Let's Make a Deal

I looked into my own eyes, staring at me from across the room. Their purple shine was perfectly portrayed on the painting.

"So, Kai." Asher calmly spoke. "Is it just me, or is that painting depicting you?"

I nodded. It was the same purple eyes, the same long, white hair, and the same pale skin. The only difference between me and the man on that painting was our clothes. He wore long, black robes with silver embroidery while I still wore the dark green clothes I'd bought from Luhen.

"How?" Asher asked as he looked at me, then at the painting, then at me again.

"I'd like to know that too." I mumbled. I felt lost, what did this place have to do with me? "Maybe the game glitched and gave me the wrong avatar?" I asked hesitantly, though I didn't believe my words any more than Asher did as he chuckled. "I don't think that's it."

"I think this place belonged to the Keeper of Souls." He suddenly said as he walked around in the room. Only then did I notice everything else decorating this place. There were several shelves filled with different coloured crystals and rocks. Several tables were placed seemingly at random and they were covered in books, papers, writing utensils and other miscellaneous items.

Asher gently touched the surface of the closest table. The layer of dust was so thick that as he ran his finger through it, a clear trail was left behind. "And I think your body – avatar – is designed to be the same as his." He sighed. "Though, it makes little sense, considering this is meant to be an MMO, it's wrong to give one player something all the others can't ever get."

I nodded, though I was only half listening. I was in a daze, so many of the images that flashed before me made sense now. If only I could remember them properly. If only I could talk to these souls and ask them; who am I?

"Kai?" Asher asked as he snapped his fingers before my eyes. "Hey, now's not the time to get lost in thought."

I blinked a few times and shook my head. "Sorry." I glanced around again. "Did you find anything?"

He chuckled. "You could say that. Not all the books are in demonic. I can read some of them, though there are so many that it'd take months to read through them all." With a sigh, he continued. "I think most of these talk about magic or this world's history."

My ears perked up. "That's valuable."

"It is, but it will take a long time to read through all this." He shook his head. "And I'm sure there are tons of things we haven't even found yet."

I nodded. "But we know why the souls waited here." They were waiting for the Keeper to return, so they could finally rest. And they kept his belongings safe.

"Yeah," Asher mumbled with a thoughtful tone. "I'm glad they found their respite." He glanced at me. "Let's go back outside. You're a bit pale and this place isn't going to do you any good."

I nodded, albeit reluctantly. The books in that room, all that information, I needed to know about it. But Asher was right, I felt cold and tired. We descended the stairs and left through the front gate. As soon as fresh air filled my lungs, I felt a little better.

I folded my legs and sat on the ground. Asher soon did the same, though he cast a spell before doing so.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Just an illusion to hide us. I don't want some random creatures to spot and attack us now." He said with a tired expression. "How are you feeling?" I'd never seen him tired before.

"Cold," I said with a shiver. "But I'm fine." A smile flashed across my face. "I didn't know you cared."

He chuckled. "I'm not some evil person who likes torturing others." He sighed. "I already told you, I will get out of here." His jade eyes met mine. "I will get answers." He said, pronouncing every world clearly. He was adamant about this and honestly, it was almost reassuring. It was nice to see someone other than me actually try to leave this fake, virtual world.

"What happens now?" I asked after a while.

"I need to find out more about the past of this place." He said after a moment's hesitation. "I need to read those books and learn what really happened a hundred years ago. I can't let this chance go to waste."

"Yeah." I mumbled. What I really was trying to learn was what was going to happen to me. I wasn't so stupid to believe that I could just leave whenever I wanted. Despite my increased level and the massive amount of souls I'd gained, he was still so much stronger than me. I gathered my courage and finally asked. "What about me?"

A wicked smile flashed across his face. "Well," He said with a jade shine in his eyes. "I do have some thoughts about that."

I nervously glanced at him. That smile and his tone were somewhat terrifying. "What do you mean?"

He looked up to the dark night sky. Clouds covered the sky, blocking the moon and stars. "I was wrong," He mumbled. "It didn't rain yesterday."

I flinched. I'd forgotten about that. "Well, you can't always be right." He chuckled and nodded.

"I believe what we found today makes things only more complicated." He said with a sigh. "But it does support what I told you before; you're the key to some of this world's secrets. I can't just let you walk off and get yourself killed somewhere."

I felt my body tense up. Those were not the words I wanted to hear.

"But" He said as he shook his head. "I have to admit that keeping you here would be a waste. Your potential can only be realised out there." He seemed conflicted. Unsure, even. It was the first time I'd seen him like that, and it was a worrying sight.

"I do have an idea." He said as he shot me a thoughtful glimpse. His lips formed a wicked smile as his eyes let out a jade shine. His expression sent a chill down my spine as his next words sounded. "How about we make another deal, Kai Friseal?"