030 Part 1 final

- Why did you choose this as our meeting place?

- It actually once belonged to my father's company. But once he closed it, everything that once belonged to the company was abandoned, so there are actually multiple places like this we could have used. Although I am pretty sure one of them is used for some drug dealers as their personal hideout and workplace and another one has already been destroyed...

The inside of the building had a big empty space in the middle surrounded by lots of tables, banks, chairs, cardboard boxes and befitting the harbour area it was located in, lots of ship containers stacked on each other. While the tables were filled with everything that could be useful in a science lab as well as lots of unused print papers, none of it had been used in years so it was all covered in dust. To Jack who was responsible for his father's decision, this place made him feel guilty and sad, but as a hideout it was perfect.

Melody chuckled while walking around in the big hall. She even made some pirouettes to express her content. After they hadn't run into anyone on their way here, Melody seemed to have a big burden lifted of her shoulders. While looking at her Jack thought about how she looked like a princess dancing in a big ballroom.

- You just need the diadem and you would be the most beautiful princess with a torn dress and a flesh wound ever.

Melody smiled at Jack's dumb joke and held out her hand as if she were asking him to dance with her. Jack made a theatrical bow while kissing her hand.

- Are you sure my lady? May I have this theoretical dance with such a beautiful queen?

- The moonlight has blessed you with incredible luck tonight, you may.

Melody's answer was as absurd as Jack's question but while the two of them were having fun, someone harshly interrupted them.

- Yeah and that's enough of that. You clearly had too much alcohol Jack and Melody is drunk on the painkillers I gave her.

Elisabeth removed Jack's grip on Melody's hand and looked at the pair with worrisome eyes.

- I have been drinking on such events since I was fourteen. I won't get drunk just because I drank a few glasses of Champaign.

- Great, so Melody's boyfriend is an alcoholic, as well as a serial killer. I could not wish to have a better son in law...

- W-Wait, we aren't thinking about marrying yet! Although, now that the topic has been addressed...

Jack laughed at Melody's shy way of talking about their future, considering that they were being searched for by the whole underworld right about now.

- Sure, if we survive the next few weeks, I'll marry you as many times as you want!

While Jack said that in a joking way, Melody was visibly happy about his answer.

- Well, I guess I'll leave you two alone then because I just got a call from MY future husband. That's right, you aren't the only ones who are allowed to be happy.

Elisabeth walked outside to have her phone call, leaving Melody and Jack alone.

- Do you... still want to dance?

- With what music? Are you stupid?

Jack's words were harsh and left Melody dumbfounded for a moment, then he began to laugh.

- You should see your face right now! This is priceless! Man, I love teasing you, you really have the best reactions Melody!

- Yeah, as long as you can laugh about it...

Melody was pouting, although it was clearly all just for show, because she quickly joined Jack in laughing.

- Well, we'll just have to imagine our own music, don't we? And all of the containers around us, filled with junk never used in my father's experiments, will be the guests, being astonished by the prince and princess dancing.

- Fine by me, if I get to be the prince.

- Of course, then you'll have to princess carry me though.

- ...Well, then let's just keep it that way.

She smiled at him and made a quick curtsies. Jack grabbed melody by her hips with his one hand while holding her hand with his. They slowly began to dance a classic waltz and time seemed to slow down for a few minutes.

- When did you learn to dance Jack?

- Oh, my mother taught me when she was still alive... She spend many evenings trying to get me to not trample her feet... But I think the end result speaks for itself. At least that's what I have been told many times.

- So you danced with other girls this intimately? I am getting jealous, what else did you do to those women? I bet I am not special at all.

- I know you are joking, however you really are special. For example I would never do something like this to one of them.

He began to kiss her and Melody started turning red.

- Is that enough to make you believe me?

- I don't know, I think you need to do it once again...

- Of course

He kissed her once again. Melody looked into his black eyes, although with the moonlight reflecting from them, they seemed more like silver jewellery, than a pitch black void like Jack always called them.

- Hey Melody... I have thought about it and... I want to make a selfish request.

- Okay...?

- Well, I said that I planned to bring down organized crime in its current form... And I said that I wanted to do it alone because I am scared of losing you.

- Yes...

- Well, to do that I will need to become the number one in the underworld, the king if you want to call it that... And you know, what would a king be without his queen?

- Are you...?

- I am going to do it either way, however I think you have proven that you are a big help to me and not a burden. So what do you say?

- No.

- What?

- I didn't prove that I am a big help, you are my help, not the other way around.

- You... I swear, one day...

They both began to laugh wholeheartedly while hugging. Melody took Jack's hand and they walked to a bank to sit down. Melody leaned on Jack's shoulder and gave him a peck on the chin. He put his arm around her and thought to himself about how great life was at the moment. They may be wanted in the underworld and they weren't done in the slightest with what they needed to so, however being together was enough for both of them to forget their worries and be happy in the moment. That was more than what they could have ever asked for.

- Jack. There is something that I need to tell you. There was something in the data of Harm that you need to know about...

- Okay, go ahead.

Melody looked worried and Jack began to wonder what she was about to say. However before she got a chance to speak about her troubles, Elisabeth re-entered the room. Her face was showing discontent and Jack was able to see that she has been crying while talking to Charles. Something must have gone wrong. Jack immediately stopped smiling and got serious.

- What happened?

- It's Charles... He is injured very badly...

- ...Will he make it?

Melody was in shock.

- How could you ask something like that Jack!

- He said that he doesn't know, but he managed to bring himself to safety... He also said that he managed to take down quite a lot of Harm's men before he- You know...

Elisabeth began sobbing, while Melody hugged her and patted her head, while telling her that Charles would be fine, after all he was very skilled. That seemed to calm Elisabeth, she wiped away her tears and thanked Melody. She then turned to Jack.

- This is your fault. You harmed him, that's the only reason he wasn't able to fight with all his strength. You handicapped him and now he might not even survive the night.

- Yes, it is my fault that he wasn't at his best. However he was the one who decided to stay behind and stop any pursuers, all while knowing fully well what could happen to him. It was his decision, not mine. It wasn't my fault and it wasn't your fault either. It was his fault and he knows that.

It got silent for a second. Melody was scared that Elisabeth may try to kill Jack, however he remained calm. After a while she stared at Jack with dead eyes and spoke in a cold voice.

- You had no emotions when you were younger. All you could fell was hatred that was directed at yourself. I always wondered how it could come to this, a child that feels self-loathing, a child that attempts suicide... But now I know. Now I am able to understand why you would hate yourself that much. All I am able to say is that I truly regret that you wasn't in that car when your parents died. It would have made everything so much easier.

- I understand. I sometimes feel the same way...

Those words hurt Jack more than any weapon ever could. Still, he understood why Elisabeth was saying it, to her, it was Jack's fault if Charles would die. He would probably feel the same way if something were to happen to Melody.

- Stop... PLEASE DON'T!

Melody was standing between the two of them, tears flowed down her face. Neither Jack nor Elisabeth had considered Melody while talking. Jack looked at Elisabeth, who seemed to have the same thought as he did. They would try to get along, so Melody wouldn't get between the lines.

- Elisabeth, you are like a- No, you are my mother. I love you. And Jack, you are my sole reason to not lose hope, you are the one that I love. Please... Don't hate each other... In the end it wasn't the fault of you guys, but mine... Jack and Charles fought to make a distraction for me. Charles stayed behind to buy time, because I was injured. If someone is to blame it would be me...

- I would never-

- No you wouldn't. You two would rather blame each other than blame me. That isn't fair to me, nor to yourself. So please... You need to get along. Otherwise we have already lost before the real battle has begun...

Jack and Elisabeth looked each other in the eyes. While their fight couldn't be resolved this easily, Melody had made the first step. They shook hands as a way of showing that they would try to be on friendly terms once again.

- Wait, what do you mean 'before the real battle has begun'? Isn't the hard part over? We just need to get this information out into the public right?

Melody lowered her gaze and began telling them about what she had found out.

- I am not the only one...

- Huh? You need to be more specific than that.

- While downloading the data, I stumbled upon a folder labelled 'Harm's daughter'. I got curious and looked inside, however inside it there wasn't a thing about me.

- What are you trying to say, do you have a sister or what?

Jack was as confused as Elisabeth was with what Melody was trying to tell them.

- No... I am not the daughter of Harm.

- What?

- I am not Harm's biological daughter. I was sold...

- Sold? What do you mean? I, I don't understand Mel...

- Harm Incorporated is way bigger than what we thought... We already know that they are the ones responsible for such horrible facilities like the one you were trained in Jack, however they have them all over the world... From the east to the west, everywhere you can imagine, there are people trained and sold, just like you...

- But, you weren't trained in such a facility, were you? You told me that you grew up in the house of Harm.

- Yes, I was raised in an actual house, however I wasn't born in there. My actual parents sold me while I was a baby. I have been living a lie for as long as I can remember...

Neither Jack nor Elisabeth knew how to react to that information. They remained silent and waited for Melody to continue her story.

- I was raised to be Harm's daughter. However I am not the only one... There are children all over the world who are trained to replace me one day... And not only that, there are sub-organizations responsible for different things all around the globe. Harm Incorporated is like a spider in the middle of a web, formed by those sub-organisations. If we destroy Harm, there is no telling if one of them will use their influence to save the collapsing company. We need to destroy Harm's lifeboats, before we can sink the whole ship.

- Shit... But, isn't that kind of slavery what he does?

- Well, from what I could gather while skimming the data, there are people forced to do all kinds of work, there are plantations where children are forced to work, however they also have people working for the FBI or Interpol, covering for them. It is disgusting how big this whole thing is...

That was something none of them had anticipated. Bringing down Harm Incorporated seemed impossible, what should they do next?

An abandoned building? What are they doing in there?

Jane had been pursuing them since the shoot-out in front of the Harm Incorporated main building. She wanted to intervene right then, however she was only paid to get Melody harm back, so she didn't bother. She needed to be very careful, after all, the one she was hunting down was Jack dream, or what he was known for in the world of crime, the 'black eyed god of death'. She knew that those black eyes rang some bells in her head, and once again Jane's brilliant mind hadn't let her down.

She was laying on top of a container with a spyglass in her hand, evaluating the situation. As far as she knew, there were three people in that building. Jack Dream, one of the most wanted criminals alive, Melody Harm, her target person and a young genius and last but not least a woman named Elisabeth Colby, whose family has ties to royals and she being a small celebrity in the world of chemistry.

Jane certainly did her homework and was prepared for a battle. She carried two guns strapped around her chest by gun belts as well as a third, smaller gun hidden beneath her jeans, where she also stored a jack-knife. To protect herself from bullets, Jane also wore a bulletproof vest beneath her white T-shirt and leather jacket.

Jane got ready to leave her hiding spot and confront the trio, when she noticed someone leaving the building. It was Elisabeth who was having a phone call. Jane changed her mind and took out a listening device to find out what the phone call was about.

- ... so I give you our location and nothing will happen to him? Yes... I can't- Okay but- I realize that I am in no pos- Of course I...! Honey?! Is that you, are you-

What is going on? She is sobbing and crying... Who is she talking to...?

- I- I give in... I will send you our location on your phone... Please don't hurt him anymore...

A betrayal? Well not that I care but I always hated snitches... It will feel good to hand her over to the police...

Jane smiled while thinking about her triumphant return to her old workplace. Maybe they would take her back and even promote her to captain... Or better, she would start working for Interpol rather than the local police, she deserved better anyway. If she would start to work for someone as important as Interpol, she could rub it into her bosses face and brag about it to all her ex-boyfriends who told her that "She was too intimidating". She would show them just how far "intimidating" got her...

While daydreaming about her public victory speech, a face suddenly joined her delusions. Jack Dream appeared in her head, standing next to her on the podium. He pulls out a gun and...

Jane was pulled out of her daydream. Before any of this could happen, she needed to get rid of Jack Dream, a serial killer, someone with no emotions or scruples. She was fighting against a monster with no backup or certainty that she would survive to see another day.

Chills ran down her spine. Jane was about to face death. She had no idea if she had even the slightest of chances, however the emotion she was feeling wasn't fear, it was excitement. Maybe she had finally found her the one...

She began climbing down the container with her gun in her hands.

- It's show time...

Then she rushed inside the building.

- Do you feel that?

Jack suddenly got really tense. Melody looked at him with confusion, but before she was able to answer his question with "No", Jack pulled her and Elisabeth behind a container and not a second to fast, because a woman had just rushed into the building. Jack shut the mouths of Melody and Elisabeth up by laying both his hands on them.

Melody carefully took at peak at the one who just interrupted their talking. She was wearing a black leather jacket over a light white shirt. Her trousers were normal jeans, not restricting her movement in any way. Her black hair was also likely cut short to not get in the way when she would fight. However the thing Melody stared at the most, was the gun that the woman held in her hand.

- What did you see?

Jack whispered his question into Melody's ear. He had let go of her mouth and stared at her intensely hungering for any bit of information he could get.

- It's a woman, she seems to be alone and is using a handgun. Also, judging from her appearance and the way she is dressed, she is an experienced fighter.

- That's a lot of useful information, thank you Mel. Okay, here is the plan. I will cover your rear and you make a run for the exit. I will be right behind you guys okay? It won't take longer than ten minutes.

- No, you can't do that, what if something happens to you, like it did with Charles!

Melody seemed really worried. Elisabeth nodded in agreement.

- Exactly... We should all stay here. She will probably leave if we keep hiding.

Jack gave them a smile.

- Sorry, but we are going with my plan and that is not negotiable. I can handle this just fine.

With those words he ran out of their hiding place and immediately began firing his weapon in the direction of Jane. Before the bullets were able to make an impact, she had already thrown herself to the floor. Meanwhile Jack was behind yet another container, getting ready for the next step. Before that he scanned the area, there were some old pieces of scrap metal lying on the ground as well as some papers. The light was bright enough for his opponent to realize where he was hiding at, however that would count for both of them.

He took another deep breath. Leaving his cover behind, he pointed his gun at Jane's location, however she wasn't where Jack predicted she would be. It was a trap. Two bullets were already flying towards Jack. Normally he would have no way of dodging them, however out of caution, he picked up one of the pieces of scrap metal lying on the ground. He pulled it up, using it as a shield.

His strategy worked and because of the trajectory of the bullet he now knew where his enemy was hiding. He walked towards the desk, firing bullet after bullet towards it, which lead to the papers on the table flying into the air.

Jane was in a tight spot. She thought she came prepared, however she was wrong. Normally a gun fight in such a place would mean both parties hide behind an object to give them cover while trying to shoot the enemy at the right moment. But this was different. Jack had left his cover more than once to get a better angle. And it had worked.

More and more bullets were destroying the desk she hid behind. She had no chance against this man. She had miscalculated how unpredictable he really was and was now paying the price for it. The papers that had been lying on the desk came flying down next to her.

Shit! What can I do?

The constant firing of bullets stopped for a moment. There where tree option as to why that was. First he needed to reload. Second he had arrived at her hiding place or third it was a tactical decoy to lure Jane out. She had a one to three chance that he needed to reload. That would be her chance. But what if that wasn't the case?

Then, in this life or death situation Jane had an idea.

Jack stopped five meters before his opponent's hiding place. He also stopped firing bullets. Of course that woman would realize that too and would try to chance her position. However while Jack's weapon really had no ammunition left, he came prepared and was already holding the second gun.

Yes, try to flee so this whole spectacle can be over...

He heard the rustling behind the desk, his plan worked. He began to take precise aim. But right when he wanted to fire, a white wall covered his view.

What had happened?

Jack only hesitated for a moment, but that was enough for Jane to flee. She had picked up the papers on the ground and when she began to flee, she threw them towards Jack as a decoy and to restrict his view. While it was risky, it did work. Jane had managed to run out of Jack's sight.

Now Jack was the one being hunted. Their positions had chanced and Jack was right in the middle of the hall, open from every angle. But this wasn't the first time Jack was in a situation that seemed impossible to get out of.

With a confident smile he slowly walked through the building. He was completely calm however his eyes were like those of an eagle, searching the room for prey. Then he found her. She was laying on top of two containers stacked on each other, her weapon directed at his head.


- And what will happen if I won't stop? COME ON SHOOT ME!


The shot missed Jack by a meter.

- That was the first and only warning! The next one will go straight through your head!

Jack stopped in his tracks. He looked at Jane. There was no hint of fear in his black eyes.

- You know what I think? I think that you didn't miss on purpose. I knew it when you threw up those papers. You are scared. You don't have the guts to shoot me! You are just like everyone else. I know that look on your face too well. You thought you had a chance. Sorry to tell you this, but you don't no one lasts more than ten minutes with me in a duel. Give up.

Once again Jack started walking toward Jane with a confident look on his face.

FUCK! He knows... I can't shoot him... I want to, but my aim is... Goddamn it! Get yourself together and stop shivering! You have the advantage! Jane Watson isn't someone who is defeated this easily...



This time her shot hit. It wasn't Jack's head as planned, but his right upper arm. He stood still staring at the blood flowing out of his wound. Then he once again looked at Jane. Instantly Jane retreated. Those weren't the eyes of a human, this was a demon.

Shit, shit, shit! All you did was get him pissed!

She had finished climbing down from her hiding place and was about to run, when it hit her. A punch directly in her face. It was Jack, no it was the black eyed god of death. She was done for.

Jack began to smash in Jane's face, hatred filled his eyes. The pain he still felt from his battle with his brother was now combined with that of his right arm. He mercilessly hit her face again and again, both his hand and Jane's face were covered in blood. He screamed out in anger and pain and threw his victim on the ground.

While he did let out his frustrations, he made sure to not injure her too much. Her nose was broken and bruises were all over her face, but all in all she was fine. However her spirit was definitely broken.

- Do you give up? Go on, beg for mercy and you might get some.

- Three...

- Come again?

- Two...

- Oh Goddamn...!

Jack began sprinting away from the bomb preparing himself for the impact. He lay down on the floor protecting his head with his arms.

She would go as far as killing herself in the process if it would mean killing me too?! Who is that woman?!

- One...

But despite his expectations nothing happened. He looked up and realized Jane was gone. It was a bluff, a feint to safe herself. She was good. She might even be the first one to go over the ten minute mark.

Melody was hiding behind a desk together with Elisabeth. Neither one of them wanted to run away and leave Jack behind, so they both decided to go hide somewhere, ready to help Jack if an opportunity arrived.

It had already been seven minutes since those two began their gunfight and while Melody wasn't able to see everything from their hiding place. It seemed like Jack consistently had the upper hand.

- He is wounded.

Elisabeth was taking a peek at the fight and reported what was happening to Melody, who was clinging onto a small firearm Elisabeth gave to her. She told her it was for emergencies only but Melody didn't want to own a gun in the first place.

- Mel, I hope you won't need to use that gun, but I am not sure if Jack will win so you better get ready for the worst case.

- But he still is in control of the situation isn't he?

- Honey, it's a miracle that he is able to fight at all. After the fight with Charles, he was in a really bad condition. Adding to that he is now loosing blood. I don't know if He'll make it...

- Damn it...

Melody looked around in the room, searching for something that might help them. Then she saw something and an idea formed in her head. She now knew what to do to help Jack.

- Stop this hide and seek game you are playing already! Just come out and fight me!

Jack was straying around the hall, looking behind each desk, each chair and each container he came across, searching for Jane. His right arm was hurting but he bit through the pain. He needed to flee and catch up to the girls. While he knew that both of them were strong in their own regards, Melody was wounded and Elisabeth wasn't a good fighter, at least not without her gadgets.

While looking over yet another desk, he saw her taking aim in the corner of his eyes.

- Found you.

Before Jane got the chance to fire a bullet, he grabbed the chair next to the desk with both hands and threw it towards Jane. She had no other option but to dodge, which was enough for Jack to sprint towards her.

Got you. This time you won't get away.

But Right before he reached Jane, she threw something toward him. Jack already in the middle of jumping had no way of dodging and the magazine hit his left eye with full force. Because of that he missed his chance of grabbing Jane and screamed out in agony. He wasn't able to open up his left eye but his right one looked right into the muzzle of Jane's gun.

- Sorry about your eye. But it will heal, don't worry. Now, I will be taking you into custody.

- This fight isn't over yet...

- This weapon directed at your head begs to differ, now hands behind your bad so I can put on the handcuffs.

What should I do? What options do I have? Maybe he was right, I lost my emotionless thinking, that's why I am in this situation in the first place... Emotions are in the way during a fight...


- Melody?


A gunshot rang out and suddenly the lights began to flicker for a second before dying down completely leaving the room in complete darkness. Melody had hit the fuse box turning off the electricity. Jane's attention shifted away for a moment. Jack used her being distracted and fled into the darkness towards the direction where he heard Melody's voice.

His eyes slowly got used to the darkness and indeed, Melody and Elisabeth were still inside the building. He wanted to scold them, however considering they helped him out of a though situation he had no right to do so.

- Thank you for helping me out I guess...

He was a bit embarrassed, after all he was the one who said he could handle the situation alone.

Melody gave him a hug and while Jack appreciated the gesture the pain inflicted by it was a bit too much.

- Argh, damn, Mel, please stop...

- Oh right, sorry!

- It's okay, but what will we do now? My condition is worse than what I expected. Usually I could beat her no problem but with the bullet wound I cannot guarantee anything.

While he was still thinking about what to do next, Melody tore up her dress even more and began to wrap it around Jack's head, covering his left eye.

Jack needed a plan that could get them away from both Harm's men and from that crazy woman. And even if they would be able to make it out of there, how should they meet up with Charles? It was a complicated situation for sure.

- Do you know where we can meet up with Charles? Elisabeth? Why are you staring at your watch?

A tear appeared in the corner of her eye.

- I am so sorry... They are torturing him, you have to understand... Please...

- What have you done...


A loud explosion destroyed the huge metal door of the storage hall and men began storming inside the building in full swat suits. Each one of them was equipped with a machine gun and they all wore night vision devices. They were completely outmatched. It was still dark and with normal hand guns they stood no chance against Harms equipment.

Jack wordlessly stared at Elisabeth. She was crying begging for their forgiveness. Jack could see how she was being torn apart by her own actions. He looked at Melody next to him who was in complete shock because of the explosion. She was scarred for her life and didn't move one bit but the look on her face physically hurt Jack.

Was that it? Would it all end? A betrayal would be the downfall of this whole operation. It was a house of cards from the beginning, Jack was well aware of that but with how far they managed to come, he thought that they really might have a chance.

No, I refuse to let this be the end. I will fix this. I don't need any help, I never had help before. If I get help all that happens is treason. I was naive to think it would be any different this time.

- This isn't over...

He began sneaking away, leaving behind the sobbing Elisabeth and Melody who was petrified because of the fear. Harm's men began searching the room for them, so jack needed to be careful not to be caught. He hid behind every object he could find and moved with perfect precision, despite the immense pain he was in. Then he finally arrived at his destination. The lever for emergency power.

- This is for you Charles...

Jack had only one functioning eye, his right arm was losing more and more blood by the second and he was still beat down because of his fight with Charles. All odds were stacked against him, but he told himself that he would still win. He had to, because of Melody. That's all he could think about when he finally pulled down the lever and the bright yellow light began flooding the room once again.

He stopped hiding and immediately began shooting at his enemies who were unable to see anything. Because all of them wore night vision devices, Jack's plan was to blind them with the sudden light and it worked like a charm. Within seconds Jack had shot three men right through their head.

The enemy opened fire, but because Jack had hid before they were able to see once again, they had no idea where to aim at. Then he heard two more gunshots, however this wasn't the sound a machine gun made. Was it Melody? No, she wouldn't be able to do something like that, not in her current state. It must have been the woman he fought. Was she on his side? At the very least they had a common enemy that would need to suffice for the moment.

He left his cover and fired four more bullets, hitting Harm's soldiers who had all shifted their attention to the direction from where Jane was shooting at them. Four more bodies fell to the ground, despite Jack's arm injury, his aim was still relatively precise.

From there on out Jane and Jack began shooting each time the other one was gathering the enemies' attention. They were in perfect sync while more and more men fell down on the ground. Jack had fired twelve bullets of which ten were deadly. He didn't know how many Jane had killed but at this rate there shouldn't be many soldiers left.



Jack took a peak at what was happening and saw the worst that could happen right before his eyes. Melody had been taken into custody as well as Elisabeth. Guns were pointed at their heads.

Jack had seen many hostage takings, however until now he didn't feel anything during them. This time though, rage was building up inside of him as well as fear of losing Melody.

He was able to spot four enemies of which two were keeping Melody and Elisabeth under control by directing their guns at them. The other two here pointing their weapons at Jane and Jack's hiding place each.

I need to risk it...

Jack rolled out and shot at his target. This one bullet would decide his fate...

It missed. The man began to pull his trigger but before Jack's demise was fired at him, his finger got limp and he sagged to the ground. Jane has had the same idea as Jack, however she wasn't injured and thus was able to kill both men at once. Now all that was left were the two hostage takers.

This required a lot of care and precision. If one of them would even twitch with his finger the light of Melody or Elisabeth would go out in an instant.


Jack inevitably did as he was told to and came out of his hiding place with his hands up. He began to analyse the situation. All six of them were standing up, Melody and Elisabeth's hands were tied behind their backs. The thing that sickened Jack the most was the way Harm's workers were using his friends as shields.

Melody wasn't in shock anymore, however despite her abilities in close combat, the gun pressing on her head scared her too much to do anything. The woman who had fought alongside Jack these past minutes was also in a bad condition, he couldn't rely on her. Elisabeth was still mumbling apologies over and over, she was broken. Was there no way despite shooting at the right moment and praying? With his current aim this was a huge risk and he could only take out one of them, the other would need to be taken out by Jane.

SHIT! There's no other way...

He gave Jane an inconspicuous hand sign to let her know what to do. She gave him a look of agreement and then they started.

Both fired at the one closest to them, Jane at Elisabeth's hostage taker and Jack at Melody's.

Because Melody was being used as a human shield, the bullet would need to be perfect. Jack did not believe in god, both his parents were scientists and with the way his life went up till now, he was unable to believe in god.

However in that moment he prayed. He prayed that his bullet would hit the man and that Melody would come out of the situation unharmed. This was the most important moment in Jack's life. Everything was playing out in slow motion. His eyes followed the bullet, flying towards Melody whose eyes were looking into Jack's.

Jack always got lost in her eyes, he could look at them for days without needing anything else.


It hit.

The man was letting go of Melody and fell to the ground. Jane also hit her target but Jack didn't care about that one bit.

All he could do was stare at the blood flowing out of the hole in Melody's forehead.

No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No...

He sprinted forward catching Melody as she fell down.

- Jack...

- No, don't talk, please look at me, you will be okay, I will save you okay? Please Melody, stay with me... Stay with me, don't leave me. I need you, you can't leave. We need to do so many things you hear me?

Jack's vision was blurry. He cried. Tears were hitting Melody's face and ran down her cheeks.


Jack cried out in agony, he couldn't bear the pain he felt.

Melody's hand reached out and slowly stroke away his tears.

- Don't cry... Please you need to smile... Do it for me Jack...

Her voice was a whimper and barely hearable.

- I love-

Melody's eyes lost their light and her body became limp. She was dead.