Meeting Rayleigh ! A gifted mortal child seeking a clan for his family .. Part 1


( Rayleigh's POV until meeting Vontè & Lily )


- My name is Rayleigh Redden , first born and also the oldest twin sibling of another younger brother Tristan Redden ( 10 ) . Son of an humble farmer/tamer (silver rank) and former B Rank Adventurer: Thadon (37) & Elizabeth Redden (33). Today is January 24th, of the year 347 A.W .. also my 11th birthday ... ! We currently live on the outer edge with acres of resourceful farmland of an medium sized village with a population of 8,500 that's close to the [NeverEnding Nightmare Forest ] which is an tiny part of the extremely wide expansion of the southern continent .... ! It also contains an endless amount of normal/magical beasts ranging from bronze-demigod ranks and plenty undiscovered plant life and treasures.. ! My father relocated to this area when he was just an aspiring beast tamer around the age of 25, but when he suffered an almost near fatal injury trying to tame a Gold Rank "poison fang basilisk python" inside the [ Nightmare Forest ] is when he gave up his dreams of being an legendary beast tamer and decided to enjoy his life peacefully farming with the few beast he's the owner of & settled down with my beautiful mother who retired as a Famous B Rank Adventurer and was also an Silver Rank Alchemist ! She was the one that found him and healed him within the forest from his near fatal state ! ... -


- It was an very memorable celebration with a bountiful feast, plenty desserts, my family and most importantly ... MY FIRST BEAST COMPANION !! My father has found an baby [ Shadow Illusion Black Panther ] for me as my first contracted soul beast that requires a blood ritual to be bounded to each other's soul !


•Thadon: " Remember that it's more than a beast, they're family son .. Treat them with respect and love and they would also cherish you ! Now go and rest son, the ritual takes a toll on mortal men like us ! See you in the morning ! ( As I then wrap my son in one last bear hug and send him off )


- Today is the 27th day of January & also the day in which everything turned completely into chaos ... It started off as an normal day in which I woke up early to train my body training with Sugo & Tristan ( illusion shadow panther and younger twin brother ) like every other morning ... but todays mornings fog had such an unusual eerie feeling to it which was kinda awkward.. but I just shrugged it off since Tristan & Sugo weren't really reacting to it neither ... UNTIL ...

HOOOOOoOooOoWWL ( Dem* ************ )


•Rayleigh: ... Whaa ..

•Tristan: Broth ..

•Sugo: ( spooked stiffed ) ..


- Before anyone can utter a world .. All three of us are then immediately picked up, injected with an strong dense energy to immobilize us and next thing I notice are blurs because of the very high speeds my father and mother are currently running in order to escape from the village which is about to be overran by strong beasts ... But it appears as if the leader is locked onto my mother with a savage grin and seems to be snickering .. It orders its minions to ravage the village and charges after us with a 7 smaller sized versions of itself that seems to be the elites ...


- Today is the 28th day of January: My mother and father have been running nonstop for an full day while carrying us, losing all emergency supplies because one of the wolves slashed it off the waist of father and it landed somewhere .. while also defending from the sneaky attacks of the elites without rest and actually managing to slay 6 of them with teamwork ... but all of fathers tamed beast were killed which hurt him very deeply ! After consistent tactical retreats: We managed to find an exit out of the forest and once the light unblocked our sights from the sudden sunlight .. what laid in front of our eye was an very expansive tundra plain with an large body of water in the center & without anymore cover to shield ...


•DEMIGOD RANK FENRIR: " You can no longer hide & I can now kill you for slaying my wife those years ago ! "


- We are finally released from our immobilization and are told to run away as far as we could .. -




•Elizabeth: ... ( After gathering herself for a brief second .. she quickly hugs her two world treasures for a brief long second and kisses them both in the cheek giving them both swords to defend themselves and nodding at Sugo with a warm smile ) " I LOVE YOU ! ... "

• Attraction Push • ( a Skill to push them away with elemental force for a few miles .. )

• Blessings of the Swift Gallant Steed • ( a spell granting them a speeding boost by 20% for 5 hours )


- It's been three days since then ... & I can honestly say that I've gave all that can ... No food in sight or water since we've been kicked off track because the Fenrir Wolf King interrupted my mother's spell casting ! Fighting off mid rank bronze level beasts. My brother is currently held via on my back since he cannot go anymore and barely hanging with swallow breathes and Sugo is also barely hanging there ... I keep on walking, stomach rumbles being felt to my ankles and I dare not to even open my mouth just to keep some type of water to drink, cuts and bruises from my fights even if just a drop.. I stay walking without even thinking about falling, but it's so hard ...

•Rayleigh: ( inside of my mind ) " NOO.. !

I .. MUST .. NOT SURRENDER ! My family is depending on me to find a safe zone so that we can reunite !!! My brother is depending on me to carry him to safety ... I CANNOT FALTER !


- After 6 more hours of walking .. Cuts, bruises, bloodied feet, cracked lips, mishealved hair and very sore cracking back ... you can see an 11 year old kid carrying another identical person possibly younger brother on his back that's also in a very bad shape, but still strongly .. yet just barely still holding on. Currently trying to take deep breathes on one knee with one eye half closed and the other still holding hope ... but still holding strongly firm to his willpower of finding a clan .. even if it's just a very bare amount. Also accompanied by an dark ghostly black panther that seems to blend with the darkness: flickering as if the last strands of life are still standing strong but also just as weakly !


•Rayleigh: " Please ... whoever can hear this prayer of mine which holds no value ... Please ... save us from this nightmare ...


*'swoosh * x 3

*ROOaAR 🐲*


•Rayleigh: .... ( So they really do listen ... 😄 )

" Mr.Immortal ! Please save my brother and fami .."

( the very last bit of his strength left his body with

that plea as he falls face first into the ground but strangely still holding firmly to his young brother ).




- Once i finally opened up my eyes ... The first I noticed was an battle battered and starved 11 year old kid with fiery red spiky hair with a long single braid going down his back holding onto a identical younger sibling without the braid and an very exhausted dark black panther .. Staring at me with eyes full of hope and amazement but quickly fixed his demeanor & pleases for help before passing out barely hanging onto life ..

•Rayleigh:" Mr.Immortal ! Please save my brother and fami .. "


- Before I can react to him, he passes out falling face first into the ground while still holding his younger brother very firm and gently .. Lily then suddenly appears next to them and covers them an golden color mist to instantly heal them back to the peak forms !


• Lily : " Now can you two brave young soldiers tell this big sis the reason for being out here and where's your family ? "



- After he pointed to where he projected from coming from ... I spread out my divine senses to cover the surrounding area & to my amazement .. I can see an intense fight still going on between two humans and one demigod rank beast !

•Vontè: " LinQu, go handle that situation " ( Hey Gs, pull up the basic stats of the kids and the people involved in the fight ! )

•LinQu : " YES MASTER ! "


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Confirming Stats Of individuals .... completed ..... show basic stats .. ]


•'[ Ding ! ]

• [ Showing Stats ... ]


•Name: Thadon Reddus ( fatal )

•Age: 37

•Cultivation Rank: Lower Knight Rank 7

•Body Rank: Upper Diamond Rank 7


•Name: Elizabeth Reddus ( fatal )


•Cultivation Rank: Lower Lord Rank 2

•Body Rank: Lower Diamond Rank 2


•Name: Rayleigh Reddus

•Age: 11

•Cultivation Rank: none ( no cultivation art learned)

•Body Rank: Upper Bronze Rank 9


•Name: Tristan Reddus

•Age: 10

•Cultivation Rank: Upper Bronze Rank 7 ( self taught from absorbing earth elements )

•Body Rank: Lower Bronze Level 3


• [ DING ! ]




Author note: Sorry for the late upload everyone, I've been working different hours lately messing with my writing time ! But I'll be writing more as I progress with the story ! Thanks for reading and sticking with me . See you next chapter !