
Soul Bond

An eight year old girl stared up at her mother in a mixture of excitement  and fear. She would go see the elders today and tell her if she had a soul. It was a great thing to have a soul. It meant you had a soulmate. Fioans who have souls are few and far between. Fioans are immortal beings they normally had no use for souls. They instead brought souls and the living together. Each soul had a tether to whom it belonged.

Fioans are born with a natural  ability  to see and follow a soul tether and bind souls to the person they belong to. The souls that go to another Fioan are not seen by them, those souls find their own body.  Fioans never know who out of the next set of children had a soul. 

Every Fiona child is checked when they turn eight. This is her time to see if she has what her people call a "Pure soul". Only a Fioan can have such a soul. Danaki was both scared and excited. She hoped this is why she felt a strange bubbling inside her chest.

Danaki strode forward to have the elders make her soul, if she had one, visible.The elder laid a hand on her shoulder and cast a light through her and everyone gasped. Danaki looked down at herself and saw another smaller soul attached to hers. It looked nothing like her or her bigger soul. The crowd began to whisper to each other and then it turned to angry screaming.

"Outcast!Outcast!"  The eight year old heard screamed at her as stuff was thrown at her. Her mother shook her head and turned her back. She was no longer Danaki of the Frioan tribe but Danaki the soul snatcher. Once part of a great soul keeper society now claimed theft on her. All because she had two souls. One was not hers and perched now on her shoulder after the elders released it. The soul still seemed attached to the young girl however. That is why they call her Danaki the soul snatcher.

Danaki didn't  even know how this other little soul got into her but she must journey fourth and give it back. There is someone out there living without their soul. Not completely though their soul was just attached to Danaki. Only those with soulmates  have a soul. Danaki was one of the few born with a soul not only that but her soulmate's soul as well. 

The elders have told her this is why the little soul is with her; it did not want to part from its mate. Danaki thought that was the sweetest  of things but now she was thought evil by her own people.

Her immortality stripped and given to the soul now called "Herru" she didn't  have much choice but leave her home behind. No mortal can live long in the forest of Fion; it trapped away the life of mortals to keep all the immortals safe. Fioans are one of the few immortals left in this world.

Danaki knew that she would not get help from her mother or the village  for her journey to bind the soul back into the body it belonged. She told the elders of her wish and they gave her supplies and a young Taaku to ride when they both are older. 

Danaki  sighed softly looking at the Taaku that now is part of her companionship. "Well now besides Herru I now have you little Taaku to keep me company. What should I name you?" She asks, turning to the four legged beast. It flapped its fluffy wings uselessly and nosed her with its tiny cold nose. It flickered fluffy pointed ears with stuffs of fur at the tips. Two baby gangs poked out or its lips and it opened its mouth to make a sound. 

"RAUF" it said to her and Danaki laughed all Taaku made this sound but in the moment it could be a name. 

"Rauf it is then" she says patting its shoulder. All Taaku are extremely loyal so once a bond is formed they don't  need anything to lead them by. Good thing too many don't  like seeing Taaku on a lead her people especially.  Rauf nuzzles her and licks her with its raspy tongue making her giggle softly.

With one last look behind her at the village of the Fion she sighed as tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. No one was there to say goodbye, not even her mother. She would forever feel this pain of knowing that she was so easily cast aside. 

Danaki looked to Herru as anger and sadness boiled inside her "WHY COULDN'T  YOU HAVE JUST BEEN BOUND LIKE EVERY OTHER SOUL! I HAVE LOST MY HOME AND FAMILY THANKS TO YOU!" Danaki growled and shouted at the little soul who stumbled off her shoulder. It curled itself into a small ball and trembled.

 Danaki was breathing hard, eyes unfocused until she saw Herru shaking and shivering. Tears rolled down her cheeks. How could she do that to this poor innocent soul. It didn't  know what would happen when it stayed with her soul. "I am sorry little Herru." She says softly slowly reaching for the soul. She gave it a little pet and scooped it up.

Danaki felt ashamed at what she had done.She had done to Herru what her people had done to her. She would no longer be like them, she would be Danaki of no Tribe the binder of one soul. Herru will be the first and last soul she will ever bind. All she can hope is that her and her soulmate will love each other  like the stories she heard had said they would.She gave Herru a gentle hug and a soft kiss on its little cheek. She turned to Rauf and reached for the tether and gave a soft tug at it, then she walked away from home without another look behind her.