
"So…" Laura glanced around the now crowded common room. "We're a lot of people now, apparently." She mumbled.

All of us were sitting in the common room; Asher, Lucius, Mona, Theresa, Laura, Rina, Alex, and me. Suddenly, the room seemed much smaller and felt a lot more cramped than it did just yesterday.

"You could say that." Rina glanced around, clearly somewhat confused. "So, why are we here, exactly? What are we planning?"

Asher took a deep breath and got up from his seat.

"I'll explain," He summoned his interface and navigated to the map panel. "Here and here," He pointed at where the two remaining Divine Pillars were. "There are…" As he began explaining everything we knew, my gaze wandered around the room.

Everyone was focused. Everyone was giving him their full attention – even Mona. Asher's speech giving skills were surprisingly high, considering his job before we all ended up here. Did a game developer need such charms?