Supplying Anastasia’s Valkyrie Legion !

- Sitting in an lotus position peacefully cultivating inside of his personal exotic looking garden. You'll find an very charming young man in his late teen years with an well built body - long smooth dreadlocks with one strand that's hiding an long scar going vertically down his left eye - levitating an few feet off the ground while absorbing all the purest elements inside of his body. This is our MC's current situation after his return from an short travel to the Dovokin Village.

( one hour later )

~ phew ~

= Vontè: " After an full hour of absorbing the surrounding elements - I feel more refreshed and my magical power has become more denser.


= [ Ding ! ]

= GS: [ Host has increased cultivation rank from Upper Immortal Rank 7 -> Upper Immortal rank 8 .... Granting host 2 gacha tickets for successful cultivation ! ]

( 65 remaining gacha tickets & 1 premium summoning ticket remaining )


= Vontè: ( Once I reach 100 tickets again: I'm going to do another massive gacha pull ! .. But, firstly: I should also go check up on Lily to see how she's doing with her cultivation and then go explore my sect to check upon my disciples. )

- After coming up with my gameplan until late nightfall. I was able to finally glance upon my private exotic garden and appreciate the peace that its blossoming. Since I'm not in an rush to do things: I just started floating instead of walking towards my room where Lily is currently cultivating. My section of the sect is detached from the sect itself and is instead hovering in the air too give me & my wives privacy ! As I'm floating down from the top tower towards my room: I couldn't help but to think about how things have been progressing lately for me, which brought an smile upon my face - but I was filled with great determination to bring glory to my sect and even more determination on becoming an better companion for my wives. There's not many doors due to the architectural designs of the entire sect - so keeping that in mind: I made our section more like an very luxurious open villa flat with an pool. Levitating in the air meditating in an lotus position next to the pool is Lily: She's surrounded by multiple electric sparks of green & red - with her 10 tails also floating around as if having minds of their own.


= Vonte: ( Hey Gs: What are those red & green electric sparks ? )


= [ Ding ! ]

=GS: [ Scanning the elements around host's wife Lily and her constitution ... Scanning completed ! ]


= [ Ding ! ]

= GS: [ Host wife Lily is currently attempting to fuse holy and cosmic elements into her lighting attribute to create a new form of lighting .. Success rate is 35% ]


- Seeing my beautiful wife trying her best cultivating made me very proud of having such an strong woman on my side: Not wanting to disturb her - I erased any sign of my presence and continued to watch her in an daze which had filled up my heart completely with wholesomeness. Further thinking about how to help my wife with her current situation - I've thought of an useful book that I've once found in Grandpa Klemu's library concerning an old powerful monarch with some of his techniques and used one of my innate abilities.


[ Diety Grade Innate Ability ] [ •Atheneum Void•] ( Void of the eternal library )

Description - Due to host having: ( •perfect memory• ) x ( • book keeper • ) x ( • devour • ) ... A new ability is created into where host can devour any book or piece of material containing knowledge or cultivation/body techniques and will create a book with the perfect translated contents inside an separate spatial void bound to the users soul containing everything that's been read or devoured .. ( Knowledge can be shared to individuals by using mental energy to create hardcover physical book copies ] .


= [ Ding ! ]

= GS: [ Host has made an copy of the: Diary of the Lightning Dao Emperor ]

- Description: An very old and ancient book about the Lightning Dao Monarch that use to rule over many territories in Utoprime during the Lost Era before the war. This book contains his daily life, experiments, knowledge of the lightning dao and some of his most useful cultivation techniques. It can also be said that this book is also his inheritance for one lucky soul who can master his teachings / knowledge .


- Once I quickly skimmed over the contents once more - I left the book on the bed alongside some meridian flushing / ultimate vitality and random innate ability pills to recover some of her lost fatigue and also to spoil her with a new skill or two. Not forgetting about later on tonight: I've also left a barrel of the mango wine for her to savor while reading the contents of the book until I arrive back later. My presence is still erased as to not disturb her - so I just floated from our private ground down to the sect.

= Vonte: " Hmmm: I should check on the smiting area and create some weapons for Anastasia's valkyries and the sect. "

- Still keeping my presence hidden - I start to easedrop on the conversations of my disciples thats exploring the sect grounds to get an general idea of their true thoughts as I approach the section of where I placed the smiting area - Which is located on the second tier layer of the sect.


" Its only a sect now: But whos to say that this wont become a future kingdom - The way the architecture is designed: It has me truly wondering what it'll look like if Lord Vonte was too add more additions and tiers !? "

" I never want to leave from this sect ! Lord Vonte is truly an gifted person to also be able to create such an breath-taking sect "

" You can say that again ! I thought I was going die in that secluded village without seeing the wonders of this world ! Now, with the resources and knowledge provided by the Sect Master: We can now grow stronger and explore this world ! "

" I'll prove to the Sect Master my determination to get stronger ! I wonder if theres an library somewhere around here ! "

" Ahh ! If your looking for the Sect library: Its on the third tier layer ! " * points up the stairs where people are walking back with some hard cover books * " Follow them and you'll find it ! There's some very strong techniques and a lot of new knowledge located there ! I'm going home to start practicing this new technique as we speak ! SEE YA "

" There's so much to explore: But my main focus is where this delicious smelling food is coming from ! " * sniff sniff *


= [ Ding ! ]

=GS: [ Due to hosts innate skill * empowerment of praise * .. Host has gained 3 gacha tickets ! ]

( 68 remaining gacha tickets & 1 premium summoning ticket remaining )


- After I've gathered enough intel from eavesdropping on my disciples - I've finally reached the smiting area which will be soon filled up with aspiring blacksmiters & new weapons - It's completely empty without any noise being made whatsoever at the moment: But, that's about to change ! I stopped hiding my presence and approached the desk to draw some designs for anastasia's new appointed valkyries !

= Vonte: " When one thinks about valkyries of the old: Spears - bows - longswords / claymores - daggers - shield and swords all come to mind: For the armor - I'm thinking about going simple with it: Black leather armguards for the forearm - Black knee-high leather boots - Black skintight leggings with the top piece being sleeveless. Which will all be enchanted with magic for added durability of course.

( AN: Type '' valkyrie avengers " for reference )

- But before I was able to start hammering away: I've heard an familiar voice walking into the smithy -


= Dimichi: " Thanks to the book the Sect Master handed over earlier: I've learned some valuable information and now I'm itching to start a new project - even if its just an simple dagger: I must create something !

= Vonte: " They say everything happens for a reason and now I have another set of hands "


* clack ! * ( sound of book falling )

= Dimichi: " AH !! ... Oh, its only you sect master ! I apologize for screaming and interrupting your peace !

* bows *


= Vonte: " Don't mind it dimichi - instead of apologizing - how about you come and help me create some weapons for our female valkyrie warriors.

= Dimichi: " Sect Master ! I'd be honored to help ! - Are you talking about the few hundred young females that left with Lady Anastasia earlier ? "

= Vonte: " Right on the nail dimichi ! Creating weapons for the sect is very easy for me and wont take long at all with my abilities - So instead I rather make sure my Wife's warriors are well equipped after their return from their first training. I want you to focus on creating basic spears & daggers for now with the yellow pigment iron - Show me your mastered smiting abilities and if I'm satisfied enough: I'll teach you the basics of forging weapons with magic after our work is completed.

- Once I've spoken my words and seen his resolve - I handed over the spear and dagger designs over to Dimichi so he can start working. The smithy area is very large with multiple forges , anvils , tools , etc - So there's plenty of area and space for multiple people to smith at the same time.


= Demichi: " As expected of Sect Master to have yellow pigment iron - This is one of the rarest metals around this area. My father has never seen this metal before and this is also my first ! Thanks to the book: I was able to recognize it ! The designs for the spears and daggers are easy to follow - combined with all the resources you have gathered here - Give me a few hours Master and I'll be able to make atleast 100 of each design.

= Vonte: " I'll leave the spears and daggers to you then Demichi. Also take this pill before you start your work - It'll grant you a skill to help you greatly on your smithing "

= Dimichi: " Thanks Master ! I'll leave now and quickly start working at that forge right there ! "


- Once I've handed over the random innate ability pill and watched him digest it - the system briefed me on the skill he had acquired which was something I didn't expect and then quickly got back to my work as too not lose out to this new monster !


•• [ Ding ! ]

•• SOS: [ Showing skill that was granted to: Outer Disciple Dimichi ]

[ Unknown Rank Innate Ability: Enhanced Flawless Craftsmanship ]

- Description: Users of this very extremely rare skill can flawlessly craft any item to sheer perfection. They can forge the strongest weapons - the toughest armors or the most powerful artifacts. Can use any known material to create anything.

1. Increases focus by 10%

2. All crafted items have an chance to become an magical item.


= Vonte: " I didn't think it'd be that powerful of an ability ! We may have an God of Smiting in the future ! HAHA . "




AN: Hello amazing souls ! Thanks for reading and I truly appreciate you for giving my novel some of your time ! See you next chapter everyone !