He's dead... a human died in front of me. I am a witness. This is wrong... I need help...




-...lody! Mel! Hello?! We need to go! We can't be seen near the crime scene!

Melody didn't react. She was still shocked. She was just standing there, her face had a blank expression.


Melody was taken by surprise after Jack got loud with her. She knew that she wanted it this way. She gave Jack permission to kill someone... Even thou it was his plan, Melody was the one approving it. In the end she gave him the order to murder someone. It was her fault a life ended. Suddenly she felt very sick. She wanted to puke but Jack was right, they should take their leave, now.

- I am sorry, lead the way...

She was talking in such a quiet way that one might believe she was in another place, in her own world inside her head, far away from all the cruel things even if they had happened right in front of her. But Melody was in no such place. She was trying her best not to create such a place for escaping their situation, even if it may be for just a minute. But Jack had already grabbed her arm and pulled her along. He didn't hesitate, he didn't think about what was going through their head.

Melody looked at him. He wasn't bad looking. He had short black hair and had a normal height. But her eyes were always drawn back to his. A void pulling her to him. She could stare at his black eyes forever and lose herself in them. But that void wasn't created by the fact that his eyes were pitch-black. It was the complete lack of emotion and coldness that usually was showing on his face.

But this time it was different. His face was showing an emotion. The murder of that man had made Jack show emotions. Not any played emotions. Real emotions. And it scared Melody.


- He should be here any minute so stay on high alert. It's bad enough that you forced yourself to be here. I told you that you shouldn't see this.

Rain was pouring and Jack was wearing a long black coat, with the hood pulled over his head to save himself from the rain. Melody was wearing the same coat, which she borrowed from Jack, because her pink rain coat would be too noticeable in the night.

- No, I was the one who gave you this task as your girlfriend, so I should be there when-

- Stop it. You don't need to put up this couple act. I already agreed so you don't need to do this. I never break my promises so you can relax.

- But this isn't an-

- Also I was the one who decided to do this to reach your goal. It was my decision not yours. So even if you-


Jack was surprised that she had the guts to interrupt him. But he did stop. He was interested where this was going and what she would do. Come to think of it, this may have been one of the reasons why he accepted her offer in the first place.

- I gave you the order, even thou you made the plan, I did agree to it, so I am responsible about what's about to happen too.

Jack was looking at her, with his usual poker face no one could read.

- And when I asked you out, you agreed, so we, we, we are a c-couple...

Her voice went really quiet while saying that last part. Just one look at her face and you could tell she was embarrassed. But this didn't convince Jack. Melody Harm was a mystery to him and he wanted to solve it.

- Listen Melo-

-He's here!

They were standing on top of a building to get a better view of their target, a man wearing a business suit. He had a briefcase with him, and was taking shelter under his black umbrella. He was Jacks first target. He would have used his sniper he had in the suitcase he had next to him. Another reason for them to be on top of a building, however with the umbrella blocking most of his view, there was no point in trying.

He signalled Melody that they needed to get moving. They took the fire stairs and moved around through different small alleys between buildings. Jack had the whole city map in his head and was moving around these alleys, giving no second thought to where to turn. Melody struggled a little bit with keeping up, but after a few minutes he stopped and signalled her to do the same. They stopped at a cross way of two side alleys, some dumpsters were standing around.

-Why did we stop, he won't go inside such a filthy place. He was all dressed up too! Someone like him would never go to such a place.

She wanted to say more but Jack ´covered her mouth with his hand. That took her by surprise and she was getting a little bit red, but her main focus was on where Jacks eyes were laying. Their target had arrived, looking at his phone in distress.

Jack looked at melody and made hand signs that she should stay where she is and wait, then he started to move.

- A kid? What the hell do you want from me!

Jack was looking him dead in the eyes. No hint of fear or excitement.

- Answer me! You ordered me here and I came. Now I want my part of the deal!

Jack put his hand in his pocket and held up a cheap phone. Melody couldn't quite make out what he showed the man, but it seemed to be some kind of photo.

- Now delete them!

Jack pressed a button and then threw the phone in one of the dumpsters.

- Were that all of them?

- I keep my promises.

His voice was quiet and so calm and collected that it scared Melody.

- Fucking idiot. You will pay for this! You have no idea who I am, now do you! Ha-ha! You made a big mistake! Enjoy your pathetic life you brat! At least what's left of it!

- Oh, but I do know who you are.

Jack had the most twisted and biggest grin on his face. His eyes seemed to be glowing. He grabbed inside his pocked and quickly pulled out a silenced gun and instantly shot.


An instant head shot. Melody let out a gasp of surprise, her eyes were filled with fear.


Jack reloaded, while walking toward the collapsed body.


His grin evolved into the most sinister smile Melody had ever seen.

Jack dream just murdered a man in front of her.


The emotion that was showing after that horrible scene, it was...

...pure bliss.

Jack had the time of his life. He had a sincere and at the same time sickening smile all over his face, and he showed raw happiness in its most twisted form.

The Jack Dream she knew, this was and wasn't him at the same time. He was Jack, the boy helping her, the person she convinced, the person she opened up to. That was him. She knew from the start that he was a murderer, but this was the moment she realized. She had a lot of different feelings towards Jack and she wasn't sure herself if the bad ones outweighed the good ones. But she was sure that this face of his in this moment was her doing. She didn't know what to feel. But somehow, her being the one that made him feel an emotion, no matter what kind, was a dream come true.

The history of Jack and me. He may not remember it, and maybe he will never know, but I am and will always be grateful. He was and is my hope. No matter how bad I might feel right now. This face, no matter what it may be, is a victory to me.