Ancient Jade Essence!

It was evening by the time Yuu and the others left the exhibition. Seeing that the kitchen was packed, Yuu looked around to see if Lotus was around, but found that she was no where to be found.

The exhibition was being held in the collessium where the purple stadium once was. Though there were guards everywhere, they could still see the artifacts of the great seven from afar. Lotus strode into the exhibition that evening after having taken the ticket in hand. Upon entering, she utilized her ability and slinked into the crowd without problems. Quietly, she examined the artifacts from afar. Looking at the artifacts, she carefully studied the frame and materials of the artifacts that was once frequently used daily of those from the past. She could see every wear and tear that was left and repaired. There were also old repairs done to it as well. Seeing this, Lotus could tell that this world truly treasures the old artifacts of the past. Lotus sighed, "However, they are now without an owner and without a purpose. Too old to be reused, too valued to be give another purpose but the remembrance of the past. However, is this a good thing or is it a bad thing... To be without a purpose, but to exist solely for the purpose to honor the past."

"But, master..." Ying Hui's voice echoed in her mind, "Why do we have to be here?"

"The people spent so much time to hold this exhibition. Why not take a look at the ancient artifacts?" Lotus responded wearing a smile on her face, "It's a rare chance to see old artifacts. and study their structure. I want to see how this world creates their tools and for what purpose they have."

There were numerous artifacts featured in the area, but many were either hats, boots, or even simple guantlets that does little during a battle. The the queen of hearts were just a simple good crown the diameter of her wrist.

By the time she arrived upon one of the more prized items of the exhibition, the people had already began to become packed with people as she examined the gold staff with the snake adorned on the top with red ruby eyes. As expected, the red ruby eyes were made from magic stones and the gold with black back coating was nothing more than just decoration... It was probably used to show his status and identity in the past. If it wasn't for the power of the gems, he wouldn't have been able to cast magic as fluently. Then, the rest would be easy for a tactician like the sorceror of the desert.

Seeing this, Lotus sighed before shaking her head and turned to the last glass case.


In the darkness, Lotus froze in bewilderment as she stood there before the tall glass case. Before her was a golden staff tipped with a translucent orb.

A translucent jade orb...

Filled with spiritual energy...

"This is..." Lotus whispered quietly with her eyes glued to to the staff behind the glass casing.

"Master?" Ying Hui's voice whispered into her head quietly in confusion and hesitation, "What is this jade? Why does it feel so... so familiar... to your energy?"

Lotus did not respond for a while as she muttered in disbelief, "Ancient Jade Essence..."

"Ancient Jade Essence?!" Xiao Li and Ying Hui cried out in disbelief once they heard of that name.

"But, didn't this material vanished twenty-five million years ago?!" Ying Hui cried out in bewilderment.

"That's right." Her brother nodded hesitantly, "Not only did the material vanish, but there was also only one, to begin with in the world... The strongest gem capable of manipulating spiritual energy and quell violent energy in the user's body, no matter how violent..."

"But, that would make it incredibly priceless!" Ying Hui cried out in exasperation, "No wonder I felt that this gem was so powerful... Still, why would it be here in another world?!"

"Yes, why would it be here?" Xiao Li muttered in confusion.

Despite their banter, Lotus was in no mood to listen in as she stared at the gem in horror. The luster of the gold was gone and the frame had been cleared of the soil, yet the cracks still remained. She could see that some were caused by weather and erosion. Traces of time marked over the staff's body...

"Yet, aside from the brutality of time..." Lotus's breath grew warm and heavy as she softly touched the glass, "There are no signs, of serious damage... only wear..."

"Master?" Xiao Li called out over to him hesitantly sensing the immense sadness welling up from inside her as though having finally unlocked the emotions that had been locked away inside of her. However, he quickly noticed a pair of eyes that should not have turned in their direction! He quickly found that it came from an unexpected person and cried out in her mind, "Lotus? Lotus! Hey, Peony!"

However, no matter how hard he called out, Lotus would not respond as she touched the glass and a single drop slid down her warm cheek. A weak hoarse voice escaped from her warm breath as she whispered quietly, "Mo... Mo Li..."

"Peony!" Xiao Li cried out, "Ren's here!"

Suddenly, Ren's voice echoed from afar, "Lotus, don't touch it!"

A sudden flash of light blinded everyone as they could hear the thunder from afar. The artifact shined brightly and broke through the glass. Screams could be heard across the area as Riddle's voice echoed in the air, "Don't panic! Everyone, carefully evacuate from the area carefully!"

"What's going on?!" Cater cried out in bewilderment as droplets of water soon appeared, "It's starting to rain?"

"Cater!" Riddle ordered with a grimace, "Escort the people out of the colesium. Don't let a single one get hurt. Get the freshmen to help. You can't do it yourself right now."

Riddle was right since Cater has been using his unique magic non-stop today and using more would be risking it. He nodded and quickly began instructing the freshmen to help him escort the people as Riddle also took part in helping him.

"Riddle-senpai! We're here to help!"

Riddle looked up and saw both Silver and Sebek rushing over. Riddle's eyes widen in surprise, "What are you doing over here? I thought you were supposed to be-"

"Don't worry about that." Silver hurriedly said, "My father is here too."

Suddenly, a bright light flashed again and it was soon followed by the shattering sound of glass and a scream. Silver frowned, "Sebek, let's go."

"Stop telling me what to do!" Sebek scowled but still followed along with what Silver said.

"Just what in the world is going on?" Riddle grimaced and quickly rushed in to help the others caught in the rampage.


"Just what in the world is going on..." Leona scowled after instructing the others to help evacuate the area and was about to leave the area when he noticed something rush past him, "Huh? Just now..."


Out of the blue, Malleus and Lilia also rushed past him as he stood there in confusion, "Hey-!"

As if nature was trying to keep him away, a large burst of wind rushed at him and he heard the glass shatter.


"Ah! Uncle!!!"

As it turned out, the cry was from Cheka and a small little beastgirl with Lion ears and tail!

"Ng-! Cheka?!" Leona's eyes widen in surprise upon seeing the two children.

The girl had collapsed between two glass cases and Cheka was struggling to carry her away from the place. Suddenly, the wind grew stronger as he noticed the glass cases from behind him shatter and the two were shaking. With a scowl, he rushed over and carried the two out just as the two cases broke.

"Mister Kingscholar!"

"Tch, you're finally here?" Leona grumbled as both headmasters of the two schools of Isle of Sages.

"We've been helping with the evacuation as well. Take the children out of here." Headmaster Ambrose responded.

"Is there anyone else around?" Headmaster Crowley questioned hurriedly.

"Hmph." Leona glanced over his shoulder and responded, "That lizard was just here as well."

"Lizard?" Crowley gasped in horror, "You mean, Mister Draconia?!"

There was a bright flash of light once more as thunder crashed down scaring everyone around. It was then that Headmaster Crowley received a call, "Hello? Yes, we're all right. What?!"

His cry of shock scared the two as he nodded his head and closed his phone.

"Headmaster Crowley? What's going on?" Headmaster Ambrose questioned with a frown.

"The... The entire Isle is covered caught in a powerful rainstorm." Headmaster Crowley responded hesitantly, "The mana is also in chaos..."

"What in the world!" The two's eyes widen in shock upon hearing this.

"Tch! What's going on?" Leona scowled.

"In any case, let's first evacuate everyone from the premises." Crowley responded firmly, "Take the children away to shelter. I'll go get Mister Draconia back."

"Fine..." Leona grumbled and hurried away from the scene only for the wind to grow stronger and force him to take shelter behind a nearby boulder on the grassy area.

"Uncle, what's going on?" Cheka cried hesitantly, "My friend... she's not waking up..."

He glanced down to find that the girl was still motionless under his arm and grimaced, "She's fine. She's only unconscious. Stay down and cover your head."
