
"Oh? This Core, huh…." Darcel directed his gaze to the still bright silver Core stuck in the creature's claw.

Just being so close to the Core was making Darcel's soul throb.

Throughout the whole fight, Darcel connected that this Core just had to be some form of Sari concentrated power or at the very least direct energy from her.

After all, with this silver Core, the creature could make even a mighty Heavenly Transformation cultivator go rigid with pure pain!

Hell, Darcel reckons if he and Aniela didn't do anything, Elder Leweyn would have inevitably ended up dead after a grueling fight.

"Seems like we just got a new treasure, Darcy!" Aniela walked up right beside Darcel, scalpel in hand. If it's something that could make their souls throb, Aniela already knows it will be good.

Aniela too also made the most obvious connection of this being some sort of type of Sari's power or direct energy. She got next to Darcel, smiling at him and egging her eyes to the mysterious silver Core.

And under her goating, Darcel shrugged and took the silver Core from the vile creature's claws.

While he did that, Aniela plunged her scalpel deep into the vile blue creature's corpse. Its rancid blue blood immediately transfers to the scalpel, gaining a new hint of a blue hue.

"Are….are they truly just a couple of mere genius youths?"

Elder Leweyn had uttered in absolute awe while watching Darcel and Aniela.

The vile blue creature's powerful mist already lessened as it was dead, but that fight would never leave Elder Leweyn mind.

Erin, too was in a similar state of total shock. He held even more prejudice against Darcel and Aniela, being as they were in the same age range.

But after their fight, he just didn't know what to think!

In a flashy fashion, Darcel and Aniela completely resisted the poisonous mist that affected them with relative ease.

And even if they have some sort of special immunity, they still just beat an equivalent peak True Soul Core prowess!

And of course, as these two were only at the peak level of the Nascent Core realm, this kind of combat prowess is too freaky!

Both Elder Leweyn and Erin knew geniuses like this should only ever appear at the absolute top rank provinces of their Region.

Vice Principal Zelle already recovered from the once-powerful mist and reveled in Elder Leweyn and Erin's shock.

She was halfway in the process of turning her head back to them until she suddenly stopped.

Instantly, her head snapped back to the duo in evident worry.

"Hm? Oh? You feel that, Aniela?"

Darcel was caressing the creamy, soft silver orb in his hand and had suddenly spoken up to Aniela. Much like the time they killed the purple creature, a continuous incredible influx of power directly drilled into their souls.

Only this time, Darcel could feel the apparent steady increase in his soul's power. Though while Darcel asked, his eyes trail down to the creature's corpse to find it in an odd state.

The twitching and spasming was normal for Darcel. But for some reason, Darcel just found it odd the way the creature was twitching.

It moved more violently than the purple creature as if something was trying to break free from inside its body?

"Mnh! Our souls truly are connected to these creatures in some mystical Sari way. Still, I didn't expect our new forms to be so strong!"

Aniela stretched her arms, feeling the kinks crack out like she had just experienced a good workout.

She was beginning to take out the scalpel again and noticed the blue creature corpse's odd violent spasm.

Aniela had chalked it up to their scalpel, getting more powerful.

But when she got mere inches away from the scalpel, both her and Darcel felt a sudden frenzy gust of wind.

Nobody there had the time to process Vice-Principal Zelle suddenly dashing right in between Darcel and Aniela. She quickly took out the scalpel and fished her second concealing talisman all in one smooth motion.

In this split second sudden decision, neither Darcel, Aniela, Elder Leweyn, or Erin's brains could even process what Vice Principal Zelle was doing.

But in the same split second, everyone Spirit Senses went frantic!

From the nearly dried up vile blue creature corpse, an intense blue silverish glow broke out of it!

The bright glow erupted the creature's corpse with sudden tremendous power that took Darcl, Aniela, Elder Leweyn, and Erin off guard.

Everything was instantly shrouded in a bright blue glow of explosive power.

Elder Leweyn instinctively reacted, gritting his teeth and surging the full power of his Heavenly Qi! He created a barrier for himself and Erin as the sudden erupted power went berserk.


A blue flashbang burst within the bright blue glow forcing everyone to shut their eyes tight.

Vice Principal Zelle efficiently protected the duo under the concealing talisman. However, she was feeling the drain of her talisman rate rapidly speed up.

On the other hand, Elder Leweyn felt his arm slightly quake clashing with this burst of power. Heavenly Transformation power or not, whatever was inside the creature wasn't easy to shield from.

Still, after a second, once the blue glow finally died out, everyone wasn't too injured from the sudden corpse attack.

Although Darcel, Aniela, and Vice-Principal Zelle had their concealing talisman completely ran out of energy on them.

Furthermore, everyone felt a stinging uncomfortable sensation in their bloodstream.

"Tch, until the very end, that thing wanted to snipe us out even after its death." Erin snarked as he began surging his Innate Qi to destroy the poisonous energy in his body.

"At least now it's o-" Elder Leweyn and the others had the same idea as Erin, but when they all tried to recuperate, their Spirit Senses suddenly went frantic once again.

And this time, all of their eyes snapped to the roof of the cave.


The cave tremble as the roof of it was decimated by a powerful blast of Innate Qi!

Vice Principal Zelle's group was exposed to the outside world. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw just who decided to intrude.

Floating imposingly in the air was twenty one frightening figures.

Twenty of these figures were the similarly possessed humans Vice-Principal Zelle's group saw strutting around the Woods.

However, the most terrifying figure was the one floating at the head of the pack.

It held a freakish human-like appearance that was rancid to stare at. A putrid yellow glow painted its whole body. And out from its mouth, a long, grotesque yellow tongue eerily swirled.

It was yet another variant of these vile human-like creatures! Only this time, it was in a chilling yellow pallet.

But, there was another terrifying aspect to all those in the air.

"All either peak Innate Core or eighth rank huh…." As Vice Principal Zelle breathlessly told, all of the possessed humans were at an extraordinarily high level.

Out of the twenty humans, nine were at the eighth rank while all others were at the ninth rank of Innate Core.

For the creature itself, it was equal to the sixth rank of Innate Core. Still, it didn't lessen the deadly feeling it naturally exudes.

This lineup, even in Vice Principal Zelle's eyes, was particularly fierce.

"Wwwell, wwwell! A second level Heavenly Transformation puppet for our takingsss. We really were right about you two bratss!" After the second the yellow creature's group appeared, it began talking in this creepy slurry tone of voice.

"Puppet? Hmph." And Elder Leweyn wasn't haven't any of what the vile yellow creature was spouting out.

Elder Leweyn fully surged his Heavenly Qi before the others could react, ultimately breaking off the poisonous blue glow energy.

Simultaneously while breaking the pain away, Elder Leweyn fully unleashed his mighty Heavenly Transformation aura towards the vile yellow creature and its possessed humans!

Elder Leweyn's aura caused the air to frantically whirl for miles in the Necropolis Woods. The space around himself seemed to froze over as he thoroughly showed the high might of a Heavenly Transformation cultivator!

Everyone in the vile yellow creature's group felt tremendously suppressed by Elder Leweyn's mere blast of aura.

If nothing were to happen, their bodies were going to be utterly crushed under this powerful aura. And yet, none of the possessed humans seem worried about their upcoming doom at all.

The vile yellow creature as well savagely smiled in the face of doom.

Its claw was hidden from view at first, but right as Elder Leweyn's aura crushed on to them, the creature suddenly thrust his claw out.

It was the only body part it could move and upon the creature's claw caused everyone in Vice Principal Zelle's group to feel immediate dread.

An even larger silver core than what the blue creature had sat upon its claw!


The silver core immediately ignited in a blinding radiance and had spewed out a bright yellow silverish mist!

Elder Leweyn's once-mighty aura was utterly vaporized from the silver core explosive power.

"Ah-AHH!!" Erin had immediately shrieked and collapsed to his knees in tremendous pain.

The bright silverish mist spared no expense and drilled into his, Elder Leweyn, Darcel, Aniela, and Vice-Principal Zelle's bloodstreams.

Elder Leweyn went as still as a statue under the overwhelming mist. He couldn't believe it, but that silver Core was actually overpowering his mighty Heavenly Qi!

Previously, the vile blue creature caught him off guard with its silver core attacks. But admittedly, Elder Leweyn would've needed a bit of time to destroy the blue creature's silver core power that rummaged in him.

However, the yellow creature significantly surpassed anything the blue creature could ever throw out.

He, a legendary second level Heavenly Transformation cultivator, felt the joints in his body completely lock up under the silver core power!

Moreover, nearly all of his Heavenly Qi was drained at a tremendous rate.

Elder Leweyn eyes filled with horror as he stared up at that vile yellow creature. Now he fully understands these creatures' terrifying might!

Vice Principal Zelle was gnashing her teeth, dealing with the scorching pain rampaging inside her body.

She was bearing the full brunt of the creature's silver core power, but all of her half step Heavenly Qi was quickly draining from her as well.

Yet, as the poisonous mist sizzled her bloodstreams, a dormant power was quickly starting to stir in her.

Darcel and Aniela were only overwhelmed for a second. Indeed the yellow creature's silver core power far surpassed its vile brethren.

But in the very next second, the silver Core in Darcel's hand frantically throb. Two bright silver streams of energy discharged from the silver Core and drilled right into Darcel and Aniela's chests!

Darcel and Aniela's souls immediately synchronized with the silver Core. It caused their souls to finally erupt with far greater power than anything they discharged before!


A blinding silver radiance equal to the yellow creature's silver core radiance explosively burst of Darcel and Aniela!

Their erupted power currently gave the duo enough to stand against the yellow creature's silver Core power.

"Nnno-NO!! Your soulsss are ssupossed to get overwhelmed! You're ssupossed to get wweaker and useless, just how?!?"

The vile yellow creature roared out in rage and confusion.

There simply shouldn't be any way these two kids' souls could ever match the more direct and tremendous power of its silver core! In fact, the energy these kids exuded should've destroyed their souls by now!

However, the nightmare only continued for the vile yellow creature.

A significant suppression weighed upon its soul from Darcel and Aniela, making its soul quake in fear. Fright swirled in its eyes as the creature knew these brats had to die today!

"Th-these tw-two mu-must die!!!"

All other possessed humans savagely shouted as their bodies couldn't stop from constant trembling.

Whatever power Darcel and Aniela wield, it brought about an even more significant suppression to souls than what the yellow creature was feeling.

The humans felt as if Darcel and Aniela could crush right then and there without even so much of a sweat!

"It doesn't matter how or why; you all will die here today!" Darcel loudly proclaimed while getting himself adjusted to his sudden eruption of soul power.

"I hope you all wished for your last prayer!!" Aniela also loudly proclaimed while adapting to her sudden power gain.

In sync, the duo had then quickly turned around to face Vice-Principal Zelle, completely ignoring the yellow creature group.

Seeing this, a manic savage smile burst on the vile yellow creature's face.

"Heh! It doessn't matter if their soulsss suppress all of ours. They're ssstill no match for True Innate Core prowess! Kill them!!"

"K-Kill them!!!"

Every single one of the possessed humans became incredibly riled up under the yellow creature's words.

And it was right; those brats are still merely Nascent Core ants!

Immense waves of tremendous Innate Core Qi crazily swirled in the air. Everyone in the yellow creature's group blasted out their aura, making the Necropolis Woods fall into chaos for tens of miles!

However, right when the yellow creature's group was about to blast the duo away, bright blue flames refracted into everyone's visions.

They all temporarily halted as a bright, sizzling blue firewall covered the whole of Vice-Principal Zelle's group.

"Tcch! Like thisss will work!!" The yellow creature ignored the blue firewall and still went on to surge its power.

Everyone else in its group as well paid no heed to the wall and quickly swirled their Innate Qi.


The yellow creature roared as it blasted out a vast yellow Qi claw to the blue firewall.

The twenty possessed humans followed suit and had also blasted out powerful blue Qi claws towards the blue firewall.


The ground violently shook, trees broke apart, and the sky split in half under the fierce clash of incredible power!

But everyone in the yellow creature group was immediately taken by surprise.

"I-it didn't break?!?"

The blue firewall still stood firm to the yellow creature's dismay and only showed several large cracks on it.

The other possessed humans were similarly shocked. But this only fueled their determination to destroy everyone under that wall!

Quickly everyone in the yellow creature group regained their focus and began charging their power for an even greater attack.

"The Core and your power won't last another attack, Vice-Principal. Are you sure you can handle using another saint artifact now?" Darcel steadily said as his hands were on Vice Principal Zelle's shoulder.

Aniela's hand was also calm and steady on Vice Principal Zelle's shoulder.

As soon as she and Darcel turned around to Vice Principal Zelle, they immediately fueled her with a slight bit of their souls' powers.

Darcel and Aniela only relied on instinct and got the mysterious silver Core to fuel Vice-Principal Zelle with their sudden erupted power.

The trio only needed a second, and Vice-Principal Zelle already blasted out a wall that protected them.

But now, they needed to change their course of action.

As Vice Principal Zelle felt her bloodstreams frantically roar with power because of Darcel and Aniela, she knew they had only one option left.

The yellow creature's previous attack left her wholly drained. Still, thanks to the duo, Vice Principal Zelle will finally unleash her dormant latent power!

"I'll only need one more second; the energy raging inside of me can no longer lay dormant...."