He will always be there for me , even when i forget all about him .
He is always watching me and can feel my pain.
Always a shadow in my mind and knows my deepest desires.
He knows why i am screaming on the inside but smile on the outside just for show .
He knows when i lie to cover up my mistakes.
He is always there to comfort me when i feel as if my own tears would drown me .
He knows my fears , my likes and dislikes
but i remember only in times of need , at times were life is good , i forget the most important thing that holds my very being together . We all forget the one most important thing to us . We just never know its worth until its gone . A forgotten friend , a being that has put us here on this earth for a reason already known to him but to us an answer we search for our entire lives .
It was sample, all we had to do was ask him for an answer but we tend to forget that he ever existed .
We carry on with our lives like nothing happened . Like the miracles infront of us are nothing more than another daily occurrence.
Some believe his not there , others are still searching for him . While some were born knowing that he is there , they know who he is,
they know his name . To them he is not forgotten but is and always will be a friend that is unforgettable .
And to me , i have to learn to love him as much as he does me . I have to become his friend again . I have to remember the forgotten friend whose name i once used to call.