Update !! I’m so sorry for the disappearance!


Sorry for not updating in the past three months - life has become very tough and I needed to disappear for awhile to get on track. I've missed you guys very much and I'm back now !!! New chapters - characters - more battles and world building coming very very soon !!!

& hey - if you guys also have some feedback / ideas. Throw them at me !!! After all this book is for all of our enjoyment. So anything that you guys would love to see inside this series - let me know and I'll consider :) !!


Here's some food for thoughts also - just to put everyone's perspective to full power while reading. Well, more like some math of the size of UTOPRIME lol !

1 Jupiter can fit 1300 sized earths inside of it !

1 Earth = 25.000 miles wide ( 24.860 to be exact ) / 40.075 kilometers wide. 7 continents ( 57.268.900 sq miles / 148.326.000 sq kilometers combined ) 29% of the overall space of earth and 5 major oceans ( 139.668.500 sq miles / 361.740.000 sq kilometers ) 71% of the rest of the overall surface space: Meaning earth = 509.600.000 sq kilometers / 197.000.000 sq miles of total surface space !


Jupiter is: 88.900 miles wide / 143.000 kilometers wide. 79 moons surround it and the overall surface area of Jupiter is: 23.71 billions sq miles / 61.4 billion sq kilometers ! MASSIVE !!

UTOPRIME = 10 of those Jupiter's !!

889.000 miles wide

1.43 million kilometers wide

-surface area: 237 billion miles sq.

614 billion kilometers sq.

60% of UTOPRIME is land

40% of UTOPRIME is water

142.2 billion sq miles of land : 368.5 billions sq kilometers of land

94.8 billion sq miles of water / 245.6 billion sq kilometers of water.

7 major continents - numerous small manmade/natural islands - 1 major body of water ( sea of life ) surround by 4 earth sized moons that also holds life and mysteries , fufu :)

Now that's a big a** massive supreme world !!! That's why it's the only planet in its universe :)

New Chapter will be posted tonight !! See you guys later and in the comments !