


Ethan has been in a sour mood ever since we got back from church. He said he'd take me home since mom and dad are still busy with church activities. But he hasn't spoken a word to me since then.

"Come in." I heard him say as I knocked on his bedroom door. He paced back and forth, and I caught a glimpse of his anguished face before he put on his usual playful smile.

"What's wrong Ethan?"

He sat on the bed and feigned innocence. "Nothing, why?"

I cast an exasperated sigh. "You haven't spoken a word to me ever since we came back."

He shrugged. "I'm talking to you right now, aren't I?"

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You know what I mean, Ethan. Stop playing dumb. What happened?"

"Nothing, Serenity! Geez, can't you just leave me alone for a sec? Nothing's wrong."

"You know you're such a terrible liar! Your face was pale when you came out from the church and since then you've acted as though someone's coming for us."

Ethan avoided my gaze and threw himself on the bed. "I had a headache, that's probably why I looked pale. And as for acting like someone's coming for us, you're just imagining things."

Why does getting information from him feels like pulling a tooth out? Really, it's pissing me off.

The last time he kept something from me was when we were in Necropolis, whenever there's danger he'd trick me into playing hide and seek. I discovered later on that he's just making me hide when he sees the Risen or someone from this freaking cult that hunts for women. But what bad can happen here in Babylon, really? Aside from them finding out that I can hear—

I stilled and with a horrified on look on my face, I spoke. "They found out I can hear thoughts, didn't they?"

Ethan shut his eyes tight and cursed under his breath. He stood up fuming in anger. "How many times do I have to tell you not to invade my thoughts?!"

I gaped at him, my eyes wide with shock. So, I was right...

He stormed towards me and shook me. "Shut it already! Shut it right now! Get out of my head. Dammit, when are you going to do things that you're told? What else did you hear?"

As soon as I recovered from my shock, I glared at him meeting his gaze with the same intensity. I gathered all the strength I have and pushed my brother away. "I didn't listen to your thoughts! I was just guessing, you stupid jerk! I'm not a child anymore! You don't—"

"You're calling me a stupid jerk?" Disbelief rang in his voice. "I am your brother and this is what you call me?"

"Cut it out will you, Ethan? Just tell me everything! You don't have to keep things from me to protect me. Please, I'll be able to watch out for myself too if I know what we're dealing with."

Stress etched on my brother's face as he sighed in resignation and sat back on his bed. I sat beside him waiting for more of what he has to say.

"Mom heard us this morning. I, uh, I heard her speaking with her Councilor at the office. Mom's Councilor advised her to observe you and after a week she'll hand you out to them." Ethan's voice quivered a little but kept his face straight.

My heart sank at that. I got so scared that I couldn't speak. They're throwing me out. I couldn't be fake and say that I was relieved that Ethan was staying, but I've been with my brother my entire life. The thought of being away from him felt like tearing a part of me. He's the only family I have.

I swallowed hard and finally found my voice. "Maybe if we can talk to mom and dad about this, they'll understand. We've been with them for five years, they can't just kick me out like that."

Ethan's blank face told me bad news. "Tell me everything, please Ethan."

He tensed and in an instant pulled me in his arms. "They—they're not who we think they are. No one will listen. They believe you are cursed and God would soon send plagues if they keep us here."

I freed myself from his arms. "What? Us? I'm the only one who can hear thoughts."

A smirk curled his lips and gave my head a little knock. "Yeah, but I'm your brother. We have the same blood so that means, I'm just as cursed as you are." He chuckled and annoyed, I slapped his hand away.

"Do you think this is funny? We're doomed. We're going to be thrown out of Babylon because of me and we won't even have the chance to speak up for ourselves!" I rested my head on both hands and fought the tears that stung my eyes. Fear and frustration kicked in. Just when I thought we could live peacefully. Just when I thought the end to our suffering has come and just when I thought we found people who would care, this kind of shit happens!

Strong and warm arms gently surrounded me in an instant, and at that I broke down. "I'm so scared Ethan! Wh-what are we supposed to do? Where are we going to live? I-I'm so sorry, this is all my fault! If I—if I could just take this damn curse off me—"

Ethan pulled me closer, his arms tightening around me. "You're not cursed."

I cried even harder because I knew—I knew Ethan's lying or if not, mistaken. "I know I am. I am cursed. I am. I am. I am..."

"Stop it!" His voice carried so much dominance and force that I stopped talking. Slowly he departed himself from me and cupped my face in his hands. "There's no curse. If there is then something bad should have happened during the five years that we've been living here."

I shut my eyes tight and held my brother's hands in mine. "But I've been dragging you down ever since."

He scoffed and stood up to pace around the room. "What the fuck are you talking about? Serenity, don't let these people's words get into your head!" Ethan's jaws clenched, his face red with anger. "You know, we don't have to wait for them to capture us. We need to find a way to escape."

"Where Ethan? Where in God's name do you think we could hide from Marco's men?"

"I don't know for fuckssake!" He said raking his copper hair, his gray eyes sparkled with unshed tears of desperation. I knew the thought of going back to Necropolis and surviving every single day frightens him too. "No one lives in North Babylon. We'd be safe there for a week or so, there are old houses there that have hidden rooms and passageways." A glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes. "Pack your things. We're leaving before mom—before Emilia and George gets here."

But my feelings were the exact opposite as his. How can he be so unaffected by our mom and dad's decision of handing us out to the Council just like that? Five years. Didn't that matter to anyone at all? Maybe, they'll change their minds. If we could just give it some time then—

"They won't just throw us out. They, our parents, will hand you out to the Council as a sacrifice." My heart leapt to my throat. Sacrifice?! "Yes, the same sacrifice or offering as the Brotherhood in Necropolis. 'Women are sinners because Eve tricked Adam into eating the forbidden fruit and by keeping your curse from them and you being cursed just adds up to your list of sins.' That was what I heard the Councilor said. They'll sacrifice you to show how—how sorry they are for keeping such a filth." Disgust filled my brother's voice.

"What then? They're going to rape me and stab me to death like the Brotherhood would do?"

"I don't know! I don't want to stay and find out, do you?"

I bit my lip and silence filled the room. Ethan stood there looking far away through the window. Fear filled his eyes. Not just for himself but for me, his little sister. So we're back now to how we were. Escaping and surviving.

This time I won't let him alone.

I stood from the bed and wrapped my arms around Ethan's waist. He tensed. "Let's go North then, Ethan. We'll leave when it's dark so people won't see us." I looked up at him and he relaxed at the assuring smile I gave him.

That afternoon, I spent time packing essential things. Mom and dad are still out. Probably getting some things ready when they'll hand us out. I shook my head and rid of the thoughts. There's no sense crying anymore over spilled milk. We have to focus on escaping—

--Someone, help me. Anyone...

My heart leaped in fear and I jerked my head up to look around the room. I didn't open my ears to anyone's thoughts, there's no way I could be hearing—

--It hurts...

My chest constricted at the tortured voice and somehow felt a sense of familiarity. It felt like I've already heard that voice before. I concentrated, trying to tap more into that person's thoughts.

--Where are you? What's your name?

--What the--?! I was as surprised as he was when he reacted to my thoughts. My eyes widened with hope and excitement at the possibility that I'm not the only one who could hear thoughts.

--You can hear thoughts too? What's your name?

--Shit, I'm going insane. I'm going insane. Yeah maybe this is better. It probably would ease the pain. Maybe I could forget... But why is it still here? I can still remember, I can still feel.

--Calm down. You're not insane. I just heard your thoughts and I don't know how, but you can hear mine too!

I heard him scoff. I didn't know anyone could scoff in their thoughts like that!

--Hearing thoughts, huh? Are you one of them?

--One of who?

--Stop playing around! You know what I mean. Did they order you to get into my head to know what I'm planning?!

--What are you talking—

--Well you can tell them that I'm going to chop all their fucking heads off! I'm going to kill every fucking single one of them! And I will kill you too, I will find you wherever you are. Curse you, you fucking freaks!

Hairs all over my body rose as images of decapitated bodies and pools of blood appeared in my head. Those images were from his thoughts... I've never seen what anyone's been thinking about—I mean what they're imagining. Seeing those. I'd never want to see people's imagination.

--Curse you too, you stupid jerk! Geez I'm just trying to be nice and this is what I get from you? If I'm a freak then you're a—you're a psycho. Psycho killer!


There, that's better. I hope to never hear whoever that is—well, not really. I knew I still want to hear him. That was the first time someone connected with my thoughts, it's pretty cool actually. I mean, we really communicated with each other. I sighed. It's such a waste to have it end this way.

--You are the psycho killers. You killed her and I'm not going to stop until I get my revenge.

I scoffed putting my hands on my hips. Well, as if he could really see me.

--I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never killed anyone my entire life but I'd probably get myself and my brother killed if you continue to bombard me with your creepy and disturbing thoughts. Leave me alone, now.

But I know I didn't want to. I can speak with someone through our minds! I mean, I wanted to meet him and see how he's coping with this ability. I wanted to know that I'm not the only one. But well, it will distract me during our escape.

--Yeah I will for now. But I will get you and the rest of the Brotherhood!

I gasped. Brotherhood??

--You're from Necropolis?!

Impossible! There's no way I could hear an Outsider's thoughts from here. I have limits when it comes to distance. Necropolis was way too far away, it couldn't be.


--Please speak to me! You're from Necropolis? You're not from here? Not from Babylon?

--Babylon? You're not—shit! Stop playing games with me. The agony in his voice sounded as clear as when I'm speaking with someone face to face. –Why only now? It's too late. We were going to start a new life! But you're too late, she's gone. I—I can't bring her back anymore... there's no more reason to live.

Oh no, he can't be thinking of killing himself!

--Don't! Whatever it is that you'd do, don't do it!

But I couldn't get into his thoughts anymore. No matter what I do.