Epic Competition of Family Blacksmiths !

Previously ON GFGS


•Grandpa Klemu: " For your first attempt at the forge and too produce such a heavenly treasure at that .. My grandson must have been blessed by the God of Blacksmithing ! HAHAHA ! It took me 3 years of hard to produce a lord rank sword when I was a beginning blacksmith and you've done it first try !? HAHA be ready grandson, because now that I know your capacity, I won't be lenient this week !!! ( I then start rubbing the top of his hair and smile very proudly ) ..

•Antonio: " I'm proud of you son ! And these notes I've taken by watching your trance like state provided much enlightenment for me, thanks V !! " ( I raise my hand for a fist bump and he instantly raises one back .. )

•Antonio: " Now lets make a bet to who can create the best elemental weapon after the weeks end ! YOU GUYS DARE !? THE LOSERS MUST PAY 20 PLATINUM COINS TO THE WINNER "


•Vontè: " YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW, BUT I HELD BACK JUST NOW !!! .... But let's fatten up the challenge father by picking each other's crafting materials !

•Grandpa Klemu & Father: ( simultaneously ) : BET !


- After father had issued out the challenge, it was time for the serious matters. Soon after I was lead to the area where Grandpa Klemu keeps his books and he told me to read everything I can within 3 days; But with my • perfect memory • ( chapter 8 ) and the help of the system also combined with my • book keeper • skill ... I effortlessly started to devour everything around me as I continued copying the contents from every source of surrounding information deep within my mind .. Somehow i had an epiphany and decided to use my • devour • skill on the books .... and I'm such a genius .... with the activated •devour • skill I extend my hands towards the books and only think about the specific book/s I want: Then a mini spatial void opens up inside my palm and sucks in books I targeted !


•[ Ding ! ]

•GS:[ Host created a unknown new passive ability: [ •Atheneum Void•] ( Void of book collection )

Description: Due to host having:

( •perfect memory• ) x ( • book keeper • ) x ( • devour • ) ... A new unknown ability is created into where the user can devour any book or piece of material containing knowledge or cultivation/body techniques and will create a book with the translated contents inside spatial void bound to the users soul containing everything that's been read or devoured .. ( Knowledge can be shared to individuals by using mental energy to create hardcover physical book copies ] .....

•GS: [ Host just needs to say • atheneum void • once eyes are closed to view contents ]

•[ Ding ! ]

•GS: [ Host gained 5 gacha tickets ! ] 16 remaining ...

•[ Ding ! ]

•GS: [ Books Created Inside Void : ] GoldStar Family Ring Crafting Secret Technique, Blacksmithing 101, How to use fire elements to melt metal faster, High Level Leather Crafting, Book of ores , Book of treasure types , Book of every known herb ( created by Klemu ) Basic Blacksmith Tools & Techniques .....




- It's been half a day since I've told my boy V to study up on my hard earned knowledge that I've gained over these past couple eons in order to build up an perfect foundation in blacksmithing, so when it becomes time to defend himself when he's of age in the world of UTOPRIME and needs an very lucrative high paying job: He'll also be an legendary blacksmith !! HIS FUTURE IS VERY BRIGHT! and that's just blacksmithing we're talking about ...From time to time I glance at him to admire his hardworking aura at his young age and also because he going through everything at a very fast smooth pace as if just needing a glance ... Antonio is currently reading the notes he took from V's earlier enchanting display, while also playing around with basic metals to experiment his

• elemental forging • mastery .. I couldn't help but to look at my last two remaining sons ( since I've left the sect duties to my two younger brothers, but my word is still LAW ! ) ... with a very warm smile on my face as a slight mist forms .. and as if on cue: Antonio looks at me with warm eyes, thumps his right chest and hastily gets back to his • elemental forging • since that brief moment caused his experiment to backfire ...

•Grandpa Klemu: " This son of mine .... "

* shakes my head with a happy expression *.

- When suddenly I can feel an influx of void magic coming from V's location ... at that exact moment with a very fast movement, I had arrive next to his side to see an unusual scene of him seemingly sucking books into a vortex like hole on his right hand ... the books are hand writing copies after all, so I don't mind that: What had me on the heels of my feet was when he made a book literally manifest, as an single illuminated white & gold mixed glowing string started to make strange gestures in the air and took shape of an white book with golden trims: And the cover title of the book clearly stated:

• Book of every know herb on UTOPRIME. ( created by klemu) •

-Seems like he has a newly found unique skill suited for sect leaders or scholars... Interesting ... I then tell him its time for the next phase since he seems to have mastered all written knowledge I've provided .. Such Monstrous Mind Capacity !!

•Grandpa Klemu: " You seem to have learned all written knowledge in a half day .. I'm truly impressed ! " * rubs his head * " Now I'm going to be bestowing you a mind imprint of the secret of our blacksmith crafting and for the rest of the week I'll be training your body and make sure that you can't make anything less than platinum rank ! It'll be just basic swords for you ! Now, for the next 6 days it'll be two training sessions consisting of body training during the night and weapon/armor crafting during day ! Noon & Midnight is our cultivation hours ... No more talking , Questions only after training has ended or break ! Now I craft me 20 sets of swords, daggers, basic leather armor guards , spears and bows ! ( After all this cave is built on top an very abundant multi mineral ore vein !! )


•[ Ding ! ]

•[ Host inherited family secret technique ]


• [ GoldStar Smithing ]

- Description : Due to the finding of an DemiGod Rank Blacksmithing Manual Inside ancient ruins eons ago and years of mixing different techniques to compliment its strengths. This an God Rank blacksmithing inheritance technique




- After I had learned every piece of knowledge from Grandpa Klemu, he then told me the game plan for the upcoming week .. My morning will consist of cultivation at noon and weapon/armor crafting after, followed by body training: basic warmups of stretching , push ups with weighted iron plates on my back, running through dense forestry and tree branches for agility, fighting wild monsters around the upper silver level for experience and soaking inside the moonlight and abundant natural abundant energy surrounding me during midnight ... And after a weeks time ... it's finally time for the challenge !!

- Vonte: But firstly let's check my updated stats !! -


•[ Name : Vontè GoldStar ] ..

•[ Age: 10 ] ..

•[ Gender: Male ] ..

•[ Race: Human ] ..

•[ Bloodline: Original Essence of Terra ] ( Immortal Grade Bloodline ) ...

•[Cultivation Rank: Lower Silver Rank 3 ] [ New ! ] ..

•[Body Rank: Lower Silver Rank 3 ] [ New ! ] ..

•Strength: 147 [ NEW !]

•Agility: 170 [ NEW !]

•Magic: ♾

•Charm: ♾

•Vitality: 475 [ NEW !]


•Vontè: Please place all bets on the table !

( as I say this with my arms spread wide open )

* clang * x 40

•Vontè: * drools *

•Antonio: " That's all you'll be able to do, is just that son ! Lmao, you're not winning this match !! Now here's the materials for everyone :


Current List:


[ Vonte: Leather Hide from an 4 Horned Steel Back Buffalo, pile of crystals of absolute frozen ice and plenty of jade ore ! ]

-picked by Antonio -

[ Antonio: Leather Hide from an prickly wool sheep, pile of purple sea glass crystals, and ice steel ]

- Picked by Grandpa Klemu -

[Grandpa Klemu: Fur Hide from a 3 eyes elemental monkey, pile of pearls and lesser dragon bones, and ebony ore ]

- Picked by Vontè


- After we've received all the materials, no more time for talk boys ! We each take our spots on the forge and get to heating down all our materials into their perspective molds ! Yesterday, mother cleo and lily finally came back from their own special training regiment as I can tell because Lily has a fiercer battle aura surrounding her now .... -

- I melt down the jade ore all the way down while thinking about the absolute ice crystals .. I then start to infuse lightning element to the crystals as I crushed it down to dust and add it into the mold .... As I heat the sword i also infuse my pure fire energy as the lava gives me some sort of better core understanding and while cooling the blade i infuse my ice element ... as this is proceeding, you can see the double edge blade taking on a greenish golden sheen like color.. , I then cut up the Buffalo Leather Hide as I stitch it consistently along the edges underneath another very silky soft snowy white leather piece for aesthetics, I then cut out another long strip of leather of that beautiful silky smooth leather as a scabbard and also decided to infuse the ice element to strengthen it further also sprinkled with the pounded dust crystals of the absolute ice to give it a shiny glittery effect in the sun .. and I must say, after adding the final touches to the sword, it's truly beautiful and made only for an Angel .... I also know it's real because of the * gasps * I've heard from a very adorable angel fox sitting close to mother a few feet away getting her tails brushed with eyes focused on me !! ... It's so hard to not look back at her constantly ... Then it was time for us to end the competition and show our hard work ! Father is being tended to by mother wiping away his sweat with a towel, Lily is fixated on the sword I created and Grandpa Klemu has a shocked expression as if he has outdone himself !


•[ Sword of Frost Lightning ] DemiGod Rank

Description: [ Created by Intermediate blacksmith Vontè GoldStar out of pure love and compassion for his companion. This deep light greenish jade color mix with a hint of gold enchanted with the lightning attribute that dances around the blade once removed from inside of the frozen scabbard is an very sharp 3 ft double edge sword that will smoothly cut anything in its path. If inside the hands of an high leveled lightning elementalist , swords sharpness increases by x5 ! ]

( + 20 strength )


•[ Longsword of the Deep Sea ] DemiGod Rank

Description: [ Created from the beautiful deep purple crystals of the treacherous seas of UTOPRIME ! Infused with enchanted ice steel filled with the metal attribute. This deep purple 6 foot long sword enhanced with the metal attribute is literally screaming danger from it appearance. Once sheathed from its red scabbard , a very fierce sword intent will be released and produces an duplicate carbon sword copy to fight along side you until shattered . ] ( +20 strength, creates additional sword created sword intent )

Created by Antonio


•[ Dragon Slaying Elemental Sword ] Semi-Immortal Rank

Description: [ Due to high level knowledge of blacksmithing and pulling out some advanced techniques. Created an heavenly treasure made from the essence and bones of a variant species of dragon and 3 eyed berserker monkey. This sword has a long and wide 6 foot blade with the opposite edge with dragon bone pokes extending outwards constantly glowing silver !! ] ( +100 strength, double damage to dragon species )

Created by Klemu GoldStar



END OF CHAPTER !!!! Thanks for reading and hope you guys are enjoying my series ! See you next chapter ! .
