Melody ran down the hallway and opened the door where she left the two of them and...

...nothing. They weren't there. She heard another shot. From outside? She ran towards the door, opened it and finally saw what was going on. Jack was holding his gun, shooting with accurate aim towards his target, meanwhile Elisabeth was doing the same.


Another shoot, straight to the heart. The two of them were...

...shooting at targets. Melody felt so relieved, she could have fallen asleep right then and there. She just felt so tired... her eyes were slowly closing and she fell on her knees. She saw Jack running towards her. Was that worry she could see on his face? No, it couldn't be... She was just a bit tired, that's right... After sleeping for a bit she would be as good as knew, she just needed a short nap.

With these thoughts, she fell asleep in Jack's arms, who was there to catch her fall.

- Honestly she is always so carefree...

Elisabeth was shaking her head while talking with Jack, who proceeded to put Melody on his back to carry her inside.

- You wanted to have a shooting contest. We should have told her, especially after our first contact, which, let's say didn't go as planned, who knows what she thought was going on.

- Honestly she should relax more... Also, how can I not propose a shooting competition, after seeing such a fine self-made gun, pointed directly at my face?

- When I woke up, the first thing I see is some crazy woman pointing a gun at me, of course I was going to do the same... However I did not expect you to freak out like that...

- Twelve bullets... She's such a beauty...

While Elisabeth continued talking about how great Jack's weapon was, his thoughts were in a completely different place.

What a weirdo... But she will give Melody and me shelter for as long as we need it, so I should be grateful... What's important now, is that I will explain the whole plan to Melody. I kind of feel bad for not talking to her for so long... Wait... feeling bad? What am I thinking, it's just that I need her in a good condition, so she won't fail her part of the plan... Yeah, that's it...

- Jack? Hello? Are you listening to me?

- Oh sorry, what did you say?

- I wanted to know why you chose twelve bullets. You could have added more, it wouldn't be a problem, yet you chose that number. Is there a reason for it?

- It's just a relic of the past, a last honour perhaps? Either way, do you have a guestroom for Melody, so she can rest for a bit?

Elisabeth and Jack came to a halt in front of the entrance door. Elisabeth stared at Jack, who was still carrying Melody, sound asleep, on his back, until she apparently made a decision.

- I do have a guest room, multiple to be precise, however most of them lack in heat, because you know, they don't have a heater... But there is one room, who should be fine, but you would both be sleeping in the same room, I hope you are fine with that.

She said that with a sadistic smile, it seemed like she wanted Jack to get flustered or something like that. Jack stared back at her, trying to read her thoughts to get a glimpse of what her plan was, but he was interrupted by Elisabeth herself, who apparently had seen enough.

- Oh, I forgot to tell you, but I have a sleeping bag, so if it's too embarrassing to you to sleep in the same bed, -

- Don't worry, this is nothing new to us, we'll be fine.

With that he opened the door and entered the mansion, leaving the dumbfounded Elisabeth behind.

- So that's the general idea. Melody and I will go to that party, I will go as the director's stand-in and Melody will be my accompaniment. I will draw most attention towards me, while Melody will sneak away to get towards the main server, hacking into it and taking everything we need to bust her father's company. Then we will leave as soon as possible, leaving no trace behind.

- Interesting... and these are the plans for Melody on how to get to the main server? That's really complicated, are you sure she can handle it on her own? You have known her for what, a few days? Well I have known her for years and she won't be able to such a thing, I am sorry to tell you but you will need to think of another plan.

- It's because I have only known her for a few days that I am certain she will make it. In these few days, she has shown me so much competence, that I truly believe she will accomplish her goal of busting Harm Incorporated. Additionally, she won't be alone. I will be talking to her over a little earphone, to guide her if there should be any problems.

- Well then, I guess I should teach her how to do it.

- To do what?

- Hacking the main server of course. Melody Harm may be a genius, but without someone teaching her the basics, she won't be able to do what you ask of her. She is good at hacking that is out of the question. However I thought her how to do it, but hacking into the main server of Harm incorporated, a whole different skill set is needed for that. First off, she will have an actual physical object in front of her, she has never dealt with anything like that.

- Will you be able to teach her how to do it? Or better, why won't you come with me instead of her?

- Well, I wish I could but trust me it won't work...

- What are you talking about, it wouldn't be an issue getting you in. It would definitely be easier than getting the daughter of Harm on the party and Melody wouldn't be in danger. So why not?

- I am sorry, but I am not able to tell you why, I hope you will let it rest at that.

Under Elisabeth's serious glance, Jack decided that she must have a good reason and respected her privacy.

- How much time do you need to teach her what she needs to know?

- About two weeks.

Damn it... the party would be in ten days... They didn't have the time for such things...

- One week, just teach her the absolutely necessary things.

- ...I will do my best.

Jack looked outside the big window of the huge room they were sitting in.

- The tree of wisdom, let's hope it will grant us its blessings... Thank you Elisabeth, for everything you did until now, and for everything that you will do, I am going to try my best, so that you can't be traced back. That way even if this whole thing goes south, at least you will be safe.

There was a short break of silence, Jack just stated the one thing they all knew about but tried to ignore: What if they failed? What would become of Jack and Melody? Jack's whole past would get revealed, which would lead to events and consequences Jack could not even begin to imagine. However what was an even more frightening question, was what would happen to Melody? The daughter of Harm, who was feared by even Jack's mentor, was a traitor. Melody was basically being tortured when she was still a child who did nothing wrong, so what would Harm do if he knew that-

Jack's thoughts were interrupted by Elisabeth breaking the silence, however he was actually thankful that she stopped his thoughts. He had no intentions of continuing to think about that possibility, because it would make sure that it wouldn't come to this in the first place.

Elisabeth tried to act as normal as she could, however Jack saw it in her eyes. She has had the same trail of thought as him.

- Ha, don't thank me just yet, just promise me to come visit after that whole thing is over. Well anyway, let's make something to eat first, we can't let such a beautiful Monday afternoon go to waste, now can we?