Human This, Human That!

As the light shone, sounds of chains could be heard in the back of her mind. This was it! The vow under heaven and earth. It wasn't similar to the vow made for marriage because the term for Earth is a representation to hell. As such, this vow was stricter than that used for marriages and few would dare to ever use it for marriages with how strict it was and how terrifying the punishment is. Who would dare to utter such vows under the heavens?

The surrounding was filled with a powerful ray of light and the air grew light yet tense under the open skies. Lotus frowned as she knew that this is the presence of the eyes of Heaven watching over this vow. To think that it would even be willing to travel through time and space to oversee the vows made in this world...

She frowned at the thought that there was nowhere safe in the world, after all. She must get stronger and return to exact her vengence!

Once the light died down, Raaji could see that the man stood before them was no different, but, if it was true with what he said, then he really made that rumored vow? Can magicians make the same vow as them?

"Magicians have yet to try such a thing, but I wouldn't recommend it." A-Cong responded haveing noticed his expression.

Raaji nodded his head nervously. If such things were discovered, then it could possibly turn the world into chaos!

He held Wes close to him silently in deep contemplation. Hei Hui saw him and said with a frown, "What happened here during these days can not be shared with others."

Under her firm glance, it was naturally left unsaid what would occur if he did end up with a loose lip. For this reason, he didn't dare to disobey. He had already witnessed the power of the cultivators. Going against them is similar to going against one of the top five magicians in the world! With one already in his school, would he make a powerful person his enemy? He wouldn't have a good time if he did so, otherwise!

However, seeing Huo Wei create the vow and recalling how the other guardians and their assistants have made such vows, he could only assume how powerful it was for over seven powerful people guarding each dorm to make such a huge scene.

Lotus frowned and said, "You won't wait till the treatment is finished?"

Huo Wei shook his head, "I've already made up my mind and you've already said that you would treat me if I work under you. Now that I've vowed to serve under you, there is no way for me to betray you for treatment."

Hearing this, Lotus heaved a heavy sigh and nodded her head, "Fine. I'll carry you in my spatial ring to my dorm. There are plans for after the treatment, but we can talk about that later. Since you've already missed a day of attendance at your usual meeting, something must be done to avoid further suspicions. So, here's what I want you guys to do for me..."


In a dark room in the Diasomnia dormitory that morning, Lotus was in a bed reading a book on magic and alchemy when she heard a knock on the window and opened it hastily once she saw who it was.

"Master!" She smiled wide at the sight of another Lotus before her, "Welcome back!"

"Thanks for taking my place, Zhang Li." Lotus sighed in relief, "Was it too difficult?"

"Of course not!" Zhang Li responded followed by a couple of laughter, "The young man called Ren was very kind and thoughtful. Though he was busy, he was able to convince the dorm leader to allow us to stay in a vacant dorm for a while."

Lotus chuckled and nodded her head as she patted her shoulder for a bit, "I agree. Mister Ebonvile is indeed very thoughtful. However, do you know where this room is located?"

Suddenly, Zhang Li's face changed as she nodded with a frown, "Yes, master... My brother and I did some digging and discovered at the Dorm Leader have placed us next to the vice-dorm leader and dorm leader's rooms."

Lotus nodded with a heavy sigh, "That's right... Though Ren is thoughtful, he can be a little naive. The other two aren't so. Do you remember what I asked you for?"

Zhang Li nodded her head and continued to report everything else that happened to them during the past few days she was gone. As it turned out, due to guilt and sudden schedule, Yuu had to leave for the Scarabia dorm and had asked Ren to help him out to watch over her condition. However, due to studying materials for the next semester, Ren could not spend too much time wandering about. Thus, he made a formal request to the vice-dorm leader to move her to their dorm temporarily as the majority of the dorm students had returned home for the holidays. Out of curiosity, the vice-dorm leader was intrigued and shared the request with Malleus, the dorm leader of Diasomnia, who was concerned and also curious about her.

Hearing the entire story and how they had visited her daily, she could already tell that, even if they were suspicious, they were still kind towards her and her circumstances. She also had a mother and son stone that she found in her ring to share with the three.

That's right! She already had one to begin with. However, it was the only enough for just one mother stone and a few son stones. Since Hei Hui was willing to share hers with her, how could she not accept it? Rejecting such a gift given with her generosity would just be losing face to them.

However, there were just somethings that can't be expressed enough from over the stone alone.

"I don't really like that Sebek guy, though." Zhang Li responded with a pout and groaned with complaints, "From the moment he opened his mouth, he's just been poking fun at me the entire time! It was so difficult to keep a straight face from all that! Human this, human that! I thought of this before, but, even if its true I can't do stuff because I'm a human, does he really need to emphasize the difference of race and strength between us?"

Hearing this, Lotus bit back a laugh and kept a smile on her face, then she consoled, "Okay, okay. You've worked hard. Just take a rest for today."

Zhang Li pouted in annoyance but didn't say anything. It was good enough that she didn't outright yell at the young freshman, so she didn't need to worry too much over a bad impression. After all, it's just four years here and to a cultivator, four years can pass like a blink of an eye.

After instructing Zhang Li over some matters, she brought her into her spatial ring. Just the sight of such a wide open space shocked the woman almost senselessly! She had always wondered where would she put the furnace if their master had been able to forge so much, but she didn't expect her to have a pocket of space to herself! Since it was like this, then wouldn't it have been easier to just remain hidden away from the pursuers during her entire time here?

"This pocket of space was from the spatial ring that I had on me." Lotus explained to her after noticing her expression, "I trust that you won't share this secret with anyone."

Hearing this, Zhang Li nodded her head, "This one understands, master."

"Good. Now, there's someone I want to introduce you to."

After being given an antidote to the hair potion she had and facial manipulating magic was taken off, Zhang Li followed her into a bedroom with her usual attire once again and was shocked upon seeing the figure in white, "Master, this..."

"His name is Huo Wei. He's new here and came from the Scarabia dorm. He will work with your brother later on, but he needs medical attention first."

The tall man in white bowed silently in greetings. Stunned, Zhang Li could only do the same.

"I'll explain more details to you and Zhang Yong later, but all I can say right now is that you can trust him. I'll be back later in the afternoon and start working."

"I'll do as you said, Master." She responded and watched as her master left.

Upon leaving the room, Lotus reached out and easily grabbed the little spirit and the baby kirin by the collar and mane.

"The two of you know that it's ill manner to eavesdrop. You want the two to freak out and never come back again?" She sighed in dismay.

She could already guess that, after spending days in the little realm, the young Kirin was naturally very curious at this point about the outside world. Lotus wanted to keep him here until he was old enough to wander about the world with her after her graduation. Since the Valley of Thorns was a small place with mostly faes, it would be the safest place for such a young beast spirit to enter and not get caught. Though the Valley of Thorns had no electricity of high technology advancements, its potential in magic is still left unmatched against the other countries. For cultivators like them, it would be the best hiding spot. Perhaps that's why her parents had to move there, despite their unwillingness to do so at first.