Is it morning already? I couldn't sleep at all... The thought of a boy, especially him, sleeping right next to me was just too exciting... Wait... where is he? I was awake the whole time, how did he...?

Melody was looking around the room, trying to spot Jack. He was standing in the door frame of their bedroom He was all dressed up and about to put on his tie, when he realized Melody staring at him.

- You didn't sleep. Here, take this.

He threw a box at the bed. In it were some pills.

- Those will make you sleep. At least for some hours. You need to rest, otherwise neither your body nor your mind will keep up.

- Okay... What will you do?

Having tied his tie he was looking like he would go to a business meeting. He looked at her then made up his mind.

- Just take the pills, I won't leave you, I promise.

That was a little bit reassuring to Melody, but she wasn't convinced by his words just yet. He dodged her question and she wanted to know why.

- Alright Jack... I guess I'll see you later.

She took a pill and swallowed it with some water Jack gave her.

- ...Yes, see you... Mel.

He used my nickname! No wait! This is not the time for this. Maybe after all this is over... Maybe then we can...

Before she could finish her thought she fell asleep dreaming about her past.


Everyone was fake, not one person in my life was honest to me. I guess I simply accepted that fact and kept going despite how much it hurt. I was drowning in that feeling. In the feeling of loneliness. I had just one friend keeping me from safe from me drowning myself in misery and despair. But she was someone I met online, and while her words kept me warm and I felt save texting her, It still hurt being alone outside this digital world.

The doctors told my father I was a genius. That was when I was one and a half years old. They used the newest technology and they offered to pay my father lots of money if they could use me for some experiences. But my father declined and soon after I got my first teacher. Of course I don't remember all this, but I once overheard some staff members talking about that incident.

I was home schooled for most of the time of my life. It started when I was two years old, and I was already thought mathematics. Needless to say I wasn't good at it, or understood one bit, I was just a baby after all, but to my father that didn't matter. If I couldn't bring the desired results, I got punished. Not physically or anything like that, I was left alone. I was locked up in a room all alone depending on how bad I did, sometimes I lived in this room for weeks. It had nothing in it. It was mental torture on a baby. The thing that hurt the most wasn't the lack of entertainment, it was the missing love and the crushing feeling of loneliness. I was just two years old and I didn't understand anything. Of course the staff always kept an eye on me with a camera, but I didn't know. I just knew that I must have made some mistake and maybe this was the end. The experience itself didn't stick with me, I was just two after all, but the feeling still haunts me to this day.

So I learned not to disappoint my father. I always played the little angel for him. But honestly I was just scared. Scared to go back to that room, scared to be alone and scared of my own father. To him, I was simply a tool. He wanted to use me from the beginning of my very existence. He was more interested in what publicity I could get him, than in his daughter. He drilled me to not do anything that could hurt his reputation, but instead make it even better. A genius daughter and she's an angel too... The press was loving it. And the more I faked my smile, the more it hurt myself. I could feel a part of me dying...

When I finally got permission to go to a school, it was the most private school imaginable. And instead of getting to see something that wasn't fake, the lies just continued. For sixteen years no one I ever met was telling the truth to me. I was treated as a goddess in the new school. They were treating me like some kind of holy object... To them I was not only a genius and a beauty, I was also the daughter of one of the most powerful man alive. They were all treating me nice, but behind their warm smiles and kind eyes, there lied fear and hatred. Fear of my power, and hatred born from their jealousy.

But he was different. The first human that didn't care. That didn't put up an act. He was my only shimmer of hope. He was like a fire glowing in the dark, keeping me warm and showing me the light but coming too close to the flame could mean my death. I could feel it. I was interested in him, no I would go as far as saying I was obsessed with Jack Dream... This fire, this flame, this warmth he was emitting and this danger that was coming from him...


The sun was shining through the big panorama window on Melody, gently waking her up. She was looking at the clock that was hanging on the wall. She had slept through the whole morning. From outside the bedroom she could hear papers rustling. She stood up and realized that she was still wearing her pink pyjama with the flower motive. She wanted to change into something else, but then realized that she had no spare clothes. Looking around the room, she spotted some clothes that seemed to belong to Jack. She couldn't wear his pants, but his hoodie was lying on the bed, so she decided to wear this and leave her pink shorts on. His Hoodie was obviously way too big for her, but it was also very comfortable so Melody kept it on.

She left the bedroom and stumbled drowsy into the massive open space which was their living room. Jack was sitting on the big glass-table and was sorting different papers. She could spot newspaper articles and other magazines but also some rough sketches and blueprints along with some weapons like the gun he used last night.

- Could you sleep?

- More or less... What are you doing there?

- Looking through the news to see if they reported anything about my activities last night.

- And?

- Nothing. I guess they will find the corpses soon. While I did chose places where few people pass by, someone will find them sooner or later. My message should make this case important to the news, which means the police will make this a high priority case, considering the public eye will look at these murders with great interest.

- So everything is going according to your plan?

- That's what you would think, however something is wrong, I can feel it.

- What are you talking about Jack?

- You know a lot about me. You have made your homework and I can respect that. But do you really know who I am or what I was doing before this? Are you certain you know the reasoning behind my murders? You know I was the one behind those murders. You know that I killed a lot of humans, I ended their lives. But do you know anything beyond that?

He was calmly moving his hand toward the gun lying on the table. He grabbed it and pointed it toward Melody. Her heart was beginning to beat faster, while she realized how dangerous Jack Dream really was as a person.

Then he fired his first shot.