Battle for the Earth (3)

Screams sounded, and quakes shook the earth as the battle in the sky continued. Soon, bodies of the fallen began dropping down, wetting the earth with blood. 

Amongst the chaos, I reached the inquisitors. I didn't hesitate as I raised the blade of my scythe and brought it down upon them. Layers upon layers of golden barriers formed between us. My scythe cut through the first layer, shattering it. 

Behind me, I heard the beat of large, leathery wings fast approaching. Tightly grasping the shaft of my scythe, I turned around, only to see a massive claymore descending upon me.

"No!" Someone shouted in demonic. A whip of purple flames wrapped itself around the deadly blade of the claymore, yanking it away from the hands of the Ereth wielding it. "I will be your opponent!" Vixia shouted, her voice drowning out all other sounds. She walked forward, her whip in hand and her expression filled with disgust.