
Dear Diary,

Today is Friday, but I will work on yesterday's story because today was boring. Well, I mean, Peggy asked me how the date went, but I won't tell you that conversation because, spoilers. ;^የ

I threw a punch at Carter, and hit my non-expectant target.

"Well, now," she said, "that was rude."

"Um, we are in a fighting class," I excused, "I'm supposed to punch you."

"Right," she said in her awesome British accent, "We should probably get to that. Otherwise I might get fired."

"I doubt it," I said. By the way, she's the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., "You are in charge here."

"Of course, but a president who is corrupt can be 'dethroned'," she said wisely.

"A king though, however corrupt cannot," I said, reminding her of her ethnicity. She smirked.

"Well, you've trapped me there," she said. Then, she punched at me, and I blocked it. I kicked her and hit her. She grabbed at a stick, but I got it first. She grabbed a different one while I swung at her. She was just in time to counter the attack with a hard whack. I dropped my stick.

"Though one might be losing at first," she started, "One can always gain the advantage by using their head," She swung at me again, I grabbed her stick and, I headbutted her in the gut. She dropped the stick, and stumbled back. I caught her with my foot, and she fell onto her back. I held my stick up to her throat like a sword.

"Well," I started, "I guess I do listen. I used my head."

"Looks like today's lesson is over," she said, "I'll need a little bit to recover my breath," She was panting, "You do listen after all," She smiled as I offered her my hand. I pulled her to her feet, and into a hug. We embraced for a short enough time that it wasn't awkward.

"Well, now you get some more time with Johnson," she winked, "I'll get the rest of the story tomorrow. I promise."

"I believe it," I said, "You have your ways to nose into my business. I will probably offer it willingly." I left her standing there smirking. I went straight to where I saw Johnson waiting for me.

"You're done early," he noted.

"How would you know?" I asked, "You've only been here visibly for my first day." I said, pointing out the creepiness of that statement.

"Sometimes, I've been here without revealing myself," he winked, "I have my ways. Like Agent Carter." Now he was referencing my conversation with Peggy, "Don't worry, you were both practically shouting the second half of your conversation. You didn't shout anything about tonight though."

"Ok," I said, "That makes me feel so much better."

"So are you and Carter best friends now?" He asked, "You two are always chatting."

"Well, we are good friends, I'm not sure if I would say 'best friends' though."

"Ok," he said, "It's Thursday, no Strategic Sciences today. We have the whole day. Wanna go get ice cream?"

"Sure," I said, "My favorite flavor is French Vanilla. It's just so yummy!" I said like a little girl.

"Yeah, I see what you mean, "Johnson said, "But my favorite is Strawberry Swirl. Strawberries are my favorite fruit."

"Yum!" I said, then continued, "Umm, Johnson, what's your first name?"

"Oh, that," he said smiling, "I thought you were going to ask me a difficult question. Like, 'where are we going for ice cream'. That one I couldn't tell you, but my first name is Jaiden."

"Ooh, nice name," I said, "I really like it."


"Really really," I said, "now let's go find some ice cream."


"What time is it?" Jaiden asked me, "I hope it's not eight yet!"

"Seven thirty," I announced, "I don't think we will find any ice cream," I pouted. I really wanted some, but I was mostly joking. We went straight to the streets and found Johnson's car.

"Now, we drive to headquarters," Jaiden said, "To get ready," When we arrived we went our separate ways. I went straight to my room and got my dress on. After another fifteen minutes it was 8:09 and I had just finished brushing my hair. I pinned it into a neat updo and looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn't that bad, just mostly. It was 8:17 and it would take 5 minutes to drive to the hall, and I would take a taxi.

I decided to visit Father, I hadn't seen him in days. I went down three flights of stairs, around lots of corners, and into the door of his lab.

"Hello Father," I said in a British accent while licking my lips.

"You are no son of mine."


"Hello Father," I said smiling.

"Hello darling," He said while looking into a microscope, "Why are you so dressed up?" he asked looking up.

"Well, I'm going dancing tonight," I replied smiling, "If that is okay Father."

"Of course it is my darling, but do not get too attached, you never know who to trust while working for Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.," he warned, "They might betray you. Do not tell anyone you work for Hydra."

"Father," I said giggling, "It is Jaiden that I'm going with."

"Is that so?" He asked, "Well I suppose that's fine, he knows all about Hydra."

"Yes," I agreed, "He does."

"When are you going?"

"Tonight," I joked.

"Well if I wanted to know the day you were going I would of asked," he played along, "I could have seen you were going tonight by looking at you, but if you must frustrate me, I will not ask," he said, "I will just guess," he looked at his watch, "You will be leaving on a taxi at 8:45, but your dance was scheduled at 9:00."

"Yes Father," I said, "You have guessed correctly."

"Well then you had better hurry up, it's already 8:42," He said, warning me, goodbye my sweet girl."

"Goodbye father," I said. With that I swept out of the room in a pink flurry, climbed up those three flights of stairs, and flew onto the sidewalk. I flagged a taxi down and arrived at the hall by 8:55.

Jaiden was wearing a tailcoat tuxedo. He had a pink rose pinned to his chest, and had a dazzling smile. I smiled back.

"You look beautiful," he said, still smiling.

"Thanks," I said, "You look really good too."

"Let's dance," he said, and held out his hand.

Suddenly a voice came from a man on the stage, "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to tonight's dance. The first song we will be playing is Elvis's new 'Blue Suede Shoes'!"

Then suddenly the curtains opened and there was a man wearing a black dress shirt and pants. He had black hair swooshed up stylishly, and sparkling blue eyes. The crowd cheered. The man said thank you, and started playing.

"Emilie?" Jaiden said.


"That's Elvis himself!" He said, barely containing his excitement, "I wasn't expecting him to be here."

"Did it cost money to get in?" I asked, "The guy at the desk asked me for my name."

"Not much," Jaiden said. He quickly changed the subject, "But how cool is it that Elvis himself is performing?"

"How much did it cost you Jaiden?" I insisted, "I hope it wasn't too much."

"It wasn't," Jaiden said. He left it at that.

"You still didn't answer my question," I demanded. I hoped I wasn't going too far, Jaiden was delicate. I just hoped it wasn't a lot of money.

Jaiden mumbled something.


"Ten dollars."

"What?" I was surprised at the cost, "Ten whole dollars? Well I guess, five apiee isn't bad."

Jaiden's face still looked weird.

"You mean it was twenty total?" I asked. Twenty dollars is a lot of money, and I wasn't about to let him spend it on me.

"I'll pay you back," I said.

"No," Jaiden said, "Emilie, it was a gift."

"I'll pay you back," I insisted.

"No," Jaiden said. He started to look a little hurt. I looked around, people had stopped dancing and were watching in awe. I turned red, and continued dancing with Jaiden. He was red too.

"Fine," I said exasperated.

"Thank you."

Suddenly there was music playing, and I realized that the music had stopped. I got redder than a tomato with french dressing for hair. I had made complete fools of both of us. It seemed Jaiden had noticed, because he got red too. He grinned, and laughed. I laughed too.

"So much for it being really cool having a live performance," Jaiden said, "We probably left an impression on Elvis. I don't think he'll forget us anytime soon."

"No," I agreed, "Nor do I."

That just caused us to laugh harder. Suddenly everything was quiet except for our laughter, and I realized the music had stopped again. We both shut up. Maybe having a live performance wasn't the best idea Jaiden had had.


After the dance we decided to try to apologize to Elvis for interrupting his music twice.

Before we could try and make our way backstage, the curtains opened up again, however it was just the guy who introduced Elvis.

"Ladies and gentleman, I know the dance is over," he started, "Those of you who did not cause any interruptions can leave. That couple who stopped the performance a couple of times, stay here."

A loud noise went through the crowd and I realized it was laughter. Great, I thought, we're going to get banned for life on our first dance.

After everyone had left we were ushered backstage, and told to sit on two metal folding chairs. Shoot, I thought, They know about Hydra.

"Well," said a man, whose voice was oddly familiar. I couldn't see the speaker because the men who brought us here had turned off the lights.

"I never thought I would get interrupted twice in one performance," He let out a hearty laugh and turned on the lights, "Especially not by the same couple."

I gasped, and turned red. It was Elvis himself. Out of the clothes he wore onstage, he looked almost normal. He wore what you'd imagine a normal twenty-one year old to wear except all of it looked expensive and well taken care of. I knew Elvis's age because I'd heard of him on the radio, but I'd never seen him before that night.

Jaiden made a choking sound and when I looked over, he was very red.

"Now how old are you two?" Elvis asked, like he was a normal person meeting us on the streets. Like he was older than both of us. Like he hadn't arranged a creepy set-up for us to talk to him in private.

"Twenty three," Jaiden surprised me by responding, "And she's nineteen."

"Ok," Elvis said, "And what do you do for a living?" He asked Jaiden.

"I uhh," Jaiden said, "I sell houses," he fibbed, "Yeah, I sell houses."

"Hmm, and what do you do..." He trailed off.

"Emilie," I said, "And I work in a small diner, outside of town."

"Nice," Elvis said, "I like diners. Where did you two meet?"

"Umm," I spoke up, "It's a long story."

"I have time," Elvis said, "I'm in no hurry. I'm staying for a week.

"Umm," I started, very eloquently, "Well, first we met when I was twelve. And here's that story: Once upon a time, on my twelfth" I started again, "I asked Mom if I could go to town with her. She said that I could as long as I didn't get into any trouble. That never works, but I said okay.

"When we were in town the first place Mom took me was the cordwainer to get a pair of shoes. While we were inside, she told me to stay close to her, since we didn't know the city very well. I reluctantly agreed. The cordwainer overheard us, and he told us that his sixteen year-old son could show us around town, and take us wherever we needed to be. He said that Jaiden would do It for a small price of thirteen pennies."

"And what is a cordwainer?" Elvis asked, interrupting us for a change.

"A shoe-maker," I answered, "A cobbler is somebody who fixes shoes, and a cordwainer creates them. Anyway, on with the story. Mom agreed to the small price for a guide. When Jaiden came in I immediately liked him for his looks. Later I found out I liked his personality too. Since then we've kept in contact, and Jaiden never accepted the thirteen pennies. He said that if mother would be okay with him marrying me later on, he'd never take those pennies. She said yes by the end of the day, and the only reason we're not engaged is because of me.

"I think Mom shouldn't have said yes so early, because I was only twelve, but Jaiden did mention the fact that he would be asking later. He's asked me every month since I turned eighteen," I finished.

"Well," Elvis said, "That's a nice story. You two have liked each other for years. Why haven't you said yes yet?"

"Well," I said, "It's really simple. I want to make sure his love is forever, so I wait until I feel it's been long enough."

"It's been almost eight years," Elvis said.

"So?" I said, "I do want to make sure his love is true."

"True," replied Elvis, "So, Jaiden, what made you choose real estate?"

"Well," Jaiden said, "It's a long story, and we should probably be getting home. It took me forever to get her mom to agree for me to take her here, so we don't want to lose that privilege."

"Yes you go," Elvis agreed, "I might see you again."