partcipants intro

In my mind (boohoo…. I'm gone, "Rashi can't you even see your surrounding before talking bad

of someone, now, I got the meaning of walls also have ears…).After taking a

long breathe, I turned toward my boss (ah min hyuk) who was literally standing behind me. With

a fake smile I said" good morning sir, you will live a very long and healthy life as we were

talking about your good personality the way you lead this company from zero to

the most popular, we both are a big fans of your sir.

Boss-really! but, why did I heard someone saying that" she is going to eat me alive." I'm getting goosebumps see he rolled his sleeves.

What how could someone say like this, don't mind it sir brainless peoples have no manners. Turning my face towards avi. "avi did you say something?" this time she noded are head right and left with a no(nervously), see sir we are not such a brainless people who will talk about our boss on our first day, you should ignore such stupid people.

Ah! Sir, I think someone is calling me. I was about to leave. Boss- stop, he puts his one hand on my shoulder leaning on me says brainless girl,, lets see how many days willyou be able to stay here and he moves forward leaving us behind.

Rashi- "jerk"

He turns again and ask "did you said something". I replied clenching my teeth "no, sir".

new characters

now it's time to know about the contestant

Boss- Ahn min hyuk, CEO Of the XL company.30 years old. Became a cold hearted jerk (reason will be disclosed later)

Do song soon- 27 years old, from korea(M)

Fukami hiroto- 23 years old, from japan(M)

Soobin- 19 years old, from Vietnam(M)

Arnel- 29 years old, from filipino (M)

Rashi -25 years old from India(f)

Zhou weiwei- 26 years old , from Taiwan(f)

Jannine- 20 years old, from Thailand(f)

Avi- 22 years old, from Indonesia(f)

you will know about their personalities one by one with the upcoming episodes.

We were all holding a wine and talking to each other.when we heard, Attention please boss was standing on the top front of the stairs holding mike " everyone here lets cheers for you hardwork until now that you passed all the obstacles and got into finals. But this doesn't end here, now you have new friends cum rivals. so, now the competition is going to be tough. From today onwards your life is going to change now, it depends on you how you will lead this change into positive or negative way.

For being here you have to follow some rules your respective managers will fix a paper of rules written on it on your room doors each pair of roommates will have a manager. You can read the rules when you will go to your respective room. And remember There is no place for a person who will disobey the rules here.

For now, you all will be given a task there will be 4topics in a piece of paper you have to find that piece of paper by solving 4 riddles you will be working in a pair. The pairs will be announced by min young in a short while after this announcement. And one more thing there are cameras everywhere, so don't try to do anything which will lead you to your disqualification.

all the best.