Another Long Day of Walking

I woke up with the first light of dawn. Dreams that I could only remember fragments of clouded my mind as I staggered towards the river and washed up. 

"Good morning." I heard Erik's voice. Kneeling by the river shore, I glanced towards him over my shoulder.

"Good morning. Why didn't you wake me up for my shift of the watch?" Though I was asking, I already knew the answer.

"Joshua has some trouble trusting you right now." He said with a bitter smile. "And I'm still processing what we learned yesterday." He almost seemed apologetic as he spoke. Was he expecting me to get angry?

"I get it." I said, splashing some more water to my face. "I wouldn't trust me either." And they didn't even know half of the events.

"Thanks." He said somewhat hesitantly. "The others are still sleeping," He added, glancing at the campsite. "Why are you up so early?"