Fierce Battle Outside Nightmare Forest ~ !

( continuous )

= Vonte: " You weren't possibly planning on invading my territory with this type of firepower , surely you're jesting. Sir ( Semi ) Immortals ~


- After using my [ God Rank Innate Ability ] [ Universal Gravity Manipulation], most of the obsidian rank and lower were completely flattened face first into the grassy tundra - only those with great potential / luck or treasures were still barely breathing / conscious. The only ones still barely standing from the attack were half of the peak knight ranks and remaining lord's - the demigod and semi - immortal ranks were somewhat unscathed. I didn't want to completely destroy everyone with one move since I also want to enjoy myself with Igneel in this battle and with the small fries completely out of the picture - its time to make the blade of my scythe become drenched in the blood of the greedy cultivators in-front of me. But, just as I was getting ready for battle - something unexpected had happened.

= Vonte: ( Seems like I've underestimated one of the semi - immortals abilities by just a bit )

" Good move ! Still won't change a thing though ! Ha ! Igneel don't hold back against them."


= Igneel: " Yes Master ! "


( enemies POV )

= Immortal Mort of the Sky Ascending Sect: " LISTEN UP EVERYONE WHO IS STILL STANDING !! - Sir Immortal Blaze alongside 8 DemiGod cultivators will help me fight that strong red aura cultivator and the rest of you will kill his contracted beast ! This battle is one that requires every ounce of your strength or you will die very quickly & ANYONE that tries to flee, WILL BE CUT DOWN BY MY BLADE ! NOW, CHARGE FORWARD !


= Immortal Blaze of the Holy Light Sect : ( Wrong move ! )

" Immortal Mort !! Wait ! "




= Immortal Blaze of the Holy Light Sect : " .... "

[ God Rank Innate Skill: Blessed Revival Healing Light Dome ]

- Description: A special god rank healing skill that requires an cultivator of atleast Upper God Rank cultivation to activate. This skill will heal anyone who is not dead back to prime health with offensive and defensive buffs that'll last for 30 minutes. Once the buffs has wore off the user will not feel any fatigue or pain.


" Since he hasn't killed most of them - I've healed everyone back to peak health who were still alive with some added buffs that'll last 30 minutes ! Those who were brought back - stay close together and attack in groups ! Half will join us and the remaining will join in attacking the beast !! You guys better put its' head on a platter for Master Baron Crux ! NOW LETS CHARGE INTO BATTLE !! "

= All Standing Mob Cultivators: " FOR GLORY !! "


- The moment the words " FOR GLORY !! " has been shouted into the heavens. The grassy tundra started to quake under the numerous thunderous roars , insults , magical attacks and heavy footsteps of the Crux Kingdoms cultivators who started to run madly wild at both I & Igneel while brandishing their weapons towards my home and neck ! Some jumped into the air to prepare their techniques while the strongest of the entire group stayed circled around the two Semi - Immortals instead of joining the leading charge.

= MOB character: " Don't let me find your women after I kill you brat ! "

= MOB character:" He's nothing against these numbers and the Elders !! "

= MOB character:" He does look menacing .... But we will win this battle !! "

= MOB character:" That beast mana core is mines ! I'm going to feed it to my contracted beast ! "

= MOB character:" I'm taking his scythe ! That belongs to me ! "

= MOB character: ( This is suicide man ... YOU NEVER mess with someone who smiles at the sight of an army when their by themselves and can make spatial cracks in the ******* sky! NOT EVEN BARON CRUX CAN DO THAT ! But its either die fighting now or stabbed in the back by the Leader ! ) .... " FOR GLORY !!!! "



= MOB character: " [ Lord Rank Innate Skill: Deadly Foresight Sniper Kill Shot ]

= MOB character: " [ Knight Rank Movement Technique: Illusionary Misdirection Steps ]

= MOB character: " [ Demi - God Rank Innate Skill: Binding Whip of the Butcher Demon ]

= = MOB character: " [ Demi-God Rank Canine Beast Summoning ] - " Fight with me Mago ! "

= MOB character: " [ Lord Rank Cultivation Skill: Gale Lightning Strike ]



= Vonte: " Igneel - I've never seen you fight before, since I've sent you on that mission to subjugate this part of the forest awhile back. Show me the fruits of your training !

( smiles proudly at Igneel while ruffing up the feathers on the top of his head )


= Igneel: ( Time to show off for master !! )

" Leave it to this Igneel, Mast ~ "

* swish ! *

* swish ! *

* sizzle ! *

* BANG ! *


- While I was showing appreciation to Igneel and awaiting his reply - An long black streak & green lighting strike came right between Igneel & I - hitting a tree that was behind us, completely shattering it into splinters ! There was also some type of ghastly black whip that tried to touch Igneel, but was completely disintegrated on contact. Igneel taking major offensive to this action took immediate action - disappearing completely from my line of sight to attack the people who has just attacked us while we were speaking.


= Igneel:

[ DemiGod Rank Innate Skill ] [ Attraction Pull/Push ]


[ Lord Rank Innate Skill ] [ Lava Talon Slash ]

* BOOM ! *


- The moment I'd heard Igneel's screech - I turned my head towards the left and seen him flapping his wings mid-air in the middle of the charging low level cultivators - he immediately spotted the sniper who shot towards us and used his attraction skill to pull the sniper towards him and unleashed two deadly slashes across the bare chest of the cultivator with his dripping molten talons which immediately killed him & sent his lifeless body flying like an loosely stringed kite into the oncoming rampaging cultivators - not missing the timing for another critical attack - he unleashed another destructive skill by opening his mouth making an orange, white & purple colored ball from inside its mouth and immediately shot it out towards the nearby enemies - clearing out a nice path for him to land which will allow him to destroy them from middle of the formation !!

= Igneel: [ God Rank Innate Skill: Destruction Magic - Destructive Smoldering Breath Blast ] ( new ! )


- As I'm watching everything that happened within an span of a few seconds with Igneels first battle: the first batch of the enemies and long ranged attacks / spells are quickly ( finally ) approaching.

= Vonte: " So slow ~ "

- Using my new mastery of the scythe that's currently moving around me with just my mental energy - I controlled it in a way to block and cut in half the numerous oncoming spells and arrows.

* swish * swish * CLANG ! * swish * swish * swish * CLANG * swish ~

- The sheer speed alone that the scythe is flying around me is fast enough to create sharp wind blades that's randomly flying in all directions as its protecting me from the projectile spells and arrows by cutting them down. Some of the unlucky souls who where in path of the sharp wind blades were cut completely in half without even noticing what had happened to them. Once all the projectiles and spells stopped being launched towards me and the scythe stopped twirling around me - I've became completely surrounded by the mob characters - weapons ready , chants being recited , and martial artist ready to unleash their finest killing technique.

= Vonte: " If you're going to just stand around - Then I'll come to you instead ~ ! "

* crack ! *

- Just by adding a little extra strength into my legs as I lean forward while also grabbing my scythe firmly with my right hand - the moment I launched forward, the ground cracked under my feet leaving imprints of my black leather boots into the earth.

* swoosh *

- With just one leap - I was infront of the first casualty of the cultivators that's surrounding me thinking this will be an easy win ! -

* swish ! *

* plop ! *

= Vonte: " First sacrifice for my new blade ~ ! "

- Keeping up the momentum and element of surprise - I was effortlessly swimming within the ranks of the few hundred cultivators who are no match for my strength - let alone new mastery over my scythe. Heads were flying & dropping with each swing of my arm with a blood mist starting to form around me from the sheer number of severed necks constantly spraying the fresh blood into the air. Becoming drenched in the blood of the fallen enemies while wielding the blood red scythe is truly making me look like a true demon indeed - the system's notification is also constantly going off inside my head, which is why I've muted the notifications until after the battle.

= MOB Demi-God Rank character: " Not focusing will be your downfall ! "

[ Demi-God Rank Innate Skill: 100 Heavy Strikes of The Apex Tyrant Python ]

* clang ! * clang ! * clang ! * clang ! * clang * ~


- Suddenly appearing from behind me rising from a shadow was an Demi-God Rank cultivator that is trying to launch a sneak attack - I didn't bother to block any of the strikes because I wanted to test how powerful an Demi-God cultivator that's not part of my sect can actually become - But, alas: the swords strikes couldn't even leave white marks upon my skin. Disappointed with the level of skill - I cut him vertically upwards once I turned around and looked into his terrified eyes by flicking my wrist upwards to signal the scythe to cut him how I wanted. Not wanting to face the small fries any longer - I casted an skill that can eliminate an large area of enemies and teleported towards the ones who are expecting my arrival !

[ God Rank Innate Skill: Cellular Disintegration ]


[ Immortal Rank Innate Skill: Meta Teleportation ]


= MOB character: " Phew ~ .. I thought I was going die - glad that monster has le .. ~ !? "

* sizzle noise *

= Remaining MOB characters: " ACK ~ ! "


- The moment I've casted my [ God Rank Innate Skill: Cellular Disintegration ] - firstly was the lips to leave forever and then slowly from the tip of their toes towards the top of the head: an very wicked skill indeed, but - its an prime skill for killing and wiping out mobs, so I like it very much. My body is covered with old blood which has dried on my skin and fresh blood that dripping from the tips of my dreads and the whole blade of the scythe. As I'm approaching the two Semi - Immortals and their 8 Demi - God bodyguards dragging my scythe behind me intimidatingly - I suddenly hear an very loud and violent turbulent wind gust that has left an giant crater on the field - that one skill alone almost wiped out the enemies Igneel was facing !

= Igneel: [ Semi - Immortal Rank Skill: Smoldering Radiation Wind Storm ] !!


= Immortal Mort of the Sky Ascending Sect: " FORFEIT YOUR LIFE TO ME !! "


- The moment I've turned my head to peep at the battle of Igneel - I was victimized of another sneak attack ! This time from an cultivator with the space element - since he has appeared from an spatial gate on my blind side ! Bracing for impact - I swung my scythe towards his position, only to cut air and hearing an crisp swooshing sound !

= Immortal Blaze of the Holy Light Sect: " Stop standing around and ATTACK HIM ! "

[ Demi - God Rank Innate Skill: Purifying Bow of the Arch Angel ]

* pulling sound *

* BANG ! *

* spatial void opens / closes *


- The moment the Semi - Immortal from the Holy Light Sect released multiple strong arrow towards my direction - an spatial opened up and closed as soon the arrows went inside of it ! Suddenly 10 black spatial gates opened up around me as 10 big white arrows came out from them very quickly !

* BANG ! * BANG ! * BANG ! BANG ! ~

- All arrows were a miss because the moment I felt distortions around me - I've leaped forward towards the Immortal of the Holy Light Sect and swung very hard towards his direction, which caused an large red wind blade to fly towards him with very fast speed ! -

= Immortal Blaze of the Holy Light Sect: [ Demi - God Rank Defensive Weapon: Shield of the Holy Foundation ]

* BANG ! *

- The impact was enough to back him up 10 steps from that one attack ! Not giving me any time for an counterattack - Immortal Mort of the Sky Ascending Sect stepped out from the void and quickly threw an heavy punch towards the back of my head ! Dodging the strike by squatting down - I countered by performing an sweeping kick - followed with another frontal kick to the stomach that sent him flying towards the Demi - God cultivators !

= Vonte:

[ DemiGod Rank Innate Ability ] [ Cosmic Flame Bolts ]


[ Immortal Rank Innate Skill: Meta Teleportation ]

- Sending out the cosmic flame bolts towards the unprepared Demi - God cultivators who are about to catch the flying Immortal Mort - I quickly teleported towards one the demi - god cultivators that has lost sight of me: only to find himself looking at his own body from an very low angle the next moment. As soon the head dropped on the ground, I was immediately sighted and the receptor of some very ugly mugs and killing intent.

* Plop ! *

= MOB Demi-God Rank character: " Take this punch of mines !! "


= MOB Demi-God Rank character: * crunch *

[ Ingested a type of berserker pill ]

[ God Rank Cultivation Skill: Berserker Body Strengthening of the Ape King ]


= MOB Demi-God Rank character: [ Demi - God Rank Innate Eye Ability: Soul Tearing Attack ]


* swish * swish * swish ~

* plop * plop * plop ~

- Before their attacks could reach me - the scythe was the first to react and reached the necks of all the remaining 7 Demi - God cultivators ! Immortal Mort of the Sky Ascending Sect who took massive damage to his internal organs from the unblocked kick to his stomach was shaking as he started to stand up and immediately tried to caste an spatial gate to flee and recover and also Immortal Blaze who's preparing an retreating tailsman to also flee and report back.

= Vonte: " Not happening under my nose ! "

[ Unknown Rank Innate Ability ] [ Transcendent Negation ] !

- Description: An Godly Skill which can negate the powers and auras of any supernatural being semi-immortal rank and below.


[ Immortal Rank Innate Skill: Splitting Spatial Slash ]


- Feeling the spatial distortions in the air was all I needed to know that those two were trying to escape from the battle. To make sure that it doesn't happen - I've casted an negation spell to lock away all their powers and strength. I've also casted my new skill [ Immortal Rank Innate Skill: Splitting Spatial Slash ] to completely shatter their mana cores. The moment those two tried to flee was when this battle was over, but not my information gathering !

[ Supreme Rank Innate Skill ] [ Void Sealing ]

- Description: Host is able too perfectly seal people / beast using nothingness manipulation: making them completely nonexistent, unable to do any action - trapped in the nothingness, where no one will be able to sense their life-force / soul.


- I'll throw them inside the void and will leave an doppelganger of myself there as well to collect the information for me without having to personally go myself.

= Igneel: " Master !! I've completely destroyed all of our current enemies ! "

= Vonte: " Yes, Igneel ! I'm very proud of how you battled today and showcased your strength ! I can also see that you're fairly unscathed as well. Since its an early day, lets head back home. There's some matter to discuss and developments to be made !!





AN: Thanks for reading my latest chapter ! I appreciate everyone who reads my novel: Hope your still enjoying :)