Distant Cliffs

Victoria left soon after we discussed our plan, along with Asher. I, on the other hand, opened a rift and left the vicinity of Baile Chailce. Asher had his own ways of returning and Victoria wasn't going to join us back at base quite yet.

I stepped out of the rift in a familiar place. A circular, grassy area in the middle of a thick forest. The entrance to Fetheion's home was right behind me. Taking a deep breath, I stepped towards the door and opened it.

It creaked open, slowly. I stayed there and listened for a while. I waited, hoping to hear anything. Footsteps, the sound of doors closing or someone moving inside… Yet, I heard nothing.

With slow, careful steps, I walked through the door and down the stairs, the through the narrow hallway with doors on both sides. I stopped and checked every room, slowly making my way to the library. With each room I checked that was empty, my shoulders dropped a little more.