and slides his fingers through his hair.

Everyone walked out into the big empty room, and they all stood in a circle. "Um, maybe we should all introduce ourselves. I'm Hazel."

"I'm Wes."



"I'm Leo."


"Nixson?" Volrak quickly makes up.

"Why did that sound more like a question than an answer?" Hale asks.

"Uhhhh--" Volrak begins thinking before being cut off by Hale again.

"You know what, I don't care."

"How do we get to the first scenario thing?" Wes asks.

"I don't kn--"

Before Hazel could finish answering, all seven of them started falling through the ground into what seemed to be a portal. Hazel was screaming like crazy before Wes comes closer to pull her into a hug, Hazel then stops screaming and begins to blush.

"Wow, what a romantic." Hale sarcastically says.

"Don't worry Thea, I'll protect you." Leo shouts falling towards Thea.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Thea asks looking up from her book.

Leo falls towards her, but before he could reach her they finally appear in the first scenario. They all open their eyes to see their in an enormous castle. It was so shiny, and not a single spec of dust was nowhere to be seen.

"What happened? Where are we?" Wes asks.

"Uhh, Wes?" Nixson questions, looking curiously at him.

"What Nixson?"

"What are you wearing?" Wes looks down at his attire, and he saw that he was wearing a black medieval-looking overcoat lined with gold. The cuffs of the coat were also gold, and pure gold cufflinks. Under the overcoat was a royal blue suit, and black pants.

"Damn, I look hot." Wes announces.

Nixson just looks at Wes with a profound look. "Wait a minute, where's everyone else?" Wes exclaims.

"Let's look around the castle." Nixson decides.

Nixson and Wes run through the long halls and comes to a door, Wes slowly opens the door to find someone under the covers whispering to themselves.

"I can't believe this is happening, why do I look like this?" A girl whispers.

"Um, Hazel? Is that you?" Wes asks.

"Oh no, don't look at me!" Hazel yells covering herself even more with the covers of the giant bed.

"Why can't we look at you?" Nixson asks.

"I'm hideous!" Hazel cries.

"Can you let me see you?" Wes asks.

"No! You're the one person that I don't want to see me." Hazel yells.

"It doesn't matter, because when you see what I'm wearing, your probably going to laugh." Wes exclaims.

"Really, what are you wearing?" Hazel curiously asks.

"Your just gonna have to get out of bed and see."

"I see what your doing." Hazel catches on.

Hazel slowly pulls the blanket off of her. After she pulled it completely off and stood up, Wes was breathless. Hazel didn't look hideous at all, she was stunning. She was wearing an elegant light blue dress, with blue flower designs within the lace. The sleeves were off her shoulders, revealing her tan skin. The lace ran from the top of her dress, to the bottom of the puffy skirt. Wes was speechless, he just stared at Hazel with his widely opened eyes.

"Why would I laugh at that, you look handsome in your clothes." Hazel told Wes.

"You look…" Wes begins.

"Ugly, I know." Hazel interrupts.

"Beautiful," Wes gazes at Hazel with his eyes still open wide..

"No, I don't. I haven't worn a dress in 15 years because I always looked ugly when I wore one."

"You know you've probably changed a lot in 15 years, right?" Nixson blurts out. Hazel rolls her eyes at Nixson, and changes the subject. "So do either of you know why we're in a castle, and why we're dressed like this."

"It has to do with our first scenario, but I'm not exactly sure why we have to be dressed like this." Wes answers.

"We should find the others and see what they know." Nixson suggests.

"That's a great idea! Let's go." Wes says.

Wes and Nixson run out the door, and Hazel has yet to move. Wes realizes that Hazel was not behind them, so he ran back into the room.

"Hazel, what's wrong?"

"Um, I… I can't walk." Hazel mumbles.

"Why not?"

"I can't walk in high heels, I've never worn them before."

"Well, then take them off."

"They're stuck." Hazel mumbles while her eyes start to tear up. Wes walks over to Hazel and picks her up, he carries her as if they were just married through the halls. The next room they come to is a library, in there they find Thea reading three books at the same time.

"Thea? What are you doing?" Wes asks.

"There are so many books! I love this place!" Thea yells in excitement.

Someone runs into the room, trying to get their breath back. It was Leo. "Thea are you alright?!"

"Why wouldn't I be? Look at all these books!" Leo forms a smile on his face, watching Thea as she reads. While everyone else is staring at Leo, who is wearing a full set of silver armour. The only thing he was, he wasn't wearing a helmet.

"I'm not going to ask about what Leo's wearing, but Thea. How are you able to wear that dress." Hazel asks while still in Wes's arms.

"WAIT! I'M WEARING A DRESS!" Thea yells.

"Gosh, all those books must have distracted you from noticing." Nixson comments.

"Shut up you ignorant slut!" Thea yells at Nixson.

Leo looks around the room, taking in the surroundings. "Where's everyone else?" Leo inquires.

"We don't know." Hazel tells Leo.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that Thea called me an ignorant slut?" Nixson questions.

"We don't have time to talk about that, Nixson. We have to find Hale and Juliette." Leo orders. Everyone agrees, and started running out of the library. Leo turns around, to see Thea not there. He runs back to the library where Thea was grabbing all the books she could carry.

"Thea?" Leo says concerned. "We have to go, we'll come back later."

Thea whips her head towards Leo with a determined face. "But, I need them now!"

"Fine. You can take two, but that's all." Leo demands.

"Three." Thea talks back to Leo. Leo signs, and agrees to let her take three.

"What's taking so long in here?" Hazel complains, rushing back into the library.

"There's just so many, I can't choose just three. I've brought it down to six, can I just take all six Leo?" Thea begs.

"Leo's not your dad, you can take all of them if you want to." Hazel explains.

"You heard the woman, Leo. I'm taking them all." Thea smirks.

"I wasn't trying to be harsh, I was just considering that you don't have the space for them all." Leo explains.

"Hm, you can give me three, and I can hold on to them for you." Hazel smiles.

"Hazel, your my new best friend! Thank you so much!" Thea exclaims.

"This is the happiest I've seen Thea, I thought I would be the one to make her happy. I think my heart just broke." Leo sighs.

"Now that the problem has been averted, let go find Hale and Juliette." Hazel commands.

Everyone (including Thea this time) walks out of the library, and started walking toward the main hall. When they reached the hall, they see Hale and Juliette sitting on thrones right next to each other. They were sitting and reading a note together.

"We found you guys!" Hazel announced with happiness. "What are you reading?"

"It's a note that I found in my pocket. It says: Read the spell on this note, but be aware of the danger your putting your self or selves in. It may help you reach the next scenario quicker, break the curse, or you may just be killing everyone in your group. If you choose not to read the spell, then make sure you act the part you were given. Each of you should have been given a role; slave, knight, princess, prince, king, and queen. Good luck!" Juliette reads aloud.

"Congreganda bestia operientes oraculum." Hale shouts out before they could decide it was a bad idea.

A bright light appears in front of everyone, and before all of their eyes was a dragon with only two legs and wings. Which is technically called a wyvern.

"Hale! What did you do?!" Wes yells at Hale.

"He summoned a Wyvern." Thea calmly announces.

"Hale summoned a dragon?!" Nixson asks in shock.

"I said a wyvern, you ignorant slut.��� Thea yells.

"Again with the ignorant slut!" Nixson yells back.

"Would you two shut up, we have a dragon to defeat." Wes yells toward the both of them.

"It's a wyvern." Thea mumbles.

"Whatever it is, let's just kill it." Hazel announces. Leo takes no time to run toward the dragon, and transforming into his werewolf form. His armour falling to the ground around him.

"Whoa, what did he just do!" Hazel say amazed.

"He's a werewolf." Thea says.

"Can any of you do that?" Juliette asks.

"I can do this." Hale then shoots fire from his hands towards the wyvern, and he looks at Juliette with a smirk.

"Psh, what a show off." Juliette mumbles with a small smile.

"Wes? Can you do the same thing?" Hazel asks Wes.

Wes doesn't answer, he just smiles and runs toward the wyvern. He then shoots the wyvern with water, he shoots it so hard that it pushes him backwards so Hale can blast him with fire.

"Well, looks like it's just us girls, since we have no powers." Hazel announces. "Oh yeah, there's you too Nixson."

"Speak for yourself." Thea says running away.

"Yeah," Nixson agrees also running away.

Thea throws her hands to the ground, and the floor begins to shake. Trees start to grow out from the floor, and swiftly head toward the wyvern. The trees grab ahold of the beast, and makes just enough time for Hale to burn the trees around it causing the trees to burn the wyvern. Then Wes goes for the feet with his water to knock him down. Hazel, seeing that the wyvern was down, runs toward it with a sword from Leo's armour. She then jumps to the wyvern's head, and shoves the sword through its head. Without seeing Hazel, Hale blasts his fire toward her.

"Oh shit. Hazel watch out!" Hale yells.

Hazel is shocked when she sees the fire, she can't move an inch. Then Thea runs towards Hazel and knocks her out of the way, making Thea get hit instead. Making Thea get thrown across the room, everyone rushes to her. Leo doesn't turn back into his human form until he reaches her.

"Thea, are you alright?" Leo asks concerned.

"Are my books okay?" Thea murmurs in a weak voice.

"Thea! You saved me, I can't thank you enough!" Hazel exclaims while hugging Thea.

"Get off me."

Hazel keeps hugging her and whispers, "I owe you my life."

"Okay. Now could you please get off of me, Hale burned me where your laying."

"Oh, sorry." Hazel quickly pulls away from Thea and sits back in a kneeling position.

"Where's this portal we're supposed to go through?" Hale looks around.

"You just blasted Thea with fire, and your worried about finding the portal?" Wes exclaims.

"Yes." Hale says bluntly.

"Let's go find that portal, I wanna read my books." Thea says standing up slowly.

When Hazel and Leo help Thea up, the portal appears in front of them. They all walk in without hesitation and appear back in the house where they started.