You call these Royals !?




- The moment that ugly *** beast opened his foul smelling breath that can start an pandemic .. I've used my • cellular disintegration • specifically on him while watching his figure permanently fade away from his lips & eventually reaching the tips of his toes as he fades away from this world forever ! Seeing as the foot soldiers weren't providing much of a fight .. I've casted one of my favorite AOE skills to wipe out their numbers completely and focus on the Royal Troll Orcs !!


• Vontè: " absolute environment creation •

X. Comic Meteor Shower

X • devour • "


- I start walking forward towards the remaining 1,999 Royal Troll Orcs as the sky opens up behind me in an crimson orange like color signaling an approaching disaster, while then suddenly unleashing numerous car size meteors upon the remaining seven thousand normal troll orcs that couldn't do anything but to accept their current demise since they've been trapped inside an enclosed wall I've created to contain every single one of them while their cries can almost be heard throughout the entire • nightmare forest • as my ( • devour • ) Skill takes away their skills and experience while adding it to mines ! But I didn't want the skills any of the Orcs were providing: .. So I was getting ready to erase them.., Until, the system had some good news !

( * BOOooM ! * BOOM * BOOM * BOOM * ... )




•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Would Host like to exchange unwanted devoured skills with Gacha ? ... Y / N ]


•Vontè: ( YES ! )


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Confirming Process ... Completed .. ! ]

•GS: [ Host has gained 19 Gacha Tickets & 1 Premium Companion Summon ] ( 29 Gacha Tickets Remaining , 2 Premium Gacha Tickets )




- After cleaning out my ears that seems to have been clogged for some reason ... The Opposite Royal Orcs couldn't contain the desire for slaughter anymore and every single one of them rushed at me from all available directions / angles with different types of weapons / spells !!


• Mob Orc: " Metal Destroying Slash ! "

• Mob Orc: " Flame Bolt ! "

• Mob Orc: " Whip Of Chaos "

• Mob Orc: " Dragon Bone Thrust ! "

• Mob Orc: " Water Cannon ! "

• Mob Orc: " * deep breathes with air coming out of nose * ... You .. just ..burned ..... MY SON ALIVE ?! ( * goes berserk mode * ) ... DIE !!! "

• Rest of the Mob: ( Casting spells / techniques ) ...


•Vontè: " WELL PLAYED !!! .. NOW LETS HAVE FUN ! "


* SNAP *

[ God Rank Innate Ability ]

[ • Master Negator Of Magic • ]





- I then stick my greatsword into the ground and immediately casted an newly created cultivation technique !! ( • cosmic essence metal fist • ) which made my hair take on an fiery orange as my body turned metal !


* swoosh *

- I ducked the first sword swing towards my throat by stepping half an inch back while immediately counterattacking by swinging an quick right hook towards his temple which killed him on spot !


* fwwoosh *

- Suddenly an weak fire ball comes my way as I dispelled it immediately in the air: While sending one back out which fatally injured them, while catching some other orcs with splash damage also greatly affecting them !


* ssswwihick *

• Mob Character: " You're good as dead now ! Nobody has ever esc ... !? "


- As soon as I casted the fire ball spell I can feel an Whip suddenly wrap around my arms and an cliche overused line about to be spoken .. So I yank both arms sending the orc flying directly to me as I lean back & met him with an intense headbutt !! .. But as he didn't have head protection against my Star essence metal head ...


- His head instantly pops like an tomatoe as his body falls awkwardly while the whip also slides its grip on my arms !



• Mob Orc: " WATER CANNON ! "

• Mob Orc: " * deep breathes with smoke coming out of nose * ... You .. just ..burned ..... MY SON ALIVE ?! ( * goes berserk mode * ) ... DIE !!! "

• Rest of the Mob: ( Casting spells / techniques )


* BOOM *




- After letting the skills hit me since I didn't move to feel the strength of their powers .. Which came with high dissatisfaction and lowered my bloodlust against them since after seeing me still standing most have now feared me or became hesitant to attack ! But I don't let it stop me from slaughtering and getting my exercise !! So I continue to mass slaughter these so called Royal Orcs with an smile on my face until I get down to an few hundred ... Now its time to wrap this up for the Boss Battle ! ... But firstly: Let me try out this new skill on these three foolish Royal Orcs from earlier !!


[ Immortal Rank Innate Skill ]

• Soul Cremation •

- Soon after casting the skill an very translucent energy wave was sent out that completely erased what ever was spiritually inside those three bodies & are now only lifeless mummies !


•Vontè: " HEEH .. I quite like this skill ... " ( smiles devilishly ) " NOW FOR THE OTHERS ... BYE-BYE !! "


[ DemiGod Rank Innate Skill ]

• Cosmic Infinite Mini Pyro Bombs •


[ Unknown Rank Innate Skill ]

• Infinite Cosmic Constructs •


[ Unknown Rank Innate Ability ]

• Devour •


- After confirming the effects of my new skill .. I then casted • infinite cosmic constructs • creating handcuffs too shackle up the rest of the " Royal Orcs " together by their arms / legs ! ... & since they're tightly grouped together, it has made it that much easier to bind them ! ... Once they've been all shackled together .. I've also casted • universal gravity manipulation • to make them stay in place too watch their ending seconds as I've also casted • Cosmic Infinite Mini Pyro Bombs • directly above their heads while flying right next to the Oni Orc King that's still immobilized with bloodied lips from biting & puffy eyes that's been crying blood ! ... I looked him directly in the eyes while speaking these words:


• Vontè: " You planned on taking over my forest with this level of strength ? Now watch your men die from such an foolish decision !! "

- I then started releasing my tightly gripped right hand slowly as the pyrobombs started falling one by one .. then dropping with an faster pace .. until all you can hear is ...

( * BOOM ! * BOOM * BOOM * BOOM * ... )

- Over the cries of the so called " Royal " orcs thats losing their lives by the second and the muffled antagonizing screams of the Oni Orc King that's losing his men, status and pride due to being too greedy !


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Would Host like to exchange unwanted devoured skills with Gacha ? ... Y / N ]


•Vontè: ( YES ! )


•• ! [ Ding ]

•GS: [ Host has gained 20 Gacha Tickets ] ( 49 Gacha Tickets & 2 Premium Gacha Tickets remaining )


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Host has gained:

[ Unknown Rank Innate Ability ] [ Absolute Particle Manipulation ]

- Description: Able to manipulate the basic elements of energy and matter !! Whether if it's on an subatomic or cosmic scale !




• [ Name: Blazer ]

• [ Race: Mutated Troll Orc King ]

• [ Bloodline: Purgatory Flame Oni Devil ]

• [ Sex : Male ]

• [ Cultivation: Lower DemiGod Rank 1 ]

• [ Body Rank: Purgatory Devil Molting Body ]

• [ Strength: 2160 ]

• [ Agility: 1800 ]

• [ Magic: 2500 ]

• [ Vitality: 2340 / 2500 ]


• [ Name: Vontè ]

• [ Race: Cosmic WarGod ]

• [ Bloodline: Orginal Essence Of Terra ]

• [ Sex : Male ]

• [ Cultivation: Upper Immortal Rank 6 ( sealed ) = Upper Lord Rank 7 ( current ) ]

• [ Body Rank: Cosmic Vessel of Nature ]

• [ Strength: ♾= 2000 ]

• [ Agility: ♾= 2000 ]

• [ Magic: ♾ ]

• [ Vitality: ♾= 10k]


- I then toss an pill towards the Oni Orc King in order too recover himself to the peak while unleashing the gravity on him ..


• Vontè: " YOUR MOVE ! "




AN: Thank you guys for taking time to read my first ever novel ! Truly blessed to have such amazing feedback from everyone ! See you next chapter !!!