My second wife is badass and recruiting an whole village ! ( PART II )

( continuous )


• Zhiqian: ( In my old world I was one of the strongest and now I'm learning that level of strength is actually weak here ... Heeh ... Looking forward to learning about the cultivation and magic here in this world even more now ... & to think that he's actually three major stages below the highest stage at 17 ... He's kind, very strong and by the way that Lily looks at him with those affectionate eyes and smiles .. He's an even better companion ... His reasoning for summoning me was to have a new wife on his side, but I can tell that he's extremely loyal / passionate and will also love me with the same energy ... I genuinely want that and will gladly accept his proposal .. but I want to take it slow too get to know them better & too also better understand this world )

" What exactly is this inheritance ? .. &, I'm willing to marry you if you're willing to take the time to genuinely understand me and support my future dreams & goals ... One more thing, since this is an new world & since I'm also inside an new body somewhat ,.. I'm also going too change my name too Anastasia ! .. Signifying a new rebirth of life. "


( Back to MC )

• Vontè: ( Anastasia .... Such an beautiful name and significant meaning )


- I couldn't help but to stare lovingly as I listen this amazing woman speak her heartfelt words towards me ... Her deep violet eyes that seems too pull you into the abyss the longer you stare ... She's about 5'8 with an very curvaceous body that's tightly wrapped in an all black battle suit with silky long red hair braided in a long ponytail with an metal hook on the end ... There's also an tribal like scorpion tattoo on her left eye and her center chest also has an different tribal tattoo which is giving her an badass alpha woman type of vibe ... All in all , she's such an beautiful woman ! -


•Vontè: " That was always the plan my love ! .. A man is suppose to support his woman in all her endeavors ! .. But, please do tell ... What are you're current dreams & goals ?? .. As, since you've just recently arrived, it might be be best to take your time and get to know the world of UTOPRIME better .... ( I start using mental energy to place the inheritance in her possession ) This inheritance is called the :


[ Inheritance of the ... God Rank: Prismatic Flame Phoenix Dragon ]

- Description: This inheritance can only be granted to an non cultivating woman ( human / demi-human ) that is an virgin, between the ages of 17-24 ... Grants the user of the inheritance the abilities / traits of both dragons and phoenix's ! .. Grants the user immense affinity to holy / fire / space elements .... High affinity with wind & ying /yang elements from the phoenix bloodline ... & ... supernatural senses / supernatural physical conditioning from the dragon bloodline . Immune to all magic under God Rank ! ... ( Evolvable )


( Anastasia Pov )

- Once I received the inheritance that' somehow floated in the air towards me ... I'm guessing my husband -.. Ah I mean Vontè ( blushes very slightly ) used mental energy maybe ?? ... I started to read the ancient lettering which I can decipher somehow as it stated its requirements :

• 17 -24: ( .. I feel like I'm about 19/20 ... Check )

• Virgin: ( ..... check )

• Non cultivation: ( So thats why my original body has been altered .... I will not pass up on this blessing ! )

- Plus these affinities are very high tiered I think ... I must learn more about that also from him ... But seriously, this inheritance is very heavenly defying !! & He's using this as a wedding gift and proposal huh ... Such an smooth way of doing things I must say .. honestly, I'm very impressed and don't mind standing by his side for now on after this ... plus I also have an new lifetime sister with Lily ! .. This is almost like a fairytale and I'm now part of the main cast hehe ..


•Anastasia: " You know, I'm going to live differently from my past self ! .. This Anastasia will live freely & wild ! .. I have no dreams my beloved, only goals .. & an new goal of mines now is to create an dominant female warrior legion under our Royal Cosmos Sect ! ... ( I start blushing & let out an very loving genuine smile that I've never let out before as I stare into the crimson golden eyes of the man in front ) ... & another is to experience what the life of an married woman is like !


( Back to the MC's Pov )

- Once the golden words were spoken, .. I grabbed her while slowly pulling her into my embrace as I look deep into her eyes while also sealing a kiss as our bodies connected for our first ever hug ... She wrapped both her arms around my neck after standing on her tip-toes as she applied more force into her first ever kiss !


* SMOOCH ! *


- It was a very light hearted brief 3 second, but very meaningful kiss for the both of us .. Lily is a couple steps away smiling very lovingly watching as she gains a new lifetime sister while being filled happiness for our family growing .. After separating from each other, .. Anastasia leaned in quickly for another kiss before jumping back & applying some of her essence to the inheritance which started glowing more brightly by the second !


•Vontè: ( So some past knowledge of hers is actually useful here or the inheritance guided her to do so ... interesting .. Let's see what info we can gather on a later date ... Watching my wife is more important ... Ah, let's use my • cosmic construct • and create a new ring also .. )


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Host has created an new items ... Granting one gacha ticket ]

( 58 remaining gacha tickets & 1 premium summoning tickets remaining )


[ Under the Cosmos Bonded Love Wedding Rings ]

- Descriptions: 4 Wedding rings created by Vontè GoldStar for himself and his 3 beloved wives ... ( one more remaining until max ) ! .. The ring bands are created from the purest crystallized crystals of deep space infused with the purest of the cosmic essence to constantly further stabilize and strengthen their constitutions ! ... Right on the middle of the rings is an multicolored jewel that changes colors based on the angles of light that hits it ! .. They're also inscribed with runes to teleport of locate each other's presences by applying energy.


- After the bright light came and went ... Anastasia is suddenly wrapped within an aggressive prismatic color like flame that's levitating her up from the ground by an couple feet ... No screams or signs of being harmed .. Instead, she has an face showing expressions of full focus as she is integrating with the inheritance final transferring stage !!




- Suddenly a flash of strong wind gust and scorching flames spreaded out after the loud boom and screech which destroyed a part of the garden .. But with an simple wave of my hand the damaged was reversed ! .. Levitating back down from the air gracefully ... You can see a pair of fiery golden wings behind the back of Anastasia that disappeared the moment her feet touch the ground ! .. The first to congratulate her was Lily as she tackled Anastasia from the side hugging her tightly !


•LILY: " Congratulations on the successful breakthrough Sis "

•Anastasia: " Hehe ! Thanks Sis ". ( Hugs Lily back tighter )


- With one flap of my wings, I launched myself into the air with perfect accuracy to land next to my wives and once my feet touched down on the ground ... I approached them both and wrapped them in an hug at the same time ! ... A very cherished moment !


•Vontè: ( Hey Gs, give me Basic Updated Stats Of Anastasia ) .. " Okay my beloveds ! .. It's time to go handle the situation at the western village which will be rather quick and we can head back home too have some fun ! ... But firstly, these are for the both of you:


- The system displays anastasia's updated stats the moment my knee reached the ground & as I made two ... •( Under the Cosmos Bonded Love Wedding Rings )• ... hover in the air while I ask for both of their left hands which they rather quickly placed out as I put the rings on their left ring fingers !


• [ Name: Anastasia GoldStar ]

• [ Race: Demonic Phoenix Dragon ]

• [ Bloodline: Prismatic Flame Phoenix Dragon ]

• [ Sex : Female ]

• [ Age: 20 ]


• [ Cultivation: Upper God Rank 4 ]

• [ Body Rank: Phoenix Dragon Mimicry Body ]


• [ Strength: 5102 ]

• [ Agility: 5200 ]

• [ Magic: ♾ ]

• [ Vitality: ♾]


- After placing the rings simultaneously on both of their hands respectively, they both hugged me tightly and kiss me both after each other ... Pure bliss i tell you ... & I start looking at Anastasia's newfound strength from gaining the inheritance, there's much for her too explore and experiment now within herself and with the natural laws of the world .. But that can wait or can experienced with as we travel to the village ...


- We start walking towards the entrance while having our first conversation as we closely approach the Reddus Family .. That's about to have an great shock !


•Vontè: " Lets go to the entrance now my loves .. I've kept my disciples waiting long enough now lol .. "


•Lily: " Babe, I almost completely forgot about them lmao "


•Anastasia: ( looks admirably at my husband ) " You even have disciples " ?


•Lily: " He recruited and transformed an whole family strength by multiple stages !! "


•Anastasia: " Now that's unheard of ! .. But seeing how Vontè can just give out GOD RANK INHERITANCES ... * sigh * ... I can feel many surprises going to happen !


•Vontè: " HAHA! .. Ohhh, trust me my love, you haven't seen nothing yet !




( This is part 2/3 continuation, next chapter is the last of the " My second wife is badass and recruiting an whole village ! " )

•Author Note: YOOOO !!!!! .. How is everyone today ? Hope you are well !!! .. What's your favorite part of my book so far ? .. Once this chapter is posted, I will be doing a major cleaning and update for my book .. Leave some feedback & Thanks for reading !!! :)