got played

Rashi and Aakash were childhood friend, at the age of 4 they promised that, "when they will be grown up they will get engaged". Aakash still remembered his promise, but for Rashi this act was just a childish thing. Rashi introduced Aakash with her friends when they were in senior secondary school, from that day Diksha had crush on him. she really liked aakash however, she never communicated her sentiments to him, as she know that there is no space for anyone in his heart aside from Rashi.

Rashi was too drunk, she wasn't able to stand appropriately. sakshi and diksha holded the hands of rashi and hided at the rear of a major scorpio inverse to where Aakash was standing, inclining towards his car. scorpio proprietor came and removed his vehicle when they were going to leave gradually, Aakash saw them.

Aakash-what a surprise, did you have fun playing hide and seek with me.

sakshi- wait, "I could you know that we were here"?

Aakash- thanks to diksha that I came to know that you are having fun without me.

sakshi took a gander at Diksha with a deadly look on her eyes taking a gander at her she asked so, you previously let him know. sorry, sakshi I disclosed to him that we were here however,I didn't expect that he will come here. Diksha I'm really cheerful that i don't have a similar intelligence level as yours. He previously had realised where were we and where we stowing away. it's truly, embarrassing diksha did you disclosed him that rashi is tanked. Diksha replied with a blank face, "I didn't".

Aakash interrupt them and asks them to sit in the vehicle .

Aakash- sit, I will drop you all.

Sakshi- actually, Aakash we were considering staying at a hotel for q night as should be obvious she is excessively smashed, we can't take her to her home and our as well, so would you be able to drop us to a near by hotel.

Aakash- there is no need for that you can stay at my place for today and remember to call aunty( rashi's

mother) that she is staying with you.

Diksha- that's right, we will inform her.

Diksha asks Sakshi to sit at the rearward sitting arrangement with rashi. sakshi replied her with a thumbs up.

sakshi sits with Rashi, rashi dozes on sakshi's lap, she was resembling an adorable infant who was sleeping tight, her dark hair were falling on her face again and again, sakshi was putting her hairs on her shoulders cleaning her face with tissues.

there was a pin drop silence for almost 10 minutes when Diksha breaks the silence.

Diksha- Aakash are you happy with this marriage or your parents are forcing you to get hitched.

Aakash- ofcourse, I'm glad that, I'm marrying the girl I love.

diksha's grin got evaporated in the wake of hearing him, she turned her face towards the window looking outside. tears tumbling from her eyes she attempted to shroud her inclination , she cleaned her tears concealing her trouble. once more, there was pin drop quietness.

guess reader's

do Aakash, will ever know the sentiments of Diksha for him...

do, Rashi and Aakash will get hitched.