Return of the Sect Master ~ Part 1

- Surprisingly, the battle did not last too long because of the overwhelming domineering strength possessed by the both of us & now it's time to cut my solo training regime and head back to the sect to gather my elders for important matters that MUST be discussed with some urgency. But before I was able to release my wings and blast off towards the sect - Igneel stopped me to speak a couple words and returned back to the cave we've recently discovered.

= Igneel: " Master, I'll stay behind and continue to cultivate inside of the cave - Kazmik is currently undergoing an major breakthrough and I don't want to disturb him inside of the inner world with my own breakthrough.

= Vonte: " A respectful and wise choice Igneel - that cave is indeed perfect for your cultivation base & will definitely benefit your next minor breakthrough. Stay for as long you need to strengthen yourself Igneel - I must attend to the sect about this matter.

= Igneel: " Yes Master "


- The moment Igneel understood my intentions, he turned around while releasing his wings and started airwalking upwards before finally flapping his wings towards the cave. Following the same actions: I released my wings and flapped them downwards really hard which sent me darting upwards into the air like an rocket. But, before heading towards the sect - I opened up my wings to stop my momentum and hovered in the air to send an telepathy message to the elders to return to the sect and meet me inside the meeting hall on the second tier of the sect with every single disciple.


= Ding !

= GS: " Would host like to send telepathy message to : Elder Thadon , Elizabeth, Guts , Houton, & Beverley. [ Y/N ]


= Vonte: " Yes, everyone but my wives - I'll be the one to inform those two personally.


= Ding !

= GS: " Sending telepathic messages to elders ... Done .. "


- Once the system told me that message was sent: It was time to head back towards the sect in order too visit my two beautiful wives & their newly created legion of valkyries. Using [ camouflage ] to hide my presence / aura too make it easier to sneak on my wives: I started flapping my wings towards their direction as I enjoy the peaceful and warm breeze that was flowing across my face with my locks dancing in the backdraft behind me. Igneel & I flew close to 200 kilometers towards the northern entrance of the forest which is just an short travel within this massive forest, so flying back did not last long at all since I was also anxious to see Lily & Anastasia after a few days of not being around the both of them. What should take the average mortal hours to traverse this land - would only take minutes or seconds with my flight speed. As I'm darting through the skies - I also started to look for the auras of my wives & their legion: which was an easy task - thanks too my newly enhanced senses. Once locked onto their direction - I can see both Lily & Anastasia just finishing what seemed to be an very intense sparring session because of the protective barrier around the female disciples and that part of the forest devastated with fires, broken trees and upheaved earth which looks as if an meteor shower has just blessed it with its physical presence. Both Lily and Anastasia are sitting on the ground with the backs touching together with the newly made armor almost falling of their bodies - but the regenerative features started to activate which made the armor look as if the intense sparring session never happened. Thinking the battle was over and getting ready to undo the camouflage to show myself as I approach them closer and closer - the both of them start to begin another spar !


= Lily: " ARGH !! AGAIN ANASTASIA !! "


= Anastasia: " Fufu - you may be stronger than me by a little Lil - but I have more experience against fighting stronger opponents ! Plus I've been breaking through like crazy - so I'm more closer to your cultivation base than you actually think !

[ God Rank Innate Skill: Holy Fire Construct: Holy Fire Gauntlet]

* Swoosh ! *

* Swoosh ! *


- Sending a surprise hook towards the right rib cage of Lily with her right hand covered in the holy fire: Lily was also quick to block the incoming hook with one of her tails & immediately responded back with an elbow strike towards the back of Anastasia neck which also managed to miss very slightly because Anastasia ducked just in time to miss the sharp elbow hook towards her weak point which is located close to the middle of the back of her neck. By turning her body slightly 180 degrees very quickly, she managed to catch the arm of Lily & performed an perfect over shoulder throw as she stood up which sent Lily flying into the sky ! Not missing a beat - Anastasia also released her wings and launched an frontal assault by unleashing countless black colored Fire balls and elemental blades at Lily who was also busy cutting them in half with her sword I made her back at Grandfathers Klemu private cave awhile back while also sending lighting bolts to destroy the ones she missed !

= Lily: " So scared that you have to throw surprise hooks and projectiles at me huh ANA !? TAKE THIS FOR ME ! "

[ Demigod Rank Innate Skill: Sparking Void Bomb ]


[ DemiGod Rank Innate Ability: Rapid Light Bang Bullets ]


= Anastasia: " SHI .. !! "

[ DemiGod Rank Innate Ability: Holy Fire Manipulation: Holy Fire Barrier of the Forgiven ] ( new )


* Bo .. Bo .. BOOOM ! *


= Anastasia: " Urgh .. "


- After sending the very large looking electric spark covered energy ball towards Anastasia with the golf sized balls filled with chaos light element behind it - those two skills alone proved an difficult test to Anastasia due to the gap of power levels and who's aftermath had dealt an great blow to the defense of Anastasia which inflicted some minor injuries.

= Anastasia: [ Unknown Rank Passive Ability: Tears of Healing ]


- Before those two gets into an even more serious mood: I released my camouflage and started to approach them out from one of clearings of trees they've created from the destruction of their sparring and used an area healing skill to gather everyone's health back to prime form.

= Vontè: [ Immortal Rank Passive Skill: Transcended Healing ]

- After using my healing skill: I started to view the updated cultivation's levels of my wives and disciples & I must say, for only two days worth of training - everyone here has become stronger from when I left them a few days ago.


= Ding !

= Gs: [ Showing updated cultivation stats of those current. ]


• Anastasia: [ Cultivation: Upper God Rank 9 ]

• Lily: [ Cultivation: Lower Semi - Immortal Rank 3 ]

• Disciples: [ 1 Knight , 2 Obsidian, 7 Diamond , 90 platinum, 75 Gold , 150 Silver , 75 Bronze ]


- Not bad for a few days worths of cultivation: You can instantly tell those with potential apart from each other. With more training those numbers will become more different as they progress through their cultivation stages. But, it's safe to say that I'm very proud of their upgrades & not too mention my wives ! Anastasia leveled up 4 minor realms and Lily leveled up two minor realms ! Shows the intensity and focus on their cultivation these last few days. Lifting up one of the dead trees with one hand and throwing it towards the side attracted the attention of everyone present which ended my spying on their last moments of their sparring, which was quite something indeed. Once they noticed my presence both my amazing wives flew towards me with open arms and sad expressions.

= Lily: " Babe, Welcome Back ! "

= Anastasia: " Welcome back love ! I've missed you very much. "


- After hugging them tightly and kissing them both on the lips to ease some of the loneliness. I looked them both into the eyes and told them how much I'm proud of their hard work.

= Vontè: " You two have done really well and I'm proud of your progress with your cultivation and also the disciples. I was going to wait a little longer to come get you two - but theres a change of plans since the neighboring kingdom wants to try and put its hands on our home. I'm gathering all the elders and disciples inside of the meeting hall: but I personally came to pick you up and bring you guys back to the sect. Hope you don't mind. "


= Lily: " I'm sure you'll inform us as we walk and more later inside of the hall - so I'm not worried much about it. But, I AM excited that you've came to pick me up ! "

* smooch *


= Anastasia: " It was an exciting and intense sparring / training regime indeed ! But, just as my sis had also stated love. Thank you for coming to pick us up personally - we've missed you dearly.

* ahem * ( clears throat )

" Valkyries, please go on ahead of us and we'll meet you at the meeting hall. There's some important matter which needs to be discussed by higher ups ! "


= Valkyries: " Yes Lady Anastasia ! "


- After watching the valkyries walk off until the last one has disappeared into the forest: Anastasia had stopped us from walking to get the details before everyone else about this important matter.

= Anastasia: " Please tell us the details my love - starting with the beginning. I want to be informed before anyone else about important matters.

= Lily: " Hence, the reason why he came to us personally and sent everyone else an telepathy messages in advance. But your reasoning is very right as well sis. As his wives we should also be informed about important matters first at all times ".


= Vontè: " I'm such an lucky man to have wives as you two. The crux kingdom has finally showed itself and in the worse possible way - they've plotted to take our home and make it their playground. Unacceptable ! "



