Secrets Revealed (1)

I placed the flower before the ruined entrance of the tower. "I'm sorry." I whispered in demonic as I looked upon the ruined building. I closed my eyes and listened a while.

When I returned to Aoife and the others, they didn't speak up. Delthur was the only person to speak. "Is she there?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes. She's sleeping, probably eternally."

"No pain?" He asked. I shook my head. "Good." He closed his eyes and whispered something under his breath before glancing at Vixia. She smiled. It was a kind, genuine smile. 

It was then Fetheion who cast the spell to take us to the valley of starsnatchers.

"What was that?" Aoife asked after we arrived, as we began walking towards the marked cliff – the portal that would lead us home. "Did someone die here?"