Time for Sect Rules , Planning and Distributions ! Part 1

- I've woken up early the next morning because a lot of things must be accomplished. But the sight of my two beautiful wives sleeping gracefully next too me almost made me forget my duties.

= Vontè: ( I'm truly blessed ! )

- Getting up from the bed as slightly as I could - I headed straight to the bathroom to take an quick bath and teleported straight to the smithy. The moment I arrived at the smithy - I became very surprised ! Not only did Dimichi complete the order of 100 spears & daggers - He has also created an glaive - rapier - katana - scimitar and is currently clanging away at the same station I've left him - working on an yellow pigment quaterstaff ! Before arriving I made sure to hid my presence just in case which was the smart thing to do !


= Vontè: ( What are his updated stats GS ? " )


= [ Ding ! ]

= GS: [ Scanning selected target • Dimichi • .. Completed ... Showing new updated stats ! ]


• [ Name: Dimichi ]

• [ Race: Human ]

• [ Bloodline: Black Flame Yang Body ( sealed ) ]

• [ Sex : Male ]

• [ Age: 21 ]

• [ Cultivation: Upper Platinum Rank 8 ]

• [ Body Rank: Upper Platinum Rank 8 ]

• [ Strength: 600 ]

• [ Agility: 480 ]

• [ Magic: 800 ]

• [ Vitality: 540 ]


- Not only did my apprentice blacksmith complete the orders and then some - he even leveled up two minor realms !! The future is looking very bright for my new disciple which is making me even more proud ! Since I've already gathered enough information from observing - I've released my hidden aura and approached Dimichi to remind him on the upcoming gathering of everyone in the sect at 12.


= Vonte: " Goodmorning Dimichi: I'm really happy to see your completed work and new projects ! Not only did you complete my orders on time - you've even leveled up two minor realms in one night ! That new skill you've received is definitely well deserved.


= Dimichi: ( wipes off sweat and turns around )

" Sect Master ! When did you arriv - ? Ah - forgive my rudeness. I meant to say goodmorning ! "

( scratches the back of head embarrassedly )

" I've been so focused on the forge and was in an trance like state the whole night ! - I've also created an few more unique weapons that crossed my mind - I hope you take an liking to them Master ! & Its not past noon yet is it Master !?


= Vonte: " No its currently close to 9 o'clock: Go wash up and don't forget the gathering at noon - You're family must also be worried since you didn't return back last night - Go and spend time with you family and we'll discuss more projects later on.

( I bet he didn't even notice that he has gotten even more stronger. )


= Dimichi: ( ~ phew ~ )

" Thank you sect master ! I'll also remind everyone on the way home and my family about the gathering at noon ! See you later "


- Once Dimichi had finished speaking his piece and had put the newly created quaterstaff in the cooling bin: He immediately ran off towards his home to meet with his family and to refresh his mind and body. The moment he left I was able to focus on my own task at hand - both anastasia and lily wanted their own version of the valkyrie armor I had created yesterday for the legion. Both of their armors will look the same as the legions - but made with different materials and improvements. First to be worked on was Anastasia's red version and then Lily's golden version of the armor: But, since the process of creating them are already solidified inside of my mind - I instead improvised & decided to work on both of them simultaneously - the improvements where very minimum: I've only added an self repairing rune for when / if their armors are damaged & slits on the back for their wings to spread when their ready to release them.


= [ Ding ! ]

=GS: [ Host has created a pair of God rank armor for the first time ! ... Granting 5 gacha tickets ! ]

( 75 remaining gacha tickets - 1 premium summoning ticket remaining )


[ Upper God Rank Armor: Improvised Valkyries Panoply ] ( Improved Valkyrie Coat of Arms ) Gold & Red Version

- Description: Armor created by the sect master of the ( royal cosmos sect ) for his wives ! This improved set of armor has been infused with magical runes for extra superior durability and to self repair when damaged - the armor will automatically shrink or expand to perfectly fit the wearer's body. Hidden compartments for items or daggers are located on the top piece & these improved armors also have slits located on the back of the top piece to let wearer's wings free.


= Vonte: " They'll love these armors and I guarantee that these will be worn today ! I'm actually looking forward to this lowkey lol "

( Hmm, I should also send an telepathy message to Thadon, Elizabeth and the Dovokins to remind them about the gathering in an few hours just to be safe and to also gather everyone. )


= [ Ding ! ]

= GS: [ Telepathy message has been sent to the following: Elder Thadon , Elizabeth , Beverley & Houton ... Completed ]


- Using the ( meta teleportation skill ) on the newly made armors - I sent them directly to the master bedroom where my wives are still currently sleeping: Last night was very spirited & vehement afterall ~ . Once the armors were completed: The next destination was to the inner world to check on Igneel , Kazmik and the newly acquired magical beast they've brought to me an few days ago - I also want to bring out the mini army of my thousand strong iron tooted dark flame wolves fufu ~. The moment I arrived into my inner world which seems to grow larger by the day: Every single magical beast inside my inner world were already lined up to greet me the moment I've landed my feet on the rich soil.

= Every other Magical Beast: " Welcome back Master Vonte "

= Igneel: " Greetings Master "

= Kazmik: " Master, Welcome Back !! "


= Vonte: " Goodmorning everyone. It brings joy to my face to see everyone here very aware and showing their respects ! Everyone but the wolves and Igneel may return back to what they were doing.

- Once my order was spoken outwards: All the magical beast walked back to the ( tree of life ) or deep within the forest of my inner world to roam around - Leaving just me , Igneel & just the normal iron tooted dark flame wolf; because I left the two alphas to breed more baby alphas wolves.

( I should make a harem for our young alpha wolf king and make an clone of myself to stay inside the inner world just too clone my magical beast for when I'm too busy ! - but let's leave that for later )

= Vonte: " Igneel, today I want you to take me to the location you've conquered after my speech to the disciples and all one thousand of you iron tooted wolves will also come with me ! Today you'll be able to make contracts with my disciples and find your life long partner !


= Igneel: " My pleasure master ! I think you'll love northern part of the forest for secluded training and would be able find many treasures / resources !

= Iron Tooted Dark Flame Wolves ( 1,000 ): "

~ howl ~ "


- Leaving the inner world with my army of wolves & Igneel on my side. I arrived directly at the foot of the stairs that leads into the sect & too my surprise - not only was Linqu guarding the entrance with full attention - Guts also returned back from his training and was going back and forth with Linqu about who's stronger between the two ! But the moment they've felt my presence - all hostile energy they had towards each immediately died off & both greeted me with smiles -

= Linqu: " Master ! Goodmorning ! This guy wont shut up about who's stronger and almost made me incinerate him to oblivion !


= Guts: " Try me mut ! "


= Linqu: ( body starts to turn into fire )



= Vonte: " Once my speech is over - you guys better go into the forest and handle business - no need to be infront of the sect bickering so early in the morning like some lovers HAHA ! - It's getting close to the destined time: So be on best behavior for now !


= Igneel: ( hmph .. acting so childish when they're both weak ! BAH )


= Vonte: " These iron tooted wolves are also going to the first officially tamed beast of the sect ! Guts: What type of beast would you like for an companion ? "


= Guts: " Lord Vonte: I would prefer an mad dog / strong canine beast if possible "


= Vonte: " Hmm: I actually have such an beast for you Guts ! "

( summons the albino war lion from inner world )

" This beast is called the ( Albino War Lion ) - A fitting name for an companion for an man as yourself, No ? Its current rank is Lower Lord Rank 2 & its also an male species. This beast currently does not have an bloodline - but its also one of the peak predators of this forest. Truly an Perfect Pair "


= Guts: ( Admires the Albino War Lion greatly with wide open eyes )

" Lord Vonte ! This beast is magnificent ! "


- The moment I summoned the Albino War Lion - Guts eyes turned completely starry and forgot about his previous altercation with Linqu just now. Making an cut on his right hand and on the lion's right paw - they've connected their blood together to create an eternal contract for life ! The moment their blood connected - an very bright red aura erupted out that covered both of them for an brief second to signify the successful contract. I walked away from the stairs of the sect close to the forest so that I'll have enough room between the approaching disciples , myself and the wolves.

( one hour later )

- The first to arrive were Anastasia and Lily respectively wearing their brand new armor - and I must say that both of them are truly very sexy in their skin tight armors ! They both walked up to me hand in hand after greeting Linqu & Guts and both gave me some well deserved morning kisses on the lips. Then next was the Reddus and Dovokin family.

= Anastasia: " I really love this armor dear ! Thank you for putting in so much care into it ! "

= Lily: " Ahh ! Not fair anastasia. You've spoken the same words I wanted to say ! But, just as she said babe - These armors are magnificent ! But wassup with all the wolves ? You giving them out to the disciples in the taming division right ?

= Vonte: " You're absolutely correct Lily - these wolves are the first tamed beast of the sect and will be contracted today to the taming division as an welcoming gift alongside weapons and the upcoming plans.


= Thadon / Elizabeth / Tristan / Rayleigh: " Goodmorning Lord Vonte "


= Houton / Beverley : " Goodmorning Master Vonte "


= Thadon: " Lord Vonte: Those beast wouldn't happen to be the - Iron Tooted Dark Flame Wolves right !? "


= Vonte: " Hoh: I'm surprised that you know about these beast Thadon. You really were meant for beast taming after all ! "


= Thadon: !?

" Lord Vonte; I've always wanted to tame one of these beast on my own ! - and with the numbers that presented in front of me right now - you must be awarding them to the first thousand that had registered to the taming division the other day ! "


= Vonte: " Is that the exact number that you've recruited Thadon ? "

= Thadon: " Exactly the same number Lord Vonte - 800 males and 200 females to be more accurate: all between the age of 15 - 30 "


= Vonte: " I also have an Alpha male and female version of the wolves that are currently eloping - I'll let you make an contract later. Now everyone come and stand on my side and wait for the disciples that are currently gathering to finish lining up.



