Trying To Catch Her

"N-NO! I mean, not no to that..." The fairy stammered before hurrying away dragging the other with him as he whispered in confusion, "Wh-what's happening? I feel the strangest...compulsion."

"W-Wait!" The first struggled to fight back as he was forced to follow the other back to the gala.

"The fairy's shrinkin' in Leona's presence." Grim secretly cheered in awe.

Ruggie gave a dry smile upon the turn of the situation, "Their attention's totally fixated on Leona. I guess now it's Operation Steal the Guard's Focus!"

"Hm? Hey, look!" Grim whispered as he pointed over to Leona, "Leona's mouthing something."

Narrowing his eyes, Ruggie tried to figure out what he's saying, "Letters? S... C...



Underinv the situation, Ruggie nodded and grabbed Yuu's arm, "Okay, that's our cue to slip out."

Grim scrambled on all fours as he got read to make a mad dash after them, "Time to make a break for it!"

As they dashed away, Leona was about to leave as well in another direction.

"Hold it!"

Leona stiffened in surprise but quickly regained his mask of arrogance and turned around, "Hah?"

"Where do you think you're going?" One of the water fairies returned hurriedly with a scowl, "This is the fairy gala organized by the queen. Even though you are a noble, it is common knowledge that we knights listen to know no one but the royal family of Faeland! How dare you order the knights of the royal family, like your servants!"

"You dare lecture me?" Leona growled angrily.

"Did you forget where we are? This is a garden of the humans. Naturally, we have to be on our guard. Since you claim to be a noble, tell us which forest you hail from?"

Hiding his fast beating heart, Leona sneered, "Are you blind? You actually can't tell?"


"It's all right, Aqua."

They turned around with a look of bewilderment and was shocked to find that it was the princess entering the scene in slow and graceful steps. She turned to Leona and greeted him with a smile, "Greetings."

Then, she turned to Aqua and replied, "You don't have to fret, Aqua. I know this person and he has no means to harm anyone. Just let me escort him out myself. So you may tell the guards not to worry about his room or the water. He cannot stay for long sadly."

Aqua hesitated but responded quickly with a nod and left the area. With that, the princess turned to him and responded, "Your friends should have left the garden by now. Let us bring you back outside too."

"Heh, aren't you good at stuffing words in other people's mouth." Leona sneered.

Peony raised a brow, "Stuffing words? Well, I guess I do have the best examples in the world."

"What do you mean?" Leona looked to her with a frown.

"Why should I say? Sometimes I like to keep my cat for myself." Peony smirked.

Leona huffed "That's if you can care for it."

"At least, I know when to let it take a breather." Peony giggled, "You keep it so tightly to you. It's no wonder it's become a part of you in the end."

Hearing this, Leona's ears and tail flicked in surprise before it finally dawned on him as he scowled angrily.


Peony turned back with a smirk across her face, "Yes?"

However, that smirk was quickly replaced with a shocked expression as she felt a strong tug on her arm. Not prepared for it, she fell back. Seeing this, Leona was surprised that he'd catch her off guard so easily as he reached out with that same arm to catch her. Doing so he could not help but smelt a faint trace of floral and her However, Peony quickly kicked off the air and balanced herself back on land. She looked back just in time to see Leona standing there with an outstretched arm and a silly expression across his face. Though he retreated hurriedly, Peony was still rather surprised. Leona was actually about to catch her? Huh, she didn't think he'd be the type to reach out and actually catch her in person. Could it be because she's a princess? But their two races don't exactly have a strong relationship at the moment and the only relations between the two families are simply to keep the fairies from causing trouble with the citizens of Afternoon Savannah. Unless...


As an idea dawned on her out of nowhere, she broke the awkward silence and turned to Leona with a wide smile, "I remember there's something I wish to talk about with the prince."

"Something to talk about?" Leona raised a brow.

"Something to think on occasion when bored, you could say."



The queen turned around with a look of delight across her face as she got up from her seat and reached out to her, "Peony? Oh Peony! You're back! Don't tell me you're here to say goodbyes already?"

"Mother, it's not goodbyes. I'm simply here to tell you that I'll come back to see the next theme you planned. You told me it was 'Evolution'? I'll drop by to see it too. I have school tomorrow and I want to present a small surprise for you at the end of the gala. Hopefully, it will be a good one in your eyes this year."

"Oh! I can't wait!" The golden fairy smiled wide at the thought of her child gifting her something as she turned into a large human form to give her a big hug, "Since when have I ever disliked a gift you and your father prepared for me? At this rate, it'll become a competition over who can prepare a better gift again and you remember how that turned the kingdom upside down for three days."

Peony chuckled, "That was the most funniest thing that ever happened. Who knew that the act of giving would become so competitive?"

"I wonder if it will be black rose tea this year. Maisey told me how everyone loved the tea you created with the roses of the palace. That the queen enjoyed it there."

"Oh, mother." Peony smiled, "That gift was for the queen. I felt that it would be improper or inconsiderate to gift you the same thing as her, so I didn't put that into my plans. However, if you ever wish to try it, you simply only need to ask and I'll do my best to provide it for you."

"Oh, you and your father are always so considerate to me. It makes me chest feel like it could bloom all over again!" The queen's eyes brighten with joy and excitement upon hearing her daughter's words.

"And I think dad would be more than eager to hear those words from you." Peony wore a dry smile before she turned to the matter on hand again, "But, mother, I heard about the magic stone. I hope you weren't too disappointed with the matter."

"Well..." The queen sighed in disappointment and reluctance before replying, "I am truly upset when I heard that the stone in my tiara was a fake. Yet, it was so beautiful. I just had to have the genuine one. So much so that it makes me a little dizzy... Thankfully, Maisey and Aqua offered to help retrieve the actual one and use it for a new staff for me!"

As she petted her head in confusion, she missed the anxious glance of her daughter's gaze before she continued, "I'm probably not getting enough sleep. Don't worry about it. For the preparation of the next show, I've left the preparations to Maisey and the craft fairies. With their expertise, I feel relieved to know that they are in charge."

Peony nodded hiding the look of worry, "Leaving the matter to them is a good choice. I heard what you wanted the stage to be like and it was amazing! Are you sure you didn't secretly tried to form a business connection with the Jupiter family? I never seen such a loud, yet polished design for a gala. To incorporate bullet proof glass as the stage. It would prevent damage and possible injuries. More importantly, it'll become so sparkly and shiny! Then decorate underneath it with flowing water and lilies. I can hardly wait to see the results once the show commences! Mom, will you also be walking down that runway too?"

"Silly girl." The queen sighed in exasperation as she quietly petted her head.

At least, she didn't flick her head this time for acting childish...

"But it's so pretty. It'll naturally fit mother if she also walks down the runway." Peony noted silly.

"All right. You can stop it now." The queen sighed in response as she scolded her, "With my duty as the queen, how can I leave my position to frolic and play with the other fairies? I'm too old to do these things anymore. Why, you should bring the daughter of the sylph leader with you to play this fairy gala! Your performance today was so beautiful! I thought you brought out your familiars!"