Level Up !

- It's been about 4 hours since I've been asleep which makes it close around 8 o'clock in the afternoon at the moment, I'm not hungry or thirsty because of that quality meal Butler Nox provided for me earlier ... I still have about 3.5 hours left until the meeting time to train with father ! Okay let's train for a little bit to warm up the body and mind. I then proceed to twist the ruby on the ring that's on my right thumb to teleport me back to my new favorite spot. ( User can also teleport back to destination he/she came from before using the rings " trace spell " after the cooldown of an hour resets )


- After about 5 seconds of time, I arrived back to my original spot where I've awoken this morning. No longer do I see the Blazing King Hawks roaming the skies nor do I see the cute creatures that were around me earlier either .. It's fine though, means I can focus that much harder on my upcoming training montage! I approach the same tree from this morning, take off my shirt and folded it nicely next to the base of the tree. Then for the next 45 minutes, I execute all type of stretches, push ups and sit ups , while also enhancing my running speed with wind elements as I run around the huge pond !! After an hour pre-warmup, I also take out my new beautiful all black obsidian sword to practice my sword intent ! As I'm getting ready to sit cross legged and focus my breathing to meditate .. I decided to check my stats first, just in case I have some major improvements later !

•Vontè: ( Hey Gs, pull up my stats for me ) .


• [ Ding ! ]

•[Analyzing Host stats ... completed .... Showing stats of Host ]


•[ Name : Vontè GoldStar ]

•[ Age: 10 ]

•[ Gender: Male ]

•[ Race: Human ]

•[ Bloodline: Original Essence of Terra :

- Description: You're the champion of nature and its favorite vessel. Affinity to nature magic and common/magical beasts is at the epitome, you are the Alpha ! All stats receive a 40% boost with each major level, you can wield all elements, absorb and cultivate only the purest energy of that type. Charm increases by 35% and you carry the scent of nature everywhere you go which also induces a calming effect of those present, you enchant all female races ]


•[Cultivation Rank: Lower Bronze Rank 5]

•[Body Rank: Lower Bronze Rank 5]


•[Title: Nature's Champion, Tamer, Smooth Tongue, Glutton, Son of a Diety ]


•Strength: 28

•Agility: 29

•Magic: ♾

•Charm: ♾

•Vitality: 275

•Contracted Beasts: 1

•Gacha System Tickets: 0

•Wives: 1

•Sects: 0


[ Skills : ]


•[ Devour : ]

-Able to absorb the essence, experience and skills of dead or those killed. ]

•[ Master Chef: ]

- Anything cook by your hands will be delicious.]

• [Tongue of Origin: ]

- Able to speak any language fluently, be it human speech or beast. ]

• [One with Nature:

-Passively cultivate the purest of energy automatically, contract unlimited beast for familiars, and use any form of magic as long one has the mastery -]

•[ Perfect Memory ]

- Anything seen or heard once will always be remembered !

•[ Passive Skill: Accelerated Healing

- You heal at an accelerated rate of 7x that of a regular common man. Cannot recover lost limbs or organs at this stage, must evolve skill higher ]

•[Passive Skill: 10x Extra Exp

- Anytime you earn experience it will be multiplied x10. ]

•[Passive Skill: Magic barrier

- Any incoming magic that's harmful for the host will be absorb by the shield while the host will also be able to spam Attacks within the shield. ( works only for Attacks of the same cultivation stage ) ]

•[Passive Skill: Sword Intent 0.0% mastery

- You're one with the sword, your intentions are sharp and your sword is even sharper, the sword is an extension of yourself, cut down anything in your path !!

•[ Passive skill: Book Keeper ]

-able to copy thoughts to paper-

•[Passive Skill: Spear Mastery 0.0%]

•[Passive Skill: Magic Skill Creation

- Able to create your own magical spells - ( Limitations are the limit of your imagination, knowledge, and mastery over the elements .

•[ Flight Magic 0.0% Mastery ]

- User able to call upon the winds of nature to soar freely in the clouds -


•Vontè: " Stats are not bad at all !! That little pre workout boosted my strength by +1 and my my agility went up +2 !

- For the next two hours after taking out my obsidian sword and placing it across my lap in my meditation pose. I start focusing on mastering my sword intent ! -


- If one was to walk past pass by Vontè at this time, they would've seen him literally levitating in the air about 3 feet off the ground with eyes closed and an calm like expression on his face .. Almost invisible sharp wind blades constantly swooshing around him while the wind created from the constant swooshing seems to have created an inner barrier for him ... Within the area of a 5 feet radius there appears to looks to seem like sharp sword strikes carving out the ground as if sculpting.


• [ Ding ! ]

• [Host has achieved an enlightened state while understanding more about Sword Intent ]

[Sword Intent: 5% Mastery ]

- You're one with the sword, your intentions are sharp and your sword is even sharper, the sword is an extension of yourself, cut down anything in your path !!


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Due to host recent enlightenment state for Sword Intent , Receives 1 Gacha Ticket ]


• [ Ding ! ]

• [Due to host recent enlightenment state for Flight Magic ... Receives 3 Gacha Tickets ]

[Flight Magic: 20% Mastery ]

- User able to call upon the winds of nature to soar freely in the clouds -


- High above in the skies you'll see a very proud man looking down at his son as he is learning more about the laws truths ... He then fades away and starts approaching his son as 4 Moons starts to rise up in the sky, but it's not bright ! Instead it's giving off a beautiful cinematic hazy 🌫 like color ! As his footsteps get closer, Vontè's enhanced senses picks up a familiar aura walking towards his way and slowly opens his golden ruby eyes that seems to have gained a deeper ruby color.

- I ignore the notifications for now as I get up running towards fathers and give him a fist bump ! -


•Antonio: ( looks at Vontè very proudly )

" I can feel that you've grown stronger since we've last talked son, and I'm proud to see that your focusing on setting a good foundation ! "

•Vontè: " Thank you father ! I'll ascend higher than you, So that you can laze away with mom at home ! I'll protect my family forever, now , and in the future !! " ( I shout to the heavens as I thump my chest kinda too hard )

•Antonio: ( Truly I'm blessed with the best family )

" I believe in you son ! " ( I give him two thumbs up and also scuffle the top of his head ... this damn brat lol )


- I then see father place his hand on top my shoulder as we both fade away into the scenery ... We then arrive at what seems to be the top of a mountain in our land ; There's nothing up here but a flat mountaintop that seems to be sliced by one Sword strike and a couple beautiful plant life ... The most beautiful aspect about my current location is that the mountain top is above the cloud ! So all I'm looking at currently right now is Father: 4 Beautiful multi-colored moons, a open space filled with countless stars and milky way type background as you stare further within the stars -


•Antonio: " I've created this spot just for our family to train, but tonight it's just me and you son ! Now sit and Focus son ... Delete any foreign thoughts ... Good ... Keep a calm mind and breathe with the winds ... Feel the energy come from the stars ... Perfect ... Keep revolving that energy around as the cultivation described... ( Truly a hardworking and gifted child I've been blessed with )

- I follow the instructions exactly as Father has describe for me ... The earrings of calm helps keep me constantly with a fresh mind so it helps to extremely limit wasteful thoughts ... Also as I'm surrounded by all this pure nature energy my bloodline activates and also by cultivating my family technique, my aura right now is a mix of deep jade ( nature ) , gold ( family ) and red energy from the ( stars ) ... As I start to levitate from the winds energy surrounding me; I achieve this State of pure enlightenment ... pure bliss as I revolve all three elements and surprisingly my sword intent also activates .. so due to this i finally level up !! -


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Due to host recent enlightenment state for Sword Intent ... Receives 1 Gacha Ticket ]

•[Sword Intent: 11% Mastery ]

- You're one with the sword, your intentions are sharp and your sword is even sharper, the sword is an extension of yourself, cut down anything in your path !!


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Due to host recent enlightenment state for Flight Magic , Receives 1 Gacha Ticket ]

•[Flight Magic: 50% Mastery ]

- User able to call upon the winds of nature to soar freely in the clouds -


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Due to host recent enlightenment state from the GoldStar Cultivation technique, Receives 1 Gacha Ticket ]


•[Ding ! ]

•[ Host gained new DemiGod Rank Skill: Finger of Void ]

- Due having high affinity to space magic, able to shoot red star energy from finger tips. - ( DemiGod Rank Skill )


•[ Ding ! ]

•[Due to influx of pure energies being absorb, Host Leveled up 4 minor stages in cultivation !!! ]


•[Ding !]

• [ Due to recent level up, Host gains 3 Gacha tickets !]


•[Ding ! ]

•[Due to influx of pure energies being absorb, Host Leveled up 2 minor stages in body rank ! Host gains 2 Gacha Tickets ! ]


• [Ding ! ]

•[ Host Gained Knight Rank Skill : Meteor Strike ]

- Call upon the heavens and unleash a flaming meteor on your opponents - ( 30 minute cooldown ) .


•[Ding ! ]

•[Gained Innate Ability : Wings of the Starry Sky ]

- Host has gained permanent wings attached to the body, can disappear inside the back on call. It has the appearance of milky white clouds, but upon closer inspection is has an rainbow like sheen that reflects in the light and looks almost as if made from the most beautiful of shiny crystals when reflected in the light


- I open my eyes to see father cultivating peacefully .... So I just wait patiently and check my new found stats after hard work !!!!


•Vonte: ( Hey Gs, you know what to do ... show me

How much I progressed !!! )


• [ Ding ]

•GS: [ Confirmed Host ... Updating stats ... Showing new stats ]


•[Cultivation Rank: Upper Bronze Rank 9] [ New ]

•[Body Rank: Upper Bronze Rank 7 ] [ new ]

•[Title: Nature's Champion, Tamer, Smooth Tongue, Glutton, Son of a Diety ]

•Strength: 88 [ NEW !]

•Agility: 80 [ NEW !]

•Magic: ♾

•Charm: ♾

•Vitality: 350 [ NEW !]

•Contracted Beasts: 1

•Gacha System Tickets: 12 [ NEW !]

•Wives: 1

•Sects: 0


[ SKILLS : ]

[ NEW !] •[Passive Skill: Sword Intent 11% mastery

- You're one with the sword, your intentions are sharp and your sword is even sharper, the sword is an extension of yourself, cut down anything in your path !!

[ NEW !]•[ Passive skill: Book Keeper ]

-able to copy thoughts to paper-

[ NEW !]•[ Flight Magic 50% Mastery ]

- User able to call upon the winds of nature to soar freely in the clouds -

[ NEW !]•[Knight Rank Skill : Meteor Strike ]

- Call upon the heavens and unleash a flaming meteor on your opponents - ( 30 minute cooldown ) .

[ NEW !]•[Innate Ability : Wings of the Starry Sky ]

- Host has gained permanent wings attached to the body, can disappear inside the back on call. It has the appearance of milky white clouds, but upon closer inspection is has an rainbow like sheen that reflects in the light and looks almost as if made from the most beautiful of shiny crystals when reflected in the light

[ NEW !] • [ Finger of Void ]

- Due having high affinity to space magic, able to shoot red star energy from finger tips. - ( DemiGod Rank Skill )



You've reach End of Chapter !


Author Note: Thank you guys for taking time to read my first ever novel ! Truly blessed to have such amazing feedback from everyone ! Did you enjoy his first level up without being too strong ? Let me know what you think, see you next chapter !