The adventure of The Witches

Chapter IV, The Power Stealer

"What is that?" Jim asked while he's pointing at something from a foggy direction.

The thing got out from the fog, Jim is about to shout, but mike covered his mouth.

"It's just a cute little bunny," he said. "A bunny?" Jim replied.

Fiona gets closer to the rabbit, and is attempting to hold the rabbit but...

"Stop there, kid! Don't touch me," said the Rabbit. "You-you can talk?" Fiona asked. "Well, actually I can do anything: I can dance, sing, and cook anything," the rabbit replied.

"How cute," Jim said. "Hey, don't call me cute! I have a name, you know!" The rabbit said. "Then what is it?" They asked.

"It's Dan Ford From Class Two. I have the ability to run fast, and can manipulate Land."

"Is it possible to have the same powers with different witches?" Mike asked. "Yes, it's possible, why?" Fiona replied. "Nothing, I just remembered a witch who has a power to manipulate land," Mike replied.

"Uhm, by the way Dan, how did you turn into a rabbit?" Jim asked. "It's because of that nasty witch at Dead mountain," Dan replied.

"Why? What happened?" Mike asked, "Im just actually looking for a plant that will be an ingredient to my potion, but then she saw me and forced me to give her my powers," Dan replied.

"Did you gave her your powers?" Fiona asked. "Do you think I would be a rabbit if I gave it?" Dan replied. "Wait, give your powers? To whom?" Jim asked.

"It's Charlotte, the witch that have lost her powers but still dangerous because she can still cast a spell on you, unless you know how to defend yourself" Fiona replied.

"Well, that's explain why Dan turned into rabbit, he doesn't have enough knowledge on spells," Mike replied.

"It's because of the new professor, he forbid us to use magic, instead we'll just learn on basics" said Dan.

"Aren't you trying to practice or read any books about enhancing your magic?" Mike asked. "I don't like books," Dan replied. "Well, that's odd," Jim replied.

"Mike, don't you know a spell to reverse the curse? the one that you did on your sisters power on the ocean," Jim asked. "But I'm not even sure if that will work," Mike replied.

"Just try it again," Jim said. Mike the lifts his arms and shouted the word Tovewsa.

"Did it work?" Fiona asked while coughing caused from the smoke.

Dan stand up and showed his true form.

"It worked," said Mike amazed. "Uhm, thank you?" Dan said. "You should," Jim replied. "I guess this is gonna be, I should be leaving now," Dan replied.

"You're not gonna return the favor after what we did for you?" Jim asked. "Just forget it, he only cares about himself. Let's go" Fiona replied.

Dan left the Mountain while the gang continued their way. They got closer to the Tree of Truth.

"It's dark now. We need to rest for now, and we'll enter the tree together," Mike said. "I agree; besides I'm sleepy, too," Jim replied.

In the morning, the gang together entered the tree and saw beautiful sceneries, unlike what has been the description of it.

"Wow! All I thought it will be a bad place, but look at this, everything is so beautiful"

Fiona said. "Sorry, Fiona. But we're not here for this," Mike said while Jim interrupted him.

"You're right Fiona, it's beautiful," Jim said. Mike facepalms as it seems that no one had heard him.

"Can't you see it, Mike?" Jim asked. "Wake up, someone is coming," Mike said.

Mike hid under the tree when someone went to take Jim and Fiona. Mike followed them until he reaches a house, a candy house.

Mike is about to enter the house when someone stops him.

"Stop it" Dan said. "What are you doing here Dan?" Mike asked. "I'm here to turn you in" Dan said. "What!?" Mike said. "Just kidding, I'm here to help you. Where's Jim and Fiona?" Dan asked.

"Some old lady got them," Mike said, "That's Charlotte, the power stealer witch" Dan replied. "The one who tried to steal your powers?" Mike asked.

"Yes, and we need to saved them fast before Fiona and Jim give their powers" Dan said, "Jim doesn't have any powers," Mike said. "Well, in that case, she'll kill him," Dan replied.

"How can we save them?" Mike asked. "How should I know, we only learn how to make potions and spells," Dan replied.

"You can run fast, right? Can you get her attention?" Mike asked. "Why not, I hope you've planned it well," Dan replied.

Dan run fast, and make the witch turn to his attention. Mike then uses his power to pull the two, and wake them up.

"Fiona, Jim wake up" Mike said while shaking them, and in just a while, they woke up.

"Waahhhh" Jim shouted and the witch draw her attention to them.

"You little witches!" Charlotte shouted.

"What do you need from us?" Mike asked. "Duh, she wants our powers, genius," Dan replied. "What for?" Mike asked.

"So that I can revive The Great Pel!" Charlotte said. "Revive Uncle Pel?" Mike asked. "Uncle? so you're one of his niece," Charlotte replied.

"You're one of the nieces of Pel, the great witch? And the grandson of the king?" Dan asked. "Grandson of the king of Witches?" Jim asked.

"Great, I only need to look for the Four children's of the White Witch."

"It's not the time to asked Jim, we have a fight here" Mike repliedm "I'll go right; you take left Dan. Lift her Mike and Jim make a cockroach potion," Fiona said.

Mike lifts up Charlotte while Fiona gave her a thunderstruck, and Dan made a hole in the ground to hold her while Jim make a potion.

But then Charlotte uses her powers to get out from Dan's wall.

"You think you can defeat me, little kids" Charlotte said while laughing wickedly. "Jim, hurry," Fiona shouted. "It's almost done, I just need one last ingredient!" Jim shouted.

Mike, Fiona and Dan fight Charlotte.

"What is it?" Dan asked. "Grale flower," Jim shouted.

Grale flowers are plants that can only be seen at The Grand Witches Castle.

"Dan, grow some Grale flower" Fiona shouted. "I don't know how," Dan replied.

Mike then heard Moblo Grale, for Grale Bloom.

"Moblo Grale? Dan, try the spell Moblo Grale!" Mike shouted.

Dan then cast the spell, and the Grale flower grow.

"Do it know Jim, we're losing now!" Fiona shouted.

Jim throw the potion to Charlotte, and it hit her, but before she became a cockroach, she explodes.

Mike, Dan and Fiona had a power to protect themselves except for Jim who was hit by the explosion.

All they thought Jim died, but suddenly while Mike was crying holding Jim, "Why are you crying?" Jim asked.

"I thought you were dead, Jim" Mike gladly replied. "But how would you still be alive with that explosion?" Dan asked. "It doesn't matter anymore, the good news is Charlotte became a cockroach now, and we are still alive" Fiona said.

Jim stands up and look for Charlotte but she was gone, all she found is a key.

"Look Mike, it's the key, now we only need 2," Jim said. "You're right," Mike replied. "Where will we find the other two keys, Mike?" Jim asked.

"The map says at Twirl school" Mike said, "Twirl School?" Dan asked. "But where is Twirl School?" Jim asked.

"Our school," Fiona said. "At Lite Witches School? No, it can't be. I've already read the school's record, but there's no Twirl school written on the book," Dan replied.

"It's because they didn't want us to find out the history of the school," Fiona replied. "Then how did you know it?" Jim asked.

"My grandmother told me, but it's a long storyz" Fiona replied. be "Oh, we got a lot of time," Mike said. "I'll tell you everything when we get back at school, but for now, we must get home, my mom will scold me if she found out that I'm nowhere to be found," Fiona said.

"Well, it's nice meeting you Fiona and Dan" Jim said. "You, too. I'm going now see you at school," Fiona replied.

"As well as I; I've been lost for a week, my parents probably think that I'm dead. Bye!" Dan said. "Well, I guess we made new friends, Jim" Mike said. The best friend smiled.

Jim and Mike teleported back to Mike's home, and there they hid the key in the book of Light.

"By the way, Mike I almost forgot. You're the Grandson of the King of Witches?" Jim asked.

"Yes, my mom told me that. That's why we have two powers, my mom said we are one of the strongest Witches in the entire world, not until uncle Pel wanted the powers all by himself," Mike replied.

"But why are there others who have two powers like you?" Jim asked, "I don't know either," Mike replied. "Well, thanks for the adventure, Mike," Jim said.

"The prophecy is going well, you'll be alive soon my dear Pel," Melissa said laughing.