Only for a Day

Nixson pulls a note out of his pocket, and begins reading it to himself. "Okay, we have to share something about ourselves." Nixson announced.

"Ohhh, ohhh, I know!" Hazel screams. "What would be the name of your children, and what gender would it be?"

"I'll go first." Leo blurts out, causing everyone to jump in shock. "If I could choose the gender, it would be a girl. Then her name would be Lia."

"That's a cool name." Thea responds.

"Me next!" Hazel yells. "A boy, and his name would be Hayden."

"A girl and Weslyn." Wes mumbles.

"How original." Hale sarcastically said aloud.

"Yeah, well what's yours Hale!" Wes yells.

"If I had to have a kid, then a girl named Harmony."

"Oh. Named after mom, huh." Wes looks down.

"Yeah." Hale mutters.

"Wow, this is depressing." Thea says bluntly. "Mine would be a son, Toby."

"I would want one of each gender, Navi and Nico." Nixson announces.

"I guess that leaves me, huh. I would want a boy, and his name would be Jay." Juliette said.

"We all know what happens now." Hazel says.

"Yeah, so you don't have to scream every time." Hale remarks towards Hazel, ignoring the glare she sends his way.

As they all expected, a portal appeared and they began to fall into it. This time no one screams, and everyone just falls in silence. Thea, who was reading, didn't mind at all. But everyone else felt awkward, even Hale. What was five minutes of falling, felt like an eternity to them all. Finally they appeared in their third scenario. They all went into a group and looked to see if someone had a hint.

"Anyone have a note?" Wes asked.

"I do." Hazel and Juliette said in unison.

"Which one should we read first?" Leo questions.

"Mine says two." Hazel announces.

"Mine says… three." Juliette says.

"Who has one?" Hazel asks.

"I- I do." Hale mumbles.

"Hale, why are you shaking." Juliette asks, concerned for Hale.

"Look at my finger!" Everyone looked to Hale's finger to find a ring. "I thought we already did the worst fears thing."

"Hm… it looks like we all have a ring on, but some of us have different colors." Thea points out.

"Okay, Hale what does your note say?" Wes rushes.

"It says: you each have a partner, based on your ring color. You are to find your partner and your personal CHILD!!! No! No! No! Not this again!" Hale screams.

"Calm down," Juliette tells Hale.

"What a wimp." Thea mumbles. Hale glares at her.

"What does the next note say?" Leo changes the subject.

"Oh… um… After you find your partner and child, you are to work as a team with your partner to take care of the children. You only have to take care of them for one day." Hazel reads.

"Now, the last one." Juliette announces. "You are bound to your child. If they get hurt, you get hurt. If they die, you die."

"Well, it just got worse." Hale comments.

"Hale! Your bleeding!" Juliette yells.

"Damn child already got hurt?!" Hale questions.

Ring Ring…

"What was that? Was it a phone?" Hazel asks.

Ring Ring

"It's mine, I think." Hale announces.

"Well, pick it up!" Juliette yells.

Hale grabs the phone out of his pocket, and answers it. "Who is it!"

"Hello, is this the guardian of Harmony and Jay Bennett?"

"Uh… yeah, it is." Hale answers.

"Can you and your wife please report to the police station to pick up your children?"


"Who was it?" Nixson asks.

"It was a police officer. He has Juliette and I's children." Hale explains.

"It looks like your kids got Hale's personality." Thea comments with a smirk.

"We should check who else are partners." Hazel commands after Hale and Juliette run off to the police station.

"Who has the other yellow ring?" Leo asks. "Please be Thea." Leo whispers to himself.

"I have gold." Thea says.

"Stop being specific, you're my partner." Leo says, putting an arm around Thea.

"Who has green?" Wes asks.

"Me!" Hazel exclaims.

"Yes!" Wes cheers.

"I guess that leaves me." Nixson says.

"Well, have fun with that Nixson." Thea walks away.

Everyone walks away with their partners, leaving Nixson to his lonesome.

"Hm… I have a phone too." Nixson points out, talking to himself. As if on cue, the phone suddenly starts to vibrate. He looks at the small flip phone with curiosity, and answers it after the second ring. "Hello?"

"Nixson, honey. It's time, meet me at the hospital in five." Beep

��It's time? Time for what?"

Nixson snaps shut the phone, and looks around at the park he was standing in. He spots several large buildings, but there were no people around. He had to figure out where this hospital was, and who the hell just called him.

Only moments later, the phone vibrated. He flipped it back open to find a map, and a blue line leading him to the closest hospital. "At least this curse is decently helpful." Nixson then followed the map to the hospital.


Hale and Juliette finally arrive at the police station.

"This is all your fault Hale." Juliette blames Hale.

"What do you mean?"

"My children wouldn't be in jail, if it weren't for your stupid genes."

"Okay, sure. Have you met yourself, you're the definition of trouble." Hale chuckles.

"And what does that make you?"

"Me? I'm Satan himself."

"Really? I doubt that."

"Daddy!" A little girl yells, running toward Hale.

"Uh, Harmony?" He guessed. "Why are you here?"

"I can answer that." A police officer said. "Your ten year old daughter beat up three seniors in the school parking lot."

"They were picking on my brother." Harmony cuts in.

"What do you have to say for your daughter's behavior?" The police officer asks.

"I am sor--"

"Harmony! I'm so proud of you!" Hale stops Juliette from finishing, and scoops Harmony into his arms giving her the biggest hug he could.

"Hale? I thought you hated children?" Juliette questions.

"That's before I met my own child!" Hale exclaims while still holding Harmony.

"Let me go, daddy." Harmony squirms around.

"Yeah, daddy. Let her go." Juliette mumbles, a small smirk on her face. Hale puts Harmony down, and glares at Juliette.

"So, where is Jay?" Juliette changes the subject.

"He's answering some questions in the questioning room." The police officer answers, giving up hope on an apology.

"Like hell he is!" Juliette yells, running toward the room. "My son will not be answering any questions without a lawyer present!"

When Juliette walks in, she finds a teenage boy sitting in one of the chairs. He seemed to be only two years younger than Juliette.

"Oh, I thought you were a lot younger." Juliette begins. "It doesn't matter, let's get out of here." She continues, grabbing Jay's hand and dragging him out of the chair.

"Wow, he's about your age, Juliette." Hale points out the obvious.

"I know! Let's just go!" Juliette yells.


"Where would two children be?" Hazel asks.

"Well, if they're related to me, then they would be somewhere with water." Wes suggests.

"Okay, I think I saw a beach a little while back. We'll check there first."

Wes and Hazel run to the beach Hazel saw. When they make it there, Wes points out two younger children, but it wasn't their kids. After a while of looking at the beach they decided to look somewhere else. Right before they left, there was a scream that came from the ocean.

"What was that?" Hazel asks.

"It sounded like a kid's scream."

They run back to the shore, to find a different kid stuck in the ocean's waves. He was trying his best to swim out, but the waves were too strong.

"Wes!" Hazel calls.

Wes looks to Hazel, who starts to choke on water. She then falls to the ground, struggling to breath. Then Wes looks back to the kid in the water. He decided that he was too far to swim to, so he would use his water magic to save him. Wes throws his hands towards the water, and the water begins forming away from the child. Wes then sprints to the limp boy's body, and carries him away from the water. As soon as he lays him down, the boy coughs out the water and starts to breathe again. Hazel also starts to breathe. When Wes realizes that everyone is safe, he calms down. When he looks down, he sees an adorable baby girl sitting next to his leg. She had big hazel eyes, like Hazel does. Her hair was a shiny silver like Wes', and she was wearing a small blue dress. She was the cutest thing in the whole world.

"Oh my gosh, Wes. She is so cute!" Hazel jumps up, as if nothing happened.

"She must be Weslyn, and the one that almost died must be Hayden." Wes explains.

"Wait, why were you in the water?" Hazel asks Hayden.

"I don't know." Hayden answer with tears filling his eyes.

"No, no, no, don't cry." Hazel embraces him.

Weslyn grabs Wes' pants leg, trying to get his attention. "What's wrong Weslyn?" Wes asks crouching next to the small toddler.

Weslyn points to the huge waves coming toward them. The waves are about the size of Wes, and they would for sure drown them all. Wes quickly picks up Weslyn and Hayden, and yells at Hazel to run. They all make it to the top of the sandy stairs that exits them from the beach.


"We're going to the library, Leo." Thea demands.

"Why would our kids be there?" Leo asks.

"Our what?" Thea looks shocked at Leo.

"Were you not listening at all?"

"Well, a library in the distance caught my attention. We're... partner's right? And we're looking for our kids, to keep them out of trouble?"

"Yes, thankfully you have me." Leo says.

"We're still going to the library. Because if my kid is out there, he's going to be at the library."

"Okay, but if they're not there, we're leaving." Leo commands.


When Leo and Thea arrived at the library, they noticed a tree at the entrance. There were two kids messing around there.

"Don't worry Toby, I'll save you!" The girl yells to the boy in the tree.

"I don't want your help. Leave me alone, so I can read." The boy says to the girl.

"Does that remind you of someone?" Leo asks, looking to Thea who is reading a book.

"Leave me alone, I'm trying to read." Thea responds back. Leo just smiles at her, and looks back at the two children.

"I'm going to get you out of that tree Toby, so we can play together." The girl promises.

"No. I don't want to play, I want to read." Toby responds.

The girl walks away from the tree, and there was a fire in her eyes. She then turns towards the tree glaring at her brother, and starts turning into a werewolf. Before Leo and Thea can react, she runs towards the tree.

"No, Lia!" Leo screams.

"No! The book! Toby, save the book!" Thea yells.

Thea quickly grows the tree branch, that Toby is sitting on, toward her. Leo then runs toward Lia, and grabs her in her small wolf form.

"Lia, I know you're angry, but you're going to hurt people if you don't change back. I know it's hard to control when you're young, but you have to try."

Lia slowly changes back to her human form, and falls into Leo arms. Leo carries Lia over to Thea and Toby, who were bonding over books they've both read.


Nixson walks up to the front desk of the hospital.

"Uh… Hello?... I'm looking for a woman." Nixson tells the lady at the front desk.

"I'm afraid you're at the wrong place. The prostition center is next door." The lady tells him without lifting her head.

"No." Nixson glares at the woman. "I believe my wife is here."

"Does your wife have a name?"

"I don't know her name."

The woman gives him a concerned look, before beginning to type on her computer. "How about a last name?"

"Mine is Volt. How about that?"

"We have a Mrs. Volt is room 216."

"Thanks." Nixson walks around the hospital, trying to find the room the lady told him of. After lots of walking, he came to a hallway that read 200-230. A smile came across Nixson face as he ran to the room, 216. When he walked in, he saw a very unsettling view of his "wife".

"Ahhh!… Nixson… You're finally here… Ahhhh!… the babies are on their way, hurry up and hold my hand." The wife manages to speak, all while screaming.

"Nope, I didn't sign up for this." Nixson walks out of the room.

"Honey!" The wife yells.

Nixson walks back in with his head down, remembering what the note said about being bound with the kids. He had to make sure the baby stays safe.

"The first one's out. It's a boy." The doctor announces, handing the baby to a nearby nurse.

"Nico is here." The wife mumbles, trying not to fall asleep.

"Wait! What did you just say? 'The first one is out'? How many are there?" Nixson integrates with a shocked voice.

"It's twins, Sir." The doctor explains, returning to Nixson's wife.

His wife pushes and pushes, and then the doctor announces that the baby is out. There was a problem though, there was no crying. The baby wasn't crying.

"What's wrong with the baby, Doc?" Nixson asks trying not to freak out. The doctor and nurses all run over to the cart where the baby is lying.

"We have to take your daughter into surgery right away, her heart isn't getting enough oxygen." The doctor explains.

Something wasn't right, Nixson wasn't feeling any pain. It was too late to stop the doctors, they already left with Navi. Minutes later, Nixson started to feel something. He fell to the ground with pain in his chest. His wife was in a deep sleep, and couldn't hear a thing. Nixson couldn't breath, or even scream for help. A nurse happens to walk in and see Nixson on the ground. Nixson holds out his hand toward the nurse, who stands there smiling. The nurse got down and leaned over Nixson, the smile never leaving her face.

"You can thank Thea for this, we owed her a favor." Then she got up, and walked out.

Nixson then lets out one last breath, and his whole body disappears like it was never there.


A portal appears in front of each group simultaneously, and everyone prepares to leave.

"Goodbye Jay, I'll miss you." Juliette say professionally.

"No you won't." Jay says back.

"Yeah... your right." Juliette responds.

"Nooooooo! I don't want to leave you! You're the only person who gets me!" Hale yells, embracing Harmony.

Harmony pushes Hale into the portal. "Such a cry baby. I'm a child, and I don't even cry that much." Juliette walks into the portal after Hale, waving to the children behind her.


Hazel, Hayden, and Wes with Weslyn in his arms, were running from the beach with the high waves behind them. They finally make it to the streets, and stop to catch their breath. In front of them appears an oval filled with blue and purple swirls. It was the portal, and it appeared right on time. Hazel thinks to herself, and gives Wes a worried look. She remembered that the kids weren't actually real, they would just disappear when they enter the portal. As if Wes could read her mind, he turned to Hayden to say something.

"Hayden... Weslyn. We haven't tried bringing anything through the portal that was living. If you go in, you may not come out. So, do you want to try and come with us or stay here?" Wes explains. Weslyn grabs Wes' shirt, and tugs on it.

"Oh, do you want us to try and take you?" Wes asks, looking into her hazel brown eyes. Weslyn nods.

"How about you, Hayden?" Hazel asks.

"No, I'm good." Hayden answers.

"Okay… We'll miss you buddy." Wes says with a sad expression, and walks through the portal with Weslyn.

"Let's hope this works." Hazel enters after him.


"A portal. Let's get the hell out of here." Thea says with five books in her hands.

"Thea? Are you going to say goodbye to our kids first?" Leo asks.

"Well, one passed out, and the other one is reading like a good boy- wait. Did you say our kids?" Thea asks, turning to look at Leo.

"Yes. Do you see them, they have a combination of our features."

"Hm… I didn't notice. Let's go." Thea walks into the portal, not looking back. Leo quickly jumping in after her.


Everyone in the house gathers.

"Who is that, Wes?" Hale asks.

"Your niece." Wes answers.

"What!" Hale yells. "You were able to keep your child?!"

"I guess so." Wes looks to small child in his arms with a smile.

"I'm going back, wait for me!" Hale shouts.

"Wait, Hale! Someone is coming through." Juliette warns Hale.

Hale stands in front of the portal, waiting to see who it is. Harmony comes running through the portal, and falls into Hale's arms.

"I thought he feared kids." Wes whispers into Hazel.

"Me too." Hazel returns the whisper.

"Mom! Are you glad to see me?" Harmony says toward Juliette.


"It's okay, I didn't expect you to be." Harmony cuts her off from answering.


Harmony cuts her off once again. "I'm going to sleep, good night."

"Wait! How and why are you here?" Leo asks.

"Oh, yeah. I got here by walking through the portal, and I'm here to give you a message and hopefully stay if you let me."

"What's the message?" Hale asks.

"Nixson has died." Harmony answers.

"Ha, okay. Let's go to sleep then." Thea giggles.

Everyone stands in shock, as Thea and Hale both leave for their seperate rooms. The portal then closes, and everyone else walks off without a word.