Into Tartarus

"Well... It actually isn't, of course." Peony shook her head and turned to the researchers, "I want to ask you. Did three uninvited guests appear these past few days?"

"Answer." The leader said bluntly.

"Three? Yes. Well, they were actually intruders at first. We discovered that three students of Night Raven College have tracked down our location and made it to our base." A female researcher responded, "However, because they were vice-leader's school mates and students, he had them occupy a vacant conference room."

"Idia did that?" The leader questioned with a raised brow.

It was rare to find his son actually allow friends into the place as he wasn't a very social child unless on the internet and researching. Why would he go and help these people when he has been trying to act efficiently during work?

"The fact that he can do this while also taking on the role he is in is because he actually does care a lot and is sensitive. When working, you'll find that the most unsuccessful reasearchers are those who are sensitive and kind to those around them including their work. Although that would become a problem worker, that is also what makes them the most likely to become the best. Because they care. Even the most heartless tigress would not kill their own cubs. The same can be said for grown adults. Hence, this overblot isn't all that unusual. If the humans and life are all heartless, then the world is really no different from ants that does their work just because they have to do their work. This is also what separates animals from beastmen because beastmen have more heart and logic than animals. However, even this feeling needs to be nurtured and sometimes this is one of its ways."

"What can we do?" The fates hesitated as the flame in their palm flickered.

"Protect him and listen to the leader, isn't it?" Peony responded firmly, "One of those students that intruded this place has the ability to help, but he can't do it himself."

"Why not?" The researcher questioned in bewilderment.

"Because he can't use magic, yet he's born with the disposition for beast taming." Peony responded, "Although he may not seem like much, he can see the bigger picture in a battle and can give clear directions to other magicians. Not to mention, it seems that the magic mirror back on campus has been giving him clues on who may overblot next and he is the only one that has been able to activate this. The problem is it is not within his control."

"Where is that student?" The leader asked.

"He... All of the students went to fight against the titans!" The researchers confessed, "During the time of the emergency, all four titans have been on the verge of being released from their confinement!"


"T-Titans..." Maisey gasped in horror as he continued to hide behind her shoulder, "Aren't those that bad guys that wrecked havoc many years ago?!"

"Something isn't right..." Peony frowned, "Idia is a logical person and very talented, but the only flaw is that he can't display confidence when something does not have a high percentage of success, despite having so much talent. If he wanted to free others... Why wait for this long? Ortho too. He has been with Idia for so long. Why did something like this not happen before?"

"Well..." One of the researchers stepped up and explained, "Ortho said this, if you think it's impossible and don't take any action, the chances will always remain zero."

"Ortho..." The leader sighed in disappointment.

"You can do what you want when he returns fully." Peony dismissed the words with a frown, "Only Pomefiore's dormleader would say something like this. After all, he has always had the motivation no matter how impossible the situation may be. So, you had to send the group down the towers. Smart decision in this situation. Looks like Isle of Woe has a lot of rational and talented people. Improvising their thinking like this..."

"Now that we came in, we won't be able to leave." The leader frowned.

"Stay." Peony responded, "I'll head down to Tartarus on my own."

Hearing this, all eyes fell on her in disbelief as she pulled back her black hood to don on her red face veil.

It was only for a brief moment, but her red and blond hair and startling purple eyes. Fair skin and a calm demeanor made it look as though she was a leading figure from some big family. However, no one has seen such a beautiful figure before. She changed her green robe for a bright red one and made her way out the door after hearing the instructions from the leader. Once gone, one of the researchers asked the leader in hesitation, "S-sir... who was that?"

"She's going to Tartarus!" The older researcher cried out rather nervously.

"Let her go." The leader shook his head and turned to the fates, "Did she take him?"

One of the woman nodded their heads, "Yes, sir."

The leader thought for a bit before responding, "Okay. Those who can use magic needs to help hold down the doors to the laboratory. The rest continue supporting the students."


As soon as she stepped foot into the hallway, she could already feel the dense and gloomy air from her surroundings. Maisey coughed and gagged as though he wanted to vomit.

"As expected." Peony frowned and created a small ball of light surrounding him, "A mixture of metal and demonic energy is too much for fairies to bear..."

It soon became easier for Maisey to breath as he stuck out from behind her shoulder sitting on it. He could feel the warmth of the mana and breathed a sigh of relief, "As expected, princess's magic is very powerful and warm."

"Don't get too comfortable." Peony laughed before glancing down the long and dark corridor, "The deeper we go, the denser the miasma will be."

Seeing the dark and gloomy hallway as she continued walking through them, Maisey frowned, "Will those kids be all right? They volunteered to go, but..."

"They're quite resilient." Peony responded with a smile, "They'll make it back with all their limbs attached. Anything else, I'm sure the successor to the throne will be able to cover. He isn't one to let a sacrifice be, especially not for his country."

"Still you've never met him."

"But, I've already seen his caretaker and personally met with the queen." Peony responded with a smile, "Since they're the ones guiding him, can the apple really fall that far from the tree?"

Maisey sighed, "I'll listen to you then, Princess. More importantly, tell me about how school has been for you!"

"This again?"

"Well, it's not like I can sneak in as a student myself." Maisey pouted, "You know I'll get caught immediately! And, I don't really get along that well with your spirits anyway."

That was certainly true. While some fairies did get along with Xiao Li and Ying Hui, Maisey was not included in the group, unfortunately. Though he managed to have a decent conversation with Xiao Li, he argued constantly with Ying Hui. By now, the presence of these two spirits have become known throughout her home and her mother was quite fond of Ying Hui. An interest that began when learning she was a weapon artifact spirit. Everyone has also started to learn of her contracted spirit beast as well and that one of them was an amnesiac demonic beast, Grim. But, nobody was that interested in Grim aside from Piper, her father's retainer.

According to Maisey and Xiao Li, her spirit beasts were brought out to greet the fairies while she was recovering that night by him due to her mother's curiosity and the insistence of his sister. All without her knowledge.

Despite her love for her family, she was still annoyed to hear of this and the two spirits, who could feel her unimpressed feeling, decided to go focus on their tasks for the day for once. The reason she did not want to let her beasts out was so that she could avoid any unexpected circumstances. However, she clearly underestimated the curiosity of everyone and accidentally let an opening. Still, her father might be able to cover it should anything happen...

Just this once, she'll let it go.

"It wasn't all that interesting." Peony said with a confused look on her face.

"I heard that Night Raven College was very interesting though." Maisey said with a wide smile, "And that someone helped orchestrate a lovely performance contest just a week ago."

Hearing this, Peony froze glancing over to Maisey who was still smiling wide as a cold thump went down somewhere in her stomach. She hesitated, "Does..."

"Her majesty is still oblivious to the events that occurred that day nor the performance. So, she doesn't know about it... yet." Maisey clarified, "That and the fact that you brought a human male with you to the show."

Peony could now feel a cold rush going through her head and she heaved a heavy sigh, "He was a friend... but-"

"Not like the queen would care." Maisey sighed, "After all, you are only fifteen. Why would her majesty want to leave her fifteen-year-old daughter with some human male? Especially one that's from this country. You are also very clear about what her majesty will do, right? Or did you also forget that the prince of that fae country is also a male. She's already unimpressed with the one from Sunset Savannah. Not wanting to marry is no excuse for interacting with them so closely."

"Ugh..." Peony sighed as she could feel a headache coming along. She is not planning for any marriage and felt that she could easily deal with any proposals by this point, including covering up in her interactions with other men, but her mother was still another force that she can not brush off of. If she let her mother know about Yuu and the other dorms, she'd be less than impressed too. Feeling the annoyance coming in, Peony sighed again in defeat, "Fine... I'll tell you about it."

"Great!" Maisey smiled wide relishing in his victory...
