
Dear Diary,

Today, I decided to write in a different style. Yesterday, I relayed the events exactly. Today, I'm going to write in a more "lax" style. I hope you understand it better this way.

So I was on my way to Fitness Ascertainment class, when I ran into Johnson. He asked me if I had a good night's sleep. I did, so that's what I told him. He was kind of confused until I told him I had never slept before, so it was easy to do it now. Apparently he was confused because the beds here were not very comfortable. I was born standing up, so I really had no clue that this was true.

Agent Carter said that I was better than most fighters, and that I learned faster for a beginner. I don't know if that is true, but who cares. Anyway, tomorrow I am supposed to start training with poles. That should be fun. Tonight is movie night. I have fifteen minutes until the television gets turned on.

I don't have much to say except that walking and talking is easier now. I probably will not write much unless I have something to write about.

Love from,