After confirming if it really was the director, Jack opened the door. The atmosphere got tense and it felt like two beasts were having a standoff, where no one could tell who would win if it came to a battle.

- Sir, what are you doing here?

Jack was the first one to speak up, his voice was as cold as always but you could hear the respect he had for his mentor. Similarly, the director also began to speak with a mutual respect to Jack.

- I came here to see you, we need to talk about something very important Jack. May I enter? It is your home after all, so I would understand if you would rather not have a conversation with me in the place you grew up in.

- No, its fine by me, I also need to talk to you sir.

The director began to smile at him and entered the apartment. Jack led the way and they both sat down on the dinner table. It was an odd scene, they were both wary of each other, speaking only after finding the right words, so their opponent wouldn't get any advantage over themselves. They were preparing for a battle of words while neither of them knew what the outcome of said battle would be.

- Sir, why don't you start with what you have to say first, after all you are my guest.

- Oh, quite the gentleman I see. But after all I taught you how to behave properly, so that should come as no surprise to me. Well, if you insist, I might as well start. What is your plan of action Jack, because to me it looks as though you do not have a proper ending to this whole scheme in mind. I of course trust you to have some back up plans, but currently I am not sure how things might turn out.

- So you already are aware of the steps I took. Not surprising coming from one of the most renovated man in both public and the criminal world. I guess you also know why I did what I did?

- Indeed, you were tasked by Melody Harm to help her bring down her father's company. You agreed and thus, to bring the attention of the police towards Harm incorporated, you decided to do what you are best at, assassination.

- There hasn't been any reports on my victims yet, so how do you...

- After I was notified that you had left school, I checked the footage of the hidden cameras and found out about your talk with Miss Harm. As you can imagine, I know Harm personally and I am also aware of what he is doing and what he had done to his daughter. So it was easy to see what the young lady asked of you, although I am not quite sure why you accepted, especially after your first intent was killing her with the knife you had in your bag. Nevertheless, I made sure to check your credit card information, this way I knew in which hotel you were staying. After asking a few friends about any incidents in said area around the hotel, I could get a basic idea of your plan.

- But how did you know I would come to this place? I haven't been here in ages.

- Ah yes, that is true, but how I found out was simple. Why would you accept Miss Harm's offer? You had the perfect chance while she hugged you, yet you restrained yourself. Furthermore you also decided to help her, you who had never shown any sort of real emotions in all those years. She really got under your skin back then, am I right? Maybe you even began to feel something, without needing to murder anyone? The more I thought about it the more it made sense. However Melody Harm is not a genius when it comes to words, yet she managed to catch you off guard and exploited you. I suppose she had some help, but that is beside the point, what was really interesting though was your reaction. You discovered something inside you, a part that both of us thought had died, am I right? That must have been confusing to you. You needed a place where you can clear your head and think about what was happening to you. Now, where do you always go when you have a rough decision to make Jack?

- I always come here when times are rough... I see, so that's why you knew where to find me, you truly are a smart person, aren't you. Well, I might as well tell you my plan. I killed three men, working at Harm Incorporated, and I left a message on one of them. The message itself had no meaning, however it should be enough to give the police a reason to investigate Harm Inc., which would lead to their schemes being exposed. With that, my mission would be fulfilled and I could go back to living my life as your personal weapon.

- And what is your backup? You are smarter than this Jack. I can control the police so that neither your, nor my actions are being investigated. If I can do that, what do you think Harm can do?

- Therefore the message, the public will know about this and thus Harm can't just do his shady business.

- You really do think so? We are talking about Harm, one of the top three wealthiest persons alive, he is a candidate for having the most power, in both the underworld and in public. You think a message can stop him? No it would need to be something bigger. Something that won't be forgotten in a few days.

Jack, you are very smart, after all I was your teacher. However what you have planned is not acceptable.

- So you already figured it out? Of course I knew that my plan A probably won't work... That's why I always have a plan B, you taught me that. That's exactly the reason why I wanted to talk to you in the first place.

- Yes, I did... But suicide?

There was a silence between them. They kept staring into each other's eyes, time seemed to flow much slower for a moment. They both had mutual respect for the other one and it was as if they were talking with their eyes alone. Then Jack broke the silence.

- I am sorry that I want to destroy a weapon of yours, but I already made my decision. I am willing to give my life for this. You should know why.

The director nodded. He knew why, he knew what kind of connection Jack had to Harm, a connection that not even Melody knew about. It seemed as if it was fate that brought those two together.

- You are planning to make a suicide attack on Harm, probably also revealing some data during the process, like screaming some of his crimes out in public, no wait, you will probably live stream this, so that the whole world will see. That way even if you fail to kill him, his whole company would be busted. They cannot ignore a kid committing suicide because of Harm. It is not a bad plan, not at all.

- So where is the catch, what do you want, if you already figured this much? Why did you come to see me when you already knew there was no way of convincing me otherwise? Do you want one final goodbye?

The director smiled while hearing that. A final goodbye sounded interesting, but that wasn't the reason he wanted to meet Jack.

- Well, I do not plan on telling you what you are doing is wrong, after all it is your life. However you should see this before you decide.

The director pulled something out of his pocket, it was a small stone, a gem. He gave it to Jack, who began to examine it. It had numbers imprinted on it, to be more precise, a date and a time. In short, it was an invitation.

- You see, as someone who has done business with Harm and one of the most influential people in the underworld, naturally I was invited to this little dinner-party of his. It was perfect timing, or maybe even fate, either way, you probably know what I am planning to say?

- You want me to go...

- Exactly, sadly I will not be able to be there in person, but my closest confidante will replace and speak for me. Another way to bring Harm down would be by revealing everything he has done. However you need confirmation, without any evidence, you have nothing.

- Yes, go on, what's your point?

- My point is that coincidentally that party is held in the main building of Harm Incorporated and that means, you will be in the same building where the main servers of Harm Incorporated are located. Surely you see where I am going with this.

- That is perfect... This is a huge help for me... Now tell me, where is the catch?

- What do you mean catch?

- What do you gain from all this? You would never help anyone if you yourself wouldn't benefit.

- Ha-ha! I really did raise you the right way! What I gain is this: influence. If Harm falls, The power balance that we currently have will be gone and I, who would have known about this in advance could easily become the new Harm, the new leader! I will stand on top, with no one who could oppose me! You having this little rebellion, did you never ask yourself why I did not come after you sooner, or punished you for the betrayal you did? IT WAS BECAUSE IT FITS PERFECTLY WITH MY PLAN!

- I understand sir. Then I have nothing to tell you. This conversation between us never happened.

This was perfect for Jack. By making Harm fall, the director would become the next leader of the underworld. He said so himself, no one would be in his way. Except Jack. Jack was on equal footing and if the circumstances were right, he could overtake him. Not only for the director, but also for Jack the circumstances were perfect. Betraying the director by leaving? No, his betrayal was yet to come and it would be bigger than anyone could imagine.

They shook hands and the director left the house. After half an hour had passed, Jack also left, making sure they wouldn't be seen together. He had gained a lot, however the director was right. He felt something near Melody Harm and he wasn't quite sure if that was a good or a bad thing. Their connection could lead to multiple issues. He needed to do two things. First, plan how to take down Harm via infiltration and second talk to Melody. She could keep staying in the way. He wasn't only doing it for Melody anymore, neither did he do it for revenge. He did it to win. And with the way things were going, Jack held all the cards in his hands to do exactly that, win. With these thoughts he drove back towards the hotel.