Obito Vs Nusku + Sorry Dropped

A/N: Well sorry for this late chapter been busy with a lot of stuff plus lazy/sleepy


Three days have passed and I was right now in front of the one and only Obito Uchiha with the Nine-Tails behind him. Behind me was Minato and Kushina holding Naruto to protect him then I say to them

Nusku: Minato go and take your family with you I'll take care of Obito

Obito flinched when he heard his name being called out then said

Obito: Who are you?

Nusku: Just a traveler now then let me take care of the fox that's placed in a genjutsu

I said that then dispelled the genjutsu on Kurama after freeing him I locked him in place and told him

Nusku: Kurama wait I'll release you after I deal with this Uchiha then we'll talk ok?

Kurama: Fine, Human

Minato has already left and now I'm going to fight Obito

(First Fight Scene No Judging Please And Thanks)

I start running to him in speed even Shisui would look slow, after I got in front of him I placed a cloth over his eye and now he can't see. After I did that I started hitting him with an ice spell to trap his movement then I made space hold him in place. When he stopped moving I knocked him out and place him in my personal space which counters his Kamui

(Fight End So Fast right Lol)

After dealing with Obito I started talking to Kurama

Nusku: So Kurama what do you want to do now I can send you somewhere peaceful with freedom but you'll have to help me with stuff from time to time I can even get your sibling there and they'll be free but also can help from time to time

Kurama: If I get freedom then I'll go but you better help my family

Nusku: Hahaha ok well bye

After sending Kurama to my personal space which has land, trees, some animals, and most importantly FOOD. I went back to see Minato

Nusku: Hey Minato, So you want the prisoner?

Minato: Yes can you give him to me

Nusku: Sure

After saying that I teleported Obito outside and prevented him from escaping

Nusku: Here you go

Minato: Thanks for what you done for the village

Nusku: No problem

After saying that Nusku heads to one direction that direction is where Black Zetsu is. After walking for awhile Nusku calls him out


Black Zetsu: HEY, I AM NOT A BLACK BLOB!!!

Nusku: Says The Black Blob

Black Zetsu: So What Do You Want?

Nusku: Hmm I Don't Really Know Maybe Annoy You With Your Plans Of War Or Maybe Just Sell You Out Hahaha

Black Zetsu: Like you can deal with Lady Kaguya

Author: Welp I stopped here so here is half a chapter and dropping this but don't worry I'll come back in a different story because I think this story was kinda off so seeya in the next story Bye Have A Great Time!!!