
•[ DING ! ]

Author Note: SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE ! ... BEEN WORKING 10'Hours shifts last couple days ! Here's the last part of the auxiliary chapter !! HOPE YOU ENJOY ! SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTEEER !


Stats of LinQu:


[ Name: LINQU ]

[ Race: Primordial Cosmic Flame Qilin ]

[ Bloodline: Origin of Ancient Cosmo Pyrokinesis ] ( God Rank )

- Your the absolute ruler over cosmic flames ! You can create and manipulate the flames of deep space at your will ! These flames are created from the depths of space which needs no oxygen to be formed ! Cultivates only the purest forms of the fire elements and star energy ! Extremely High Affinity to space, lightning, fire and luck elements ! Fire type monsters will submit to your royal status ! Able to devour all fire elemental magic to rise magic slightly . Flames can bathe an enemy to ashes or produce warmth with ultimate healing properties that can even bring the dead back to life ... All flame related abilities or skills are permanently strengthened by 40% !!


•[ Cultivation Rank : Lower God Rank 4 ]

•[ Body Cultivation: Primordial Stellar Flame Mimicry Body ]


• [ Strength: 4650] [ New ! ]

• [ Agility: 4700] [ New ! ]

• [ Vitality: ♾ ] [ New ! ]

• [ Magic: ♾] [ New ! ]


•[ Skills ] :

•[ New God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Universal Destruction Manipulation ]

- Description: Able to create and manipulate natural disasters !


• [ New Semi - Immortal Innate Skill ][ Cosmic Spatial - Time Manipulation ]

- Description: Able to manipulate the essences of space and time on an God like level !


•[ New God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Mastered SpatioKinetic Combat ]

- Description: Able able to utilize space manipulation with their physical combat, allowing them to warp or teleport their attacks using portals and shift the battlefield to their advantage


• [ New Semi - Immortal Innate Ability ] [ The Omen of Chaos ]

- Description: The user is both chaotic / orderly ! Also while being in charge of anything that's associated with order / freedom. Manipulating both laws freely in any way they desire.


[ DemiGod Rank Innate Ability ] [ Primidoral Essence Flame Mimicry Transformation ] ( 24 hour cooldown )

-Description: Able to turn the body into its Ancient Primordial Cosmic Beast Form to enhance all related abilities and strength by 70% ! Will last for 20 minutes ! Once timer ends, will enter coma state ! -


[ DemiGod Rank Innate Passive Ability ] [ Air walk ]

-Description: Your hooves doesn't touch the ground or water, instead you bend the air to your will and walk on the winds platform -


⭐️[ New God Rank Innate Ability] [ Royal Cosmic Flame Aura ]

-Description: Surround yourself with the warmth of the flames of deep space ! Provides a fire aura like barrier while boosting physical capabilities by 60% -


[ Lord Rank Innate Ability ] [ Fire Manipulation ]

-Description: Create, shape and manipulate the normal fire elements to your will.


[ DemiGod Rank Passive Ability ] [ Cosmic Fire Manipulation ]

- Description: Create, shape and manipulate the flames of deep space ! -


[ DemiGod Rank Innate Skill ] [ Cosmic Incineration ]

-Description: Burn anything in your sights in ashes ! -


• [ New God Rank Passive Ability ] [ Absolute Primal Fire Absorption]

-Description: Able to absorb any fire type essence within the body and permanently strengthen fire type abilities slightly-


[ Unknown Rank Passive Ability ] [ Bestower of Luck ]

-Description: Brings very prosperous luck to those in good favor inside the heart -


[ DemiGod Rank Innate Skill ] [ Enhanced Elemental Bite ]

- Description: Use teeth enchanted with any mastered elements and close down the jaws of death on your foe !


[ DemiGod Rank Innate Ability ] [ Cosmic Flame Bolts ]

-Description: Aggressive balls of lighting coated with an dense layer of cosmic flames ready to molt down any enemy.


[ DemiGod Rank Innate Skill ] [ Devastating Chaos Bomb ]

-Description: Due to having high affinity with death and fire magic, can shot a magic ball from the mouth enhanced with dense cosmic essence to explode on impact onto enemies -





• [ Age: One week ]

• [ Sex: Male ]

• [ Race: Semi Transcendent Cosmic Dragon ]

• [ Bloodline: Star Devouring Astro Dragon ]

-Description: User has the bloodline of an world guardian level dragon that once lived and dominated an far away distant Milky Way ❗️Grants abnormal amounts of affinity to all elements while also being immune to all God Rank Magic and below ...


• [Cultivation Rank: Lower God Rank 2 ]..

• [Body Rank: Transcended Astro Body Physiology ]..


• [ Strength: 4700]

• [ Agility: 4700 ]

• [ Vitality: ♾ ]

• [ Magic: ♾]


•[ Skills ]


• [ New Unknown Rank Innate Ability ] [ True Astrology ]

Description: Able to now tap into the mystic energy found in astronomical concepts/phenomena.


• [ New God Rank Innate Ability ] [ Elementomancy Divination ]

- Description: An newly created method of reading the future, present or past ! By using the elements of nature !


•[ New Lord Rank Innate Skill ] [ Enhanced Bite ]

- Description: Able to enhance teeth with the elements of nature to mow down the enemy !


• [ New Knight Rank Innate Skill ] [ Basic Elemental Slash ]

Description: Able to infuse claws with basic elements to enhance damage !


•[ New God Rank Innate Ability ] [ Cosmic Energy Manipulation ]

- Description: Able to manipulate the energy from the stars !


•[ New God Rank Innate Ability ] [ Absolute Senses ]

-Description: Able to have all senses enhanced to an infinite scale, allowing them to see, smell, hear and otherwise limitlessly sense everything in existence, including conceptual forces and even immaterial beings/entities.


•[ New DemiGod Rank Innate Ability ] [ True Telepathy ]

-Description: Able to read/sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally or affect their minds/thoughts.


•[ New Unknown Rank Innate Ability ] [ Gluttony Empowerment }

- Description: Able to become stronger, faster & more durable by abosrbing endless amounts of food or essence from the elements ! Potentially even possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity or enhancing already mastered skills !


•[ New Unknown Rank Innate Ability ] [ Magic Creation ]

-Description: Able to create entirely new forms of magic


•[ New Unknown Rank Innate Skill ] [ Magic Negation ]

- Description: Negate the effects and power of any magical skill under DemiGod Rank !


•[ New God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Black Despair Cosmic Breathe ]

- Description: Able to manipulate cosmic energy within the mouth and send it off as an attack ! Can include bursts, streams, spheres, even a mist form from the mouth.


•[ New Unknown Rank Innate Ability ] [ Enhanced Supernatural Conditioning ]

-Description: Grants an physic more supernaturally strong than normal beings/beasts !


•[ New God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Star Essence Bomb Field ]

- Description: Able to send out numerous tennis ball sized energy balls filled with chaotic star essence that'll explode once in close perimeter of the enemy !


•[New Semi-Immortal Rank Skill ] [ Transcended Healing ]

-Description: One of the most powerful healing skills ! Can repair lost organs and limbs ! .. & As long as theres an single drop left in the body, can recover back to peak from any fatal injury !


•[ New Knight Rank Skill ] [ Taunt ]

-Description: With an loud war cry, bring the attention of the enemy onto you !


•[ New God Rank Innate Ability ] [ WormHole Creation ]

-Description: Able to open an wormhole that connects two points in the space-time continuum in order to travel from one location to another.


•[ New DemiGod Rank Innate Ability ] [ Dark energy manipulation ]

-Description: Able to manipulate dark energy from inter-dimensional or other similar sources. It can be used for an variety of effects ! Such as absence of light, solid, gaseous or liquid substance that can be manipulated in various ways.


•[ New Unknown Rank Innate Skill ] [ StarDust Manipulation ]

-Description: Manipulate stardust, mineral grains / particles of cosmic substances originating from or embody remnants of dead stars, nebula, and meteorites.


•[ New DemiGod Innate Ability ] [ Nature element manipulation ]

-Description: Able to manipulate the forces of nature elements and powers connected to it !




• [ Name: Igneel ]

• [ Age: 22 ]

• [ Sex: Male ]

• [ Race: Royal HelioKinesis Griffin ]

• [ Bloodline: Original Essence of the Sol ]

-Description: This specific species of griffin is truly magnificent ! The very first of its kind !! Abnormal amounts of affinity to the essence of the sun and stars ! Can manipulate all aspects of the sun and its energies !


• [ Cultivation Rank: Upper Semi-Immortal Rank 6]

• [Body Rank: HelioKinesis Elemental Body ]


•[ Strength: 6760]

• [ Agility: 6700 ]

• [ Vitality: ♾ ]

•[ Magic: ♾]


• [ Skills ]


•[ New Semi - Immortal Rank Innate Ability ] [Primal Fire Manipulation ]

- Description: Able to manipulate the fires of ancient primordial nature. Majorly different from regular Fire Manipulation .. Those blessed with this power are deities, avatars, or living embodiments of fire. As such, they can cause natural fire effects such as wildfires and fire tornadoes to manifest. In many cases users of this power will be able to override other forms of Fire Manipulation as fire is the domain of the user..


• [ New DemiGod Rank Innate Skill ] [ Solar Flare ]

-Description: Able to send out an flash of energy from the essences of the sun to temporarily blind the enemy or used as an tactical skill for retreat !


• [ Unknown Rank Innate Ability ] [ Magnetic Solar Shield ]

- Description: Able to create shields of varying shapes and sizes out of solar essences !


• [ New Semi - Immortal Rank Skill ] [ Smoldering Radiation Wind Storm ]

-Description: Able to send out an chaotic wind storm filled with radiation and sun energy !


• [ New Lord Rank Innate Ability ] [ Plant Manipulation ]

-Description: Able to cause plants to grow, move/attack !


•[ New Unknown Rank Innate Skill ] [ Mastered Flight Combat ]

-Description: Able to fight in the air with ease !


•[ New God Rank Innate Ability ] [ Electromagnetic Manipulation ]

-Description: Able to manipulate electromagnetism which account for almost all physical phenomena observable to the human senses !


• [ New DemiGod Rank Ability ] [ Gravity Manipulation ]

-Description: Able to bend gravity to make the environment very "heavy" or "light", cause objects to "fall" toward another object , flatten objects, or generate miniature black holes to compress objects into oblivion. They can repel and attract matter and energy regardless of its mass or move objects in a manner similar to telekinesis.


• [ New God Rank Innate Ability ] [ Radiation Manipulation ]

-Description: Able to manipulate radioactivity, the process by which a nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting particles of ionizing radiation ! .... ( alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, and neutron particles are considered radioactive. )


• [ New Semi- Immortal Rank Innate Ability ] [ Solar Energy Manipulation ]

- Description: Able to freely manipulate the energies of the sun and its essences !


• [ New God Rank Innate Ability ] [ Healing of the Sun ]

- Able to freely use the essences of the sun to heal any injury !


• [ New Semi-Immortal Rank Innate Ability ] [ Cosmic Sun Aura ]

- Description: Able to release / surround themselves with solar essences for defensive / offensive purposes ! Even possibly becoming almost untouchable while granting them various abilities/attacks.


•[ New Lord Rank Innate Skill ] [ Lava Talon Slash ]

- Enhance the talons with lava energy to melt down the enemy with your slashes !


• [ New DemiGod Rank Innate Skill ] [ Attraction Pull/Push ]

- Due to having high affinity with the elements of space ! Able to use the essences of space/gravity to attract or push away item/ people !


• [ New Demigod Rank Innate Skill ] [ Radiated Fire Rain Shower ]

- Description: An very dangerous skill ! Unleash an devastating rain storm enhanced with corrosive and radioactive energies !!


• [ New God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Destruction Magic ]

- Description: Those blessed with this power can utilize powerful ... yet very dangerous spells which can unleash unstable magical energies which can destroy entities, and other powers.




[ •Name: Rayleigh Reddus ]

[ •Age: 11 ]

• [ Core Disciple of the •Cosmos Royal Sect •]

• [ Race: Draconic Human ]

• [ Bloodline: Lesser Dark Shadow Fire Dragon ]( Lower DemiGod Rank Bloodline )

- Description: User now has the blood of an DemiGod Rank Dragon who specialized in dark magic and true origin flames ! Very High affinity with void , fire and death elements ! Cultivate only the pure essence from fire and dark elements ! Grants high immunity to fire and pain ! Able to turn body into flames or completely erase your presence from the naked eye by removing light from your body and becoming completely camouflaged ! Fire, Void, Dark type abilities/ stats are permanently boosted by 15% with each major level ! ]

• Partial Transformation 1-3 : ( Locked )

• Half Transformation : ( Locked )

• Full Transformation : ( Locked )


• [ Cultivation Rank: Lower Platinum Rank 1 ]

• [ Body Rank: Shadow Dragon Mimicry Body ]


• Strength: 380

• Agility: 360

• Magic: 2000

• Vitality: 2100


• [ Skills: ]

• [ New Lord Rank Innate Ability ] [ Pyrokinetic Regeneration ]

-Description: Able to use fire to regenerate their bodies ! ... The amount of fire used defines the speed of healing !


• [ New Gold Rank Innate Skill ] [ Flame Whip ]

-Description: Due to high affinity for fire essences, created an skill that manipulates the fire into an solid elemental whip for attack/defense


• [ New Unknown Rank Innate Ability ] [ Enhanced Growth ]

-Description: Those lucky souls blessed with skill will outgrow their peers by leaps and bounds ! Grants the holder increased experience with every breakthrough !


• [ New Lord Rank Innate Ability ] [ Flight Magic ]

-Description: Able to fly in sky for an limited time !


• [ New DemiGod Rank Innate Skill ] [ Void Death Grip ] ( locked )

- Description: Able to use the elements of space to strangle the enemy ! ( currently locked )


• [ New Knight Rank Ability ] [ Fire Manipulation ]

-Description: Able to freely manipulate the basic elements of fire !


• [ New Lord Rank Innate Ability ] [ Shadow Manipulation ]

-Description: Due to blend with the darkness and take away light from the body which gives perfect camouflage !


• [ New Unknown Rank Innate Ability ] [ Dark Fire Armor ]

-Description: Able to cover the body with fire armor enhanced with shadow elements !


• [ New Knight Rank Innate Skill ] [ Dark Void FireBall ]

-Description: Able to cast medium sized fireballs mixed with dark energy !


• [ New Knight Rank Innate Skill ] [ Dark Fire Arrows ]

-Description: Able to shoot multiple arrows made from pure fire elements with the tips of the arrow surrounded with dark energy !


• [ New Lord Rank Innate Ability ] [ Void Barrier ]

- Due to high affinity with space elements, surround yourself with its essences to form an barrier to protect from attacks !


• [ New Lord Rank Innate Skill ] [ Void Walk ]

- Description: Able to use space elements to create transparent platforms to walk on mid- air !




[ •Name: Tristan Reddus ]

[ •Age: 10 ]

• [ Core Disciple of the •Cosmos Royal Sect •]

• [ Race: Demi- Human ]

• [ Bloodline: Original Essence of the Lesser Ice Tiger ]( Lower DemiGod Rank Bloodline )

- Description: User now has the bloodline of an mystical hybrid tiger who reached the DemiGod rank before being killed by his own family.. Grants the User extremely high affinity to ice, water , earth elements and healing spells ! Charm increases by 5%, enhanced senses and constitution ! All water and earth based abilities are permanently increased by 15%


• Partial Transformation : ( User now has cat ears which enhances all senses permanently )

• Half Transformation : ( Locked )

• Full Transformation : ( Locked )


•[ Cultivation Rank: Upper Gold Rank 9 ]

•[ Body Rank: Mystical Ice Tiger Body ]


• Strength: 300

• Agility: 337

• Magic: 1730

• Vitality: 1560


• [ Skills : ]

•[ New Lord Rank Innate Skill ] [ Advanced Healing Ice Domain ]

- Description: Surrounds the user with an absolute ice barrier that'll heal any type of injury will encased within ! ( Barrier cannot be broken by anyone of the same rank ! )


•[ New Gold Rank Innate Skill ] Ice spike Artillery ]

- Description: Due to high affinity with ice elements ! Able to manipulate ice elements to create numerous ice spikes in the air or coming up from the earth !


•[ New Diamond Rank Innate Skill ] Ice Manipulation ]

- Description: Able to freely manipulate the elements of the ice at will.


•[ New Unknown Rank Innate Skill ] [ Absolute Ice Mimicry Clone ]

-Description: Able to create an identical clone made of ice with 100% of the same strength !


•[ New Knight Rank Innate Skill ] [ Absolute Zero ]

-Description: Able to reduce the surrounding temperature to absolute zero (-459.67°F or -273.15°C)


•[ New Obsidian Rank Innate Skill ] Compressed Absolute Zero Water Bullets,

- Description: Able to shoot mango sized water bullets compressed with dense absolute ice essence.


•[ New Diamond Rank Innate Skill ] Ice Embodiment,

- Description: Those blessed with this skill becomes an physical manifestation of the ice element ! .... Thus, granting the user has limitless control over it.


•[ New Diamond Rank Innate Skill ] Ice Exoskeleton ]

- Description: Able to create armor around the body from ice for protection / or physical boost. ... With training, will be able to shape the armor into new forms for weapons, transportation, even constructs of the element.


•[ New Gold Rank Innate Skill ] [ Earth Wall ]

- Description: Able to create an defensive wall made from the elements of earth.

•[ New Knight Rank Innate Skill ] [ Earth Manipulation ]

- Description: Able to manipulate the essences of earth at will !


⭐️[ New Gold Rank Innate Skill ] [ Earth Dome ]

- Description: Can be used as an defensive / offensive ! Will be able to manipuate the elements of earth to create an protective barrier or used to entrap the enemy !


•[ New Gold Rank Innate Skill ] [ Earth Stone Bullets ]

- Description: Able to shoot mango sized stone bullets compressed with dense metal and earth essence.




[ •Name: Thadon Reddus ]

[ •Age: 37 ]

• [ Core Disciple of the •Cosmos Royal Sect •]

• [ Race: Alpha Demonic Human ]

•[ Bloodline: Alpha Dark King HellFire Fenrir ]( Upper DemiGod Rank Bloodline )

- Descriptions: User now has the bloodline of an ancient magical beast from the demon realm that once resided in UTOPRIME eons ago !! Grants User high affinity to demon, earth and fire elements ! King of wolf species ( all lower strength wolves will submit to you ! ) Grants Enhanced Constitution/Senses . Able to also transform into an elephant sized Fenrir ! Grants permanent boost to all demon and fire related skill by 30% !


• Full Transformation : ( Able to transform into an all black elephant sized fenrir with red streaks going down it back )


• [ Cultivation Rank: Lower DemiGod Rank 2 ]

• [ Body Rank: Hellfire Demon Body ]


• Strength: 2545

• Agility: 2560

• Magic: 3600

• Vitality: 4200


• [ Skills: ]


•[ New Knight Rank Innate Skill ] Fire Manipulation,

- Description: Able to freely manipulate the elements of fire at will !


[ New Lord Rank Innate Skill ] Illusion Manipulation,

- Description: Able to manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. Some users can create complex and detailed worlds, others may be able to only alter the way they or the target are perceived.


• [ New Unknown Rank Innate Skill ] Beast Mimicry ,

- Description: The power to use the abilities of mythical beasts


• [ New Demi-God Rank Innate Skill ] [ HellFire Manipulation ]

- Description: Able to manipulate the cursed flames of the demon realm ! ... Which can completely destroy anything it touches .. The color of the flames varies, can be black, blue, white, or the normal shades of fire, although probably in some way noticeably unusual color variation .. The flames are not created , but instead summoned from the depths of the demon realm itself !


• [ New Demi-God Rank Innate Skill ] Demon Star Palm,

- Description: Able to attack the enemy with palm strikes infused with the fires of the demon realm !


• [ New Lord Rank Innate Ability ] Enhanced Strength

- Description: Those blessed with this ability will have an much more power than the common man !


• [ New Lord Rank Innate Skill ] Enhanced Speed,

- Description: Those blessed with this ability will have an much more speed than the common man !

• [ New God Rank Innate Skill ] Eyes of Slaughter,

- Description: Able to infuse the eyes with demon essence and bloodlust to send mental attacks to kill the enemy !


• [ New Demi-God Rank Innate Skill ] HellFire Armor,

-Description: Able to manipulate the fires of the demon realm to create an impenetrable protective armor under the Demigod Rank !


• [ New Demi-God Rank Innate Skill ] Fear Inducement,

- Description: Able to evoke, increase fear / horror in others causing the target's brain to release fear-inducing chemicals. The target's perception may be altered, causing them to see their environment as ominous and the user as dark and foreboding, or even as a monster


• [ New Unknown Rank Innate Skill ] [ Glutton of the Cosmos ]

-Description: Those blessed with this skill becomes' an embodiment of gluttony and gain the power to eat and consume anything or anyone under the stars !


• [ New Unknown Rank Innate Skill ] [ Eternal Consumptive Growth ]

- Description: The ability to grow through consumption.


• [ New Unknown Rank Innate Skill ] [ Predatory Instincts ]

- Description: Those lucky souls blessed with this skill possesses predatory instincts, allowing them to become masters of hunting, manipulating, planning and tracking. One with this ability instantly discern all factors of any situation and manipulate them so its the most optimal and favorable for them. Making them a master of manipulation, pursuit ,and capture


•[ New Lord Rank Innate Skill ] [ Hypnosis ]

- Description: The ability to make suggestions to the subconscious of others ... Or, can either directly influence other people's minds to their commands....




[ •Name: Elizabeth Reddus ]

[ •Age: 33 ]

• [ Core Disciple of the •Cosmos Royal Sect •]

• [ Race: Elemental Draconic Human ]

•[ Bloodline: Elemental Devouring Dragon ]( Upper DemiGod Rank Bloodline )

- Description: User now has the bloodline of an one of kind dragon species that only breed one of it type in its history of dragons before the lineage was purged by jealous dragons! Grants high affinity to all basic elements in UtoPrime ! Able to devour literally anything while gaining essence from it ! User gains full inheritance of the beast ! Able to transform into it full adult form !


• [ Cultivation Rank: Lower DemiGod Rank 3]

•[ Body Rank: Elemental Crystal Dragon Body ]


•Full Transformation : ( Able to transform into an fully one mile length crystallized dragon mix with luminescent colors )


• Strength: 2450

• Agility: 3000

• Magic: 3900

• Vitality: 5000


• [ Skills: ]


•[ New God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Draconic Element Manipulation ]

-Description: Those very lucky souls blessed with this very rare skill can manipulate the draconic elements in a various offensive and defensive styles.


•[ New God Rank Innate Skill ] Absolute Domain,

- Description: Creates an 20 foot domain where everything is under your command from within !


•[ New Demi-God Rank Innate Skill ] Mastered Flight Magic

-Description: Mastered the ability to fly in the sky freely !


•[ New Demi-God Rank Innate Skill ] Elemental Manipulation,

- Description: Able to manipulate all existing elements !


•[ New God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Negation Magic ]

- Description: Able to negate any magic , cures , runes, laws, ets .. under the Demi-God Rank !


•[ New Unknown Rank Innate Skill ] [ Elemental Energy Absorption ]

- Description: Able to absorb any elemental essence to become stronger !


•[ New Knight Rank Innate Skill ] Taunt,

- Description: Send out an loud taunting war cry to become the locked target of the enemy !


•[ New Demi-God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Draconic Scale Armor ]

- Description: Due to having an powerful dragon bloodline ... Able to protect the body from any attacks under Demi-God rank, while being completely immune too sharp/blunt objects !


•[ New Demi-God Rank Innate Skill ] Elemental Arrows,

- Description: Able to launce countless arrows made from the elements of nature to skewer the enemy !


•[ New Unknown Rank Innate Skill ] Devour,

- Description: Able to absorb the essence, skill and experience of those killed by your hands !


•[ New Demi-God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Poison Magic ]

- Description: Able to use a form of magic that controls venoms and poisons. This magic can create, spread, or even weaken / eliminate poisons.


•[ New Lord Rank Innate Skill ] [ Elemental Magic ]

- Description : Able to freely use all basic elements and their respective spells !
