Jack was standing right next to Elisabeth, desperately waiting for Melody to call him once again. The suspense was killing him, when he finally heard Melody's voice.

- Jack! I need help, there are too many guards... What should I do?

- How many exactly?

Damn, that wasn't the good news he had hoped for, but her being all right was good enough for him.

- I could spot over ten guards, I don't know the exact number though...

- That's okay. Give me some time to think about it...

- I'll wait.

Shit. What do I do? I can't help her, however she won't stand a chance against that many enemies. Considering they are professionals trained to murder whoever stands in their way... No, there is no way I can let her fight against all of them. I need to get their attention so they will move... But what could justify moving out the top guards Harm has to offer? For them to actually leave, there would need to be an event that can't be stopped by the regular personnel in the buildings, leaving them no choice but to come here themselves... Wait, that's it! Something that would justify them moving out, I now know what to do!

- Okay, so here is what you are going to do. I will buy you time. The guards should leave, however there will probably still be a few left. You will need to handle them on your own.

- On my own? But I don't know if-

- Melody. You got this, because I put my faith in you. And I don't trust some person with no talent. You will do it. Good luck Melody.

He stopped the transmission and looked at Charles. They had a lot to talk about. In their childhood they always brawled for hours if they had an argument and in the end they would understand each other, however back then Jack still had his emotions closed up. He wondered if he would be stronger or weaker with him now acting on feelings.

- Why not try it out and find out this way? After all I think we both need this. Let's see what will happen.

Jack mumbled to himself, then looked at Charles who seemed distracted by Harm's imposer going around talking to the guests. Now was the perfect opportunity. They had no weapons at their disposal, so they would have a classic one on one fist fight, in which Jack was a bit rusty, but it would work.


Charles was able to avoid the first punch by a landslide. Jack's punch had so much force behind it, the vibration of the air sounded just like thunder had struck the room. It was raw strength in that fist that was comparable to that of a lightning strike. But Jack wasn't just powerful, it was almost a wonder Charles was able to avoid this speed that felt like it rivalled that of a rail gun.

However even if Jack's raw force and speed behind his punch were impressive, even more so was Charles ability to dodge it without even breaking a sweat. Even though Jack gave him no warning, he leaned his body Backward just enough to dodge the punch completely, only being hit by the air wave. He was still holding his drink in one hand, while comfortably and confidently leaving his other hand buried in his pocket. He grinned at Jack. Both seemed to be on the same page.

Within just one second the whole room went silence. You were able to hear a needle drop. Everyone in the room understood what was going on and immediately retreated back, leaving Jack and Charles standing in a huge empty space, surrounded by hundreds of criminal masterminds of high society, all watching them closely. It wasn't an everyday event to see Jack Dream or Charles Addington in person, let alone both of these monsters together.

Seeing them fight, was just like watching a lightning storm fighting an earthquake. Two unstoppable forces were about to clash and no one knew who would come out on top, or if it was even safe for them to stand around and watch in the first place. But no one cared, they wanted to see them fight, the tension in the air seemed to add to the danger of the situation while Jack and Charles were frozen in position. The stand in for Harm hastily made a phone call and left the room through the same door Melody did, and it seemed as if it was about to begin.

However there was still one who didn't understand what was happening, Elisabeth. She was standing right next to Jack, baffled by his sudden action against her boyfriend and his brother.

- ...Huh?

Charles and Jack still hadn't moved a millimetre since Jack's fist blow. Doing so would certainly continue their fight and while both of them seemed eager to do so, they had enough dignity to let Elisabeth leave before that.

- Elisabeth, honey if you would be so kind, my brother and I need to talk for a bit. I would advise you to stay out of it and leave.

- What?! No! Don't fight, I won't allow that, what would M-

- Shut up and leave. Now.

Jack's voice was serious. He sounded ready to kill his opponent, while Charles voice was as careless as ever. Upon hearing Jack's voice she wasn't sure if she could really leave the two of them alone, however she was aware that she had no chance of stopping them in the first place.

- It will be okay, I won't kill him, but I cannot deny lasting consequences.

Charles was still grinning, however with these words uttered, it seemed like a much more sadistic smile was decorating his face. Elisabeth left the two of them alone and quickly took part of the crowd, forming a half circle around them, with the wall of Glass behind Charles. The scene was set and with Elisabeth gone they had no one to take caution with.

Jack, still with his fist right next to Charles head, opened his hand and quickly pulled back to hit Charles, unfazed by that action. He dodge once more. A kick was flying into Jack's direction, he dodged and stormed right towards Charles who hadn't moved an inch. Before the impact, Jack jumped to the side and evaded a punch directed at his face. With him standing next to Charles, he hit him with his elbow pushing right into his ribs. You were able to hear a crack, but Jack had remained on one place for too long. The blow hit him right into the chest and while tumbling back, the next one came flying into his face. Charles moved toward the tumbling Jack and with a high kick towards his chin, Jack was done for.

However just before the impact, Jack reached out with both arms and managed to grab his foot right before reaching his face. He put all his strength into pushing Charles back leaving him out of balance. He quickly followed with a fist hitting Charles' face.

Blood came dripping out Charles' nose, while both of them retreated a few meters back making sure not to lose sight of each other.

- Just like in old times, don't you think so? I remain on a position as the immovable mountain and you attack me as an unstoppable force.

- Yes, but this time I won't lose!

Jack closed the gap between them in the blink of an eye, reaching out with his hand. Charles got ready for the impact, however Jack didn't hit him with a fist, but his bare hand, covering his eyes. It was just a split second of darkness for Charles, but it was enough time for Jack to get a good hit towards Charles' stomach with his knee.

Charles quickly retreated back, coughing up blood, but jack wouldn't let him get away that easily. Punch after punch flew towards Charles' chest and you could hear each rib being broken. Jack didn't stop, it was as if he was overtaken by a demon unable to hold back his rage.

- STOOOOP!!!!!!!!

It was Elisabeth's voice crying out for them to stop, however neither of them noticed. This wasn't just a fight, it was also a heated argument between brothers.

With each punch that hit Charles he seemed to get weaker and Jack stronger. It was so one-sided, it was almost frightening. Charles got pushed back further and further, with no way to escape this hail of fists.

Then, suddenly he stopped Jack's arm in his movements. He grabbed Jack's head and slammed it right into the glass window. The fight had relocated itself towards the wall, just how Charles planned to. He slammed Jack's face into the wall again and again, until blood began dripping down the window. Still Charles didn't stop, his strength seemed to come back and each time he slammed Jack's head into the wall it seemed to be harder than the time before. The tides had completely shifted just like that. Jack was out of tricks and just let himself endure the pain.

- Just like I said, it's like the old days! Back then you also never beat me!

Charles' smile came back onto his blood splattered face. He was completely gone, there was nothing left of the gentleman that had entered the room, all that was left was a cold blooded serial killer, enjoying the pain of his victim.

However the one dominating changed once again when Jack sneakily used his own feet to bring Charles down to the ground. Jack whose face was still grabbed onto by Charles git pulled down as well and the down of them continued brawling on the floor. Blood was splattering around the room and the ball of two monsters, one dressed in white, and one in black seemed to merge into one. No one could tell who had the upper hand, but just looking made you feel frightened for your life. Each attack of their opponent was blocked by them, followed by a counter attack. There was no way anyone would survive this battle, however even though both of them took more blows than any human should be able to survive, they were still going strong with no sign of stopping.

- Stop right there!

The guards had formed a circle around them, slowly closing in on the two of them who still showed no signs of stopping their fight. As soon as the first guard however came to close to them, Jack quickly used his feet to snap the poor man's neck. He did it without stopping the fight with Charles. Rather it seemed like he was unaware of what he just did in the first place.

But Jack unknowingly killing a guard wasn't the most unsettling thing about this scene. It was the other guards who didn't even react to their comrade dying and just continued closing in on the bundle of raw strength on the ground.

Three more security guards died before they were able to separate Jack and Charles from each other.

Jack and Charles both gave each other understanding looks and knocked out the guards holding them down in position. They slowly walked towards each other, however there weren't enough guards left to stop them again.

When they stood right in front of each other, looking at their opponent as an equal, they hugged showing their respect for their opponent.

Through their fight they had come to an understanding and their once broken relationship was ready to be rebuild. It wouldn't be easy, but the foundation was build up by this fight.

The crowd began to cheer and clap their hands in fear and respect equally. They had witnessed an event that people would talk about for years to come in the underworld. For them it was an honour being able to see two powerful men fight, just like a Gladiatorial fight.

- I just hope she is okay.

- Don't worry we bought enough time. She is capable, otherwise you wouldn't have chosen her, would you?

- You're right Charles... Thank you.