Everything Will Go Well

"It's been going smoothly." Ren responded.

"That's good to hear." Lilia smiled, "If it goes well, then spring should be able to return like normal."

Hearing this, Lotus pondered curiously to herself. Perhaps, if this works out, her mother would always bring about Spring? Thinking back, even after adopting her, the fairy kingdom was always untrustworthy towards humans and beastmen. Mermaids where of no exceptions as all who sides with humans are suspicious. However, her mother was an open minded fairy who adopted her without much thought. In her eyes, she was probably a reckless, yet brave child who was willing to protect a fairy. However, like father, she was very wary of the humans. If it weren't for the fact that she recognized her fae master's straightforwardness and flaws being harmless to them or that the queen of Briar valley recognized and accepted their natural distrust towards strong dark faes, her mother would never give them an opening to form ties with them. If this works out, perhaps her mother would give more thoughts to learning more about human culture herself rather than just for her daughter?

"Lotus?" Lilia looked to her curiously.

She shook her head, "Since Dormleader Leona will be in charge of this project, let's leave this to him. I suspect that Grim and Ruggie will forget something crucial, but Leona has known Ruggie since the guy was a freshman. Hence, I believe he got things covered."

"You're not worried about their ability to distract the fairies?" Lilia looked to her curiously.

Lotus nodded her head, "I trust their abilities and, with the Prefect and Grim there, things should end smoothly for them."

Lilia hummed in deep thoughts. Turns out that she really trusts the two, after all.

"Will you be seeing them again tomorrow?" Lilia questioned her curiously, "I overheard some students mentioning that you had some trouble getting past the door."

Lotus nodded again, "Yes, but I'll be fine this time."

"I'll be staying in the dorm tomorrow." Ren replied, "Will you be all right going there on your own?"

"Oh, it's all right. It's just a quick trip getting back to the dorm and, from the looks of it, the dorm should be done in two more weeks." Lotus smiled reassuringly, "I just hope the cold doesn't push the construction behind schedule."

"It should be just find." Lilia responded with a wide smile, "Will you joining us for dinner this time, Ren?"

"This..." Ren hesitated with a slight look of embarrassment, "I-If that's all right..."

Lilia smiled, "Of course! Now, come on! Oh, and you can join us too if you want, Lotus."

"Then, I'll take the offer." Lotus chuckled, "It's been a while since I had a good chat with Sebek too."

Seeing the mischevious smirk on her face, Lilia chuckled, "Yes, he must have a lot to say too. Just try not to fool around too much."

"Certainly." Lotus nodded with a wide smile.

Ren sighed in defeat when he saw her smile. He has been around the Ramshackle group long enough to know how mischievous this little girl can be. Perhaps more so than his liege's caretaker too. Sometimes, she would listen to him like a good child and, other times, she would pout and simply nod then hid behind him. It often made him wonder if the mirror made a mistake and she was supposed to be in Pomefiore's dorm considering her skills in alchemy and the way she was always able to convince him to let her go.

When Lotus returned from the dinner, she had switched places with Zhang Li who would pretend to sleep in her bed as Lotus switched into the red and black brocade with the short skirt and snuck out of the dorm.

Seeing her in the beautiful brocade, Zhang Li couldn't help but feel that it was a pity that her little princess still has to hide herself as another gender all the time. She not only has such a pretty face but also a delicate looking structure. She would truly become quite a sight once she grow older. During that time, she will do her best to make sure that no guys dares to steal the young miss from them, especially not that ugly lizard!

Sneaking through the now empty Hall of Mirrors, Lotus made her way to the Botanical gardens after dusting herself with some fairy dust in her possession. Suddenly, one of the guards stopped her, "Halt! Which fairy are you?"

Lotus took out a red pendant from her pocket and responded, "I am associated with the Royal Family."

"Hah? Are you really associated with the Queen? I've never seen a red object like that before!"

She raised a brow upon noticing something was wrong.

"Sister, what is going on? Why is he keeping you out?" Little Jun questioned hesitantly in confusion in her mind.

She replied to the kirin in confusion as well, "I've never seen him before. He must be new to the ranks."

"You idiot!" The water fairy guard hurriedly pulled the other back and bowed respectfully, "Princess, welcome back. Please excuse us. This one is new and just joined after your departure."

Hearing his gesture and politeness, the other fairy trembled in horror as he realized his mistake, "M-My deepest apologies, milady!"

"It's quite all right." Lotus smiled as she helped them up, "Knowing my mother and father has loyal guards like you is a blessing. With this, my parents can rest assured that they and our kingdom will be safe as we perform our duties. Still, during the event, there will be many important people than myself passing through. There are some new guards in the event who might not be familiar with other guests and it'll be a problem if a fight broke out. I'll send someone to be at the entrance to welcome the fairies."

Hearing this, the guards paled in shock. To welcome guests was a privilege of a high ranking guard could be bestowed on by the queen, a once in a life time chance to see other powerful fairies, and to have that taken away from them was as devastating as their future taken away from them!

"However..." Lotus added, "This won't be enough... What are your names?"

"A-Apogee!" The newcomer responded nervously.

"Quinn..." The other responded hesitantly.

"Quinn, Apogee, how would you like to help my family guard and welcome the guests in during the event for my mother's birthday?"

"Eh?" They looked to her in bewilderment.

Lotus raised a brow in confusion, "Is it unsatisfactory? As guards, to welcome the guests in is a privilege that I recall is an honor for you. Hence I was reluctant to just take away your job like this without ways to make it up. However, the new guard's inexperience can't be excused sadly. So, I'll give you more time. As you've heard, the king treasures the queen very much, so it's quite obvious that the event must be very important with my mother's closest subjects and friends allowed to attendance. However, it would be a problem if some one tries to ruin it or just pop right in. Mister Robin is the only one with that exception. So, I can bring this matter to the king. He, himself, is quite busy, in fact. That must be why he appointed you this position without much thought to your experience. I can easily add you in as guards with the task to welcome the guests. Once I get the confirmation, I'll send the two of you the list of guests once it is completed. Till then, I expect the two of you to take this experience into account and not to make the same mistake again. For the Fairy Gala, you should observe Aqua's action and how he interacts with the guests. It's not an easy task remembering so many fairies much less putting up with those who do not have the same moral teachings, but I trust, with more practice and experience, you'll eventually get there."

"This!" The two guards looked to each other with unhidden relief and excitement across their faces.

"Yes! Of course, milady!" Quinn responded with a bright glow on his face, "We'll be more than honored to guard for the Queen's birthday as well. Thank you for this opportunity!"

"Please wait till I get the message to my father first. He's a strict person, but he isn't cruel. I'm sure he'll agree to my request." Lotus responded, "Tell me. How is the preparation for the Gala event?"

"It's coming along very well. The area chosen this year is quite beautiful. We just need a few more touch ups to it and it will be completed!" The new guard responded with a bright smile on his face, "We've never seen such a beautiful scenery too! The number of decorations is increasing while on the way."

"That's good to hear." Lotus smiled in relief, "Mother would be pleased that all the other guards thinks so too. But, please remember not to get too distracted during the event. Aqua and Pyro aren't lenient when it comes to punishment."

"Yes, milady..." Apogee wore a wry smile upon hearing this.

"The event this year will be quite big, this time..." Quinn responded, "It wasn't as big compared to last year."

Lotus nodded, "Mother did plan to go all out this year. Hehe... Father's face was quite priceless when he learned of mother's plans, but he couldn't say no to her this time. How could he when he knows how hard she worked this year?"

"But if the event goes south..."

Lotus giggled softly, "How could it? This is my mother and the queen of Faeland we are talking about. She's wise, powerful and brave with just as much charisma as the king. Why else would Mother have been able to succeed as Queen? Do not fret. Since it is mother, everything will go well."

After all, the biggest risk had yet to come.