Summoning Of The New Wife !

•Vontè: ( Holds Lily more tighter ) " Other plans can definitely wait until later ! "

•Lily: " Hehe ! ( starts to bite her lip & speaks in an soft seductive tone ) .., Take me away then babe ! "

•Vontè: ( smiles and looks at Lily very passionately ) " ( •meta teleportation • ) "

* swoosh *


- After an few hours of intense & passionate moments ... You'll find an beautiful 10 tailed fox demihuman with an very satisfied expression resting upon the chest of an young mature looking man with the skintone of honey & caramel laying on top of an very large red velvet sheeted bed that can fit about 4 people comfortably chatting away in an very blissful mood: ... The colorful moonlight that's shining through the room is also providing an added relaxing vibe as the husband and wife duo enjoys each other's presence.


•Lily: " Can you repeat that again for me vontè ... you said you've found what exactly ? "


•Vontè: " It might be best if show you instead baby "


- After speaking those words, I've manifested the female inheritance that I found in the orc tribes vault, while making it hover in the air just above our heads with my mental essence ... Lily sits up kind of slowly with one arm pushing her up and then grabs the marbled tablet in the air to decipher its contents.


[ Inheritance of the ... God Rank: Prismatic Flame Phoenix Dragon ]

- Description: This inheritance can only be granted to an non cultivating woman ( human / demi-human ) that is an virgin, between the ages of 17-24 ... Grants the user of the inheritance the abilities / traits of both dragons and phoenix's ! .. Grants the user immense affinity to holy / fire / space elements .... High affinity with wind & ying /yang elements from the phoenix bloodline ... & ... supernatural senses / supernatural physical conditioning from the dragon bloodline . Immune to all magic under God Rank ! ... ( Evolvable )


•Lily: ( tilts head to look vontè in his eyes & then back to this inheritance )

" I'm totally fine with having another sister ! .. & with what you've told me earlier about the village in the west of here .. Hmm? .. this seems like a coincidence babe; What if it resonates with someone over there lol ...


•Vontè: " Now that you've spoken about it .. that might actually happen Lily .. but firstly though .. you keep looking at me and moving your hips like you're ready again my love ... I really -


- Before I can speak anymore words, ... my lips were snatched away from Lily as we started french kissing for a few moments ... after a few passionate kisses, ... she takes control and starts to slowly grind away my worries for the next day while also ending off the night in the best way ...


- I woke early the next day after an very relaxed sleep around 7 in the morning and headed out to hunt for ingredients in order to cook breakfast for my wife and disciples and to also do some basic morning exercise after my morning hygiene routine ! -


- While I'm walking within the outskirts off the forest, I managed to find an Gold rank wild honey snout boar to use as the meat dish and also an nice sized haul of eggs from an speckled wing hawk colony that made their nest just above my head from where I swiftly killed the boar ! -


- My ( • treasure ping • ) skill is passive so it automatically detects any treasure or herb in my immediate 10 feet radius ! .. So along the way as I walk; countless fresh herbs, fruits and ingredients are being placed in my inventory as I used ( • devour • ) on them ... As I'm weaving and jumping from tree to tree throughout the forest for exercise, I'm also thinking about the recipe to cook for my wife to fill her up, ... then the system notifies me about an rather interesting topic ! .


•• ! [ DING ]

•GS: [ Host, the inheritance is resonating with one of the premium gacha tickets ! ]


•Vontè: " Okay, that's not actually bad ! ... But I'll wait until I get back to my wife to summon, I'm not going to disrespect her like that ! "


•• ! [ DING ]

•• ! [ Confirming Command ... Done ]


•• ! [ DING ]

•• ! [ Receiving mental message from contracted beast KÄZMIK ]


- [ Master, these villagers are treating me as a god here in the western village not far from you ! .. I'm going to make it KÄZMIK GOLDSTAR'S TERRITORY !! I've also told them yesterday about you master, they're anxiously waiting and finished preparing for your arrival not too long ago ! .. KÄZMIK completed the mission perfectly right master !?


•Vontè: " HAHAHA ! " * sends back an mental message * ( Yes KÄZMIK ! .. You've perfectly completed the mission and I'll be there after breakfast ! .. I'm very proud of you ) .


- Now that I've prepared all the ingredients for breakfast, it's about 10 in the morning .. I head back to the final destination which is the kitchen and start to prepare the food for my family !


- Grazed Honey Boar Ham, Sausage & Bacon , ham & cheese omelets , wild blueberry pancakes / waffles , croissants, fruit salad , wild strawberry pound cake , regular lemonade for the twins and mango wine infused lemonade for the adults was what I've made for today's breakfast ! ... There's an very nice open garden spot on my sect grounds that can be used for breakfast gatherings ... It's the same spot where me and Thadon met our wives when returning yesterday!


- Using my ( • meta teleportation • ) skill ... I arrive to the very beautiful garden with an healing aura and created an large green marbled table and chair set to match the flora by using my ( • cosmic construct • ) skill infused with some nature energy from the surrounding to create harmony ! ... Placing the food on the table followed with some tableware I've also created to match the table set ... I can feel the presence of everyone before I can even call them lol .


•Elizabeth: " Goodmorning Lord Vontè , I didn't know you were also an master chef ! "


•Thadon: " ..... " ( currently too busy sniffing to speak )

•Elizabeth: ( smacks Thadon hard on the back of his neck ) * SMACK *

•Thadon: * Pow ! * .. " Ahh ! Morning Sect Master .. sorry I was lost in the aroma "


•Tristan: " G' Morning Sect Master " ( currently ruining towards the table )


•Rayleigh: ( mocking Tristan ) " Good morning Master ! I've reached an bottleneck in my cultivation last night, may I ask for guidance ? "


•Lily: ( walks up to hubby and kisses him ) " Morning Babe, I'm happy to see you "


•Vontè: ( kisses lily back ) " Goodmorning Baby & Goodmorning Everyone ! ... Before we eat, let's give thanks for the meal first ! "

( everyone then sits down in their chair of choice )


•Everyone: " Thanks for the meal "


- While everyone is currently stuffing their faces with the food on the table, I start answering questions while also providing the gameplan for today and future projects !


•Vontè: " Rayleigh, you'll just need to go gather some combat experience in the forest ! .. There's only so much that mediating on its intents can do for you, the other half is always practical / physical ! ... Elizabeth, I want you to form the alchemy division in the adventure guild and become its Sub Head Leader, are you okay with this plan ?


•Rayleigh: ( claps hand in gratitude ) " Thank you for the guidance Master ! "


•Elizabeth: " Lord Vontè ! .. It' has always been a dream of mines to have my own alchemy team ! .. Yes I will gladly take the offer and build the best alchemy division on UTOPRIME !


•Vontè: " I'm glad to hear that Elizabeth ! .. You have free reign to build the division as you like, I have faith in you ! .. Ahh, before I forget, take these:

( I proceed to take out two random cultivation scrolls , two random innate skill pills, and a tens of meridian cleansing pills )

•Vontè: " The golden pills are pills that'll grant you random powerful innate skills between gold - demigod rank .. the scroll also provides the same but in cultivation techniques ! ... The sliver pills with veins are ( • meridian cleansing pills • ) .. Your first task is to experiment and create copies of the ( • meridian cleansing pill • ) with at least 80% of the same quality, only then will I few it as a passing grade !


•Elizabeth: ( stands up from the chair and bows with sincere gratitude ) " Thank you Lord Vontè ! "


•Vontè: " After you guys finish, don't worry about the plates, they'll be absorb into the table due to an added spell I've added to the table and tableware ... Wait for me at the entrance of the sect , I must talk to my wife about some important matters .


•• ! [ DING ]

•• ! [ Host has received one gacha ticket from being praised by loyal follower ]

( 57 remaining gacha tickets & 2 premium summoning tickets remaining )


- After the Reddus Family all left together, it's just me and my wife left sitting by the pool with her on my lap as we talk about something important -


•Lily: " Is it about the talk we had last night babe ? "


•Vontè: ( woman's intuition sure is precise and scary ) .. " Yes, I have an new ability to summon things and the inheritance I've found is linked somehow to that ability ! .. I truly feel that the next summon is going to be linked to this inheritance ..


•Lily: " Baby, don't forget I was also your first contracted beast given to you by father .. I know a lot of your secrets lol "

( kisses my man on the lips because I love doing so )

" So summon my new sister and take out the inheritance also ! .. Hmm .. how about this, let's make a bet ! ... If the summon is not what you think, you must give me 20 innate pills and cultivation scrolls ! .. & If it turns out to be my new sister, I'll do whatever you order me too alongside with her .


•Vontè: " I love you so much my queen ! .. But be prepared to lose this bet lol "

( Hugs her tightly with a kiss on the neck )

" Let's summon her now then "

•Vontè: ( Hey Gs, Use the Premium Summon Ticket )


•• ! [ DING ]

•• ! [ Confirming Command Of use of premium gacha ticket .... Done ]


•• ! [ DING ]



•• ! [ DING ]



( New Wife Summon POV )

- After infusing my hands with purple qi to beat down that ugly double headed demon .. One hit was enough to make the demon bleed profusely .. I flung my ponytail as the poison hook pierced it's chest making it slump immediately to the ground screaming and squirming in the ground ... It's vile appearance made me cringe, so with a powerful palm strike, I completely erased its presence ! .. But before I can greet my sister after killing the demon ... I was surrounded in an very bright light and transported from my current world to an much more bigger and dangerous world !! .. But who would have known that in this distant and foreign world without my strength and skills of the former ... I would find true love, happiness and the meaning of real power !!


•• ! [ DING ]

•• ! [ Showing stats of new summon ]


• [ Name: *** Ziqian ]

• [ Race: High Demon ]

• [ Bloodline: None ]

• [ Sex : Female ]

• [ Age: 20 ]

• [ Cultivation: None ]

• [ Body Rank: None ]

• [ Strength: 400 ]

• [ Agility: 400 ]

• [ Magic: 1000 ]

• [ Vitality: 1200/1200 ]





AN: Thank you guys for taking time to read my first ever novel ! Truly blessed to have such amazing readers ! Don't forget to vote and comment to show me how much you enjoy my novel :) ! See you next chapter !!!